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Why do you visit Wotmania? Druid - 14/01/2003 06:35:17 PM

Just wondering why no-one, apart from Simon, ever asked?

The Old Man of Oz

Object of Desire (retired)

The People's Front For Wongy Jnr.

"I blame Alric"

That's my little puppy!

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Why do you visit Wotmania? - 14/01/2003 06:35:17 PM 3380 Views
lol *beats you up* - 14/01/2003 06:36:36 PM 255 Views
YOU BASTARD! - 14/01/2003 06:37:04 PM 282 Views
Re: Why do you visit Wotmania? - 14/01/2003 06:37:26 PM 188 Views
For the hot kinky zoosex and ultra-low credit card APR - 14/01/2003 06:39:20 PM 250 Views
The hot chicks. - 14/01/2003 06:39:53 PM 255 Views
Because.... - 14/01/2003 06:45:50 PM 178 Views
Stunning Political Commentary *NM* - 14/01/2003 06:50:13 PM 172 Views
Well.... - 14/01/2003 07:08:43 PM 179 Views
Hot chicks? Where? - 14/01/2003 07:27:21 PM 1 Views
*Not responding to this... after this* *NM* - 14/01/2003 07:40:05 PM 176 Views
Check out my Pong thread. *NM* - 14/01/2003 07:46:31 PM 1 Views
Hmmm... - 14/01/2003 07:51:42 PM 1 Views
Because the monkeys whip me when I don't. *NM* - 14/01/2003 07:52:53 PM 186 Views
To read Vanin bitching about you reposting this thread. - 14/01/2003 08:14:08 PM 203 Views
Just so I can say "Wang" *NM* - 14/01/2003 08:14:56 PM 153 Views
For the community, and for the addiction and - 14/01/2003 08:15:42 PM 205 Views
Re: No! You may not! That is wong! - 14/01/2003 08:18:53 PM 1 Views
More homage than a repost - 14/01/2003 08:21:12 PM 1 Views
Re: Sure. - 14/01/2003 08:24:22 PM 1 Views
Quokkas? What is this "quokkas" of which you speak - 14/01/2003 08:27:16 PM 1 Views
Re: Har Har! *NM* - 14/01/2003 08:36:29 PM 1 Views
:p Waaaaaang. :p *NM* - 14/01/2003 08:44:39 PM 1 Views
your son - 14/01/2003 09:22:38 PM 1 Views
the buffet *NM* - 14/01/2003 10:35:36 PM 154 Views
Terrible person! - 14/01/2003 10:38:42 PM 184 Views
Because.... - 14/01/2003 11:40:55 PM 181 Views
Because I have many lovely friends here... *NM* - 14/01/2003 11:59:36 PM 163 Views
You have absolutely no excuse. None whatsoever. - 15/01/2003 12:09:07 AM 1 Views
*hangs head in shame* - 15/01/2003 01:28:48 AM 1 Views
Actually i'm just crashing here because my apartment got evicted. - 15/01/2003 01:33:25 AM 186 Views
So you should - 15/01/2003 01:35:00 AM 1 Views
Because.....because.... - 15/01/2003 02:04:25 AM 201 Views
Yay! *mumbles about old posts* *NM* - 15/01/2003 02:20:35 AM 175 Views
Re: So you should - 15/01/2003 02:56:08 AM 1 Views
Re: Why do you visit Wotmania? - 15/01/2003 05:30:24 AM 225 Views
Because I have nothing better to do with my time. - 15/01/2003 06:30:59 AM 178 Views
Seconds that wong. *NM* - 15/01/2003 06:31:50 AM 1 Views
to keep the spirit of Simon's thread alive - 15/01/2003 07:45:34 AM 175 Views
Nothing better to do - 15/01/2003 08:04:20 AM 187 Views
Beats doing homework *NM* - 15/01/2003 06:17:20 PM 160 Views
Because the cleverness is predictable and derivative. - 16/01/2003 01:26:07 AM 193 Views
it's addictive. *NM* - 16/01/2003 04:17:54 AM 155 Views
Re: Because you just have to? - 16/01/2003 07:27:17 PM 1 Views
It's the only homepage I can find in the "web" *NM* - 17/01/2003 02:32:37 PM 180 Views
Re: That is sad. *NM* - 18/01/2003 02:09:14 PM 1 Views
Yeah, the ... eh... ah... fuck it. *NM* - 18/01/2003 02:33:56 PM 1 Views
Visit! I'm locked up in the basement! *NM* - 18/01/2003 02:45:13 PM 161 Views
Re: That is true - 19/01/2003 10:38:18 PM 1 Views
Isn't that the section marked "Team"? - 22/01/2003 11:36:08 PM 1 Views
You will get this post deleted, saying that - 27/01/2003 09:33:43 PM 1 Views
Wotmania: the thinking man's alternative to work! - 29/01/2003 12:18:55 AM 131 Views
The Fonz says: heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy *NM* - 29/01/2003 09:59:32 AM 125 Views
Visit? I live here - 29/01/2003 11:29:25 AM 121 Views
I come to talk to my friends. *NM* - 29/01/2003 10:45:21 PM 108 Views
Who visits,I live here 24-7 *NM* - 29/01/2003 10:56:12 PM 128 Views
Are you still smouldering? - 02/02/2003 06:06:13 PM 1 Views
*dances to keep the party going* *NM* - 03/02/2003 02:13:00 PM 110 Views
What a wonderful idea! *NM* - 03/02/2003 08:07:56 PM 1 Views
*dances his hey-this-is-a-swingin-party-but-where's-the-cheese jig* *NM* - 03/02/2003 10:19:02 PM 1 Views
I wonder, will this post go on as long as Simon's did? *NM* - 03/02/2003 10:38:25 PM 124 Views
Probably and it's time you visited my post again jove *NM* - 04/02/2003 07:06:58 AM 1 Views
I thought you couldn't post on the old board anymore. - 04/02/2003 08:01:06 AM 1 Views
You can reply to old threads... - 04/02/2003 09:29:51 AM 1 Views
cool, maybe I'll check in on it sometime soon *NM* - 04/02/2003 09:31:38 AM 1 Views
Cheese? You want cheese? Are you a man or a mouse? *NM* - 06/02/2003 12:41:43 AM 1 Views
(Blank subject) - 06/02/2003 08:10:03 AM 137 Views
I am Jack's liver. I give Jack cancer. I kill Jack. *NM* - 07/02/2003 12:50:39 AM 122 Views
to keep this thread up *NM* - 08/02/2003 06:59:06 PM 103 Views
*feeds the post some Viagra* it'll be up for a while *NM* - 08/02/2003 10:20:12 PM 106 Views
it's the only way I get to..... - 11/02/2003 08:35:30 AM 121 Views
- 11/02/2003 06:13:40 PM 1 Views
sweet! - 12/02/2003 09:08:55 AM 1 Views
No. They are real. I meant virtual - 12/02/2003 09:24:23 PM 1 Views
well...... - 13/02/2003 12:48:51 AM 1 Views
[grumbles] - 13/02/2003 01:02:31 AM 1 Views
Can I have some too? - 13/02/2003 08:58:06 PM 1 Views
It slips on like a well-worn overcoat - 13/02/2003 09:54:29 PM 109 Views
my dad is the bestest! - 14/02/2003 12:35:43 AM 1 Views
(Blank subject) - 16/02/2003 04:43:23 PM 1 Views
for the free porn - 18/02/2003 05:44:29 AM 127 Views
oohyeah, baby - 18/02/2003 05:51:46 AM 1 Views
And don't you ever forget it *NM* - 18/02/2003 05:55:32 PM 1 Views
Been in chat late at night have you? *NM* - 19/02/2003 12:29:54 AM 1 Views
but babe..... - 20/02/2003 07:20:32 AM 1 Views
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Stop it! - 20/02/2003 07:30:18 AM 1 Views
*yawns* *NM* - 22/02/2003 12:52:04 AM 91 Views
Boo! - 25/02/2003 03:10:38 PM 104 Views
I just by it for the articles. - 25/02/2003 04:06:50 PM 104 Views
what happened to the porn? - 27/02/2003 09:02:20 AM 110 Views
To waste time.... because i have nothing beter to do *NM* - 27/02/2003 01:21:43 PM 95 Views
Because we're keeping the Dream....alive *NM* - 02/03/2003 06:18:30 AM 1 Views
*NM* *NM* - 02/03/2003 06:19:59 AM 99 Views
Swim suit issue? - 02/03/2003 08:20:08 PM 1 Views
Mmm sweet prono *NM* - 03/03/2003 11:21:40 AM 98 Views
prono bono? *NM* - 04/03/2003 08:02:07 AM 1 Views
Re: *NM*? *NM* - 05/03/2003 12:32:28 AM 1 Views
I could think of no witty repartee... - 05/03/2003 07:38:40 AM 1 Views
- 06/03/2003 01:33:05 AM 1 Views
The force is with you! - 06/03/2003 08:58:46 AM 1 Views
So what will PJ say when he sees you cooking me a roast - 06/03/2003 06:20:34 PM 1 Views
mono prono bono *NM* - 06/03/2003 10:48:00 PM 1 Views
He'd challenge you...... - 07/03/2003 06:35:39 AM 1 Views
the post goes ever on and on - 09/03/2003 06:00:10 AM 114 Views
[gulp] - 09/03/2003 06:55:24 PM 1 Views
Re: I'm here for the email *NM* - 09/03/2003 07:53:08 PM 101 Views
Long live the ASI *NM* - 10/03/2003 05:18:40 AM 1 Views
Re: It slips on like a well-worn overcoat - 12/03/2003 09:30:06 PM 1 Views
Re: [gulp] - 13/03/2003 05:47:14 AM 1 Views
for the inspired poetry - 15/03/2003 07:34:54 AM 96 Views
Re: I've just never been able to find my way out *NM* - 15/03/2003 08:51:26 AM 99 Views
Wotmania is like genital herpes - 15/03/2003 09:06:28 AM 125 Views
Take a left… - 15/03/2003 03:42:12 PM 1 Views
Umm - 16/03/2003 07:47:57 PM 1 Views
I, personally, like the cheese. *NM* - 17/03/2003 10:44:53 AM 136 Views
Australian cheese, of course *NM* - 17/03/2003 05:13:12 PM 1 Views
Nah, gotta be Norweigian Goat Cheese *NM* - 19/03/2003 12:53:57 AM 1 Views
They have goats in Norway? So that's what Norwegians are *NM* - 20/03/2003 07:45:43 PM 1 Views
to be a leader - 21/03/2003 08:21:34 AM 132 Views
I thought it was the beer - 24/03/2003 01:11:29 AM 1 Views
And maybe someday you'll accomplish that goal *NM* - 24/03/2003 02:01:47 AM 1 Views
Re: There's just one problem with that - 24/03/2003 10:19:56 PM 1 Views
Applies heart-lung machine to Dream *NM* - 27/03/2003 10:03:39 PM 1 Views
the pudding pops. *NM* - 27/03/2003 10:14:41 PM 122 Views
Jess? - 27/03/2003 10:22:43 PM 1 Views
Barry? - 30/03/2003 07:53:51 AM 1 Views
Well, that certainly enlivened the office - 30/03/2003 07:40:48 PM 1 Views
*giggles* - 31/03/2003 08:50:15 AM 1 Views
Re: Why do you ask? *NM* - 31/03/2003 04:57:29 PM 104 Views
Why not? *NM* - 31/03/2003 09:11:59 PM 106 Views
[makes mental note] - 01/04/2003 06:35:55 PM 1 Views
- 02/04/2003 02:26:59 AM 1 Views
I hear and I obey, great Lady of the North - 02/04/2003 02:34:24 AM 1 Views
If you do not ask, you do not get the last cookie *NM* - 09/04/2003 01:37:11 AM 1 Views
Re: Wotmania is like genital herpes - 09/04/2003 07:44:35 AM 1 Views
who let this post disappear? - 13/04/2003 09:07:55 AM 133 Views
Trudges into the post - 13/04/2003 11:24:15 PM 1 Views
Gotta beat Simon - 14/04/2003 09:43:41 PM 130 Views
took your time - 15/04/2003 02:55:36 AM 1 Views
yes, well.... - 15/04/2003 02:58:22 AM 1 Views
Love the smiley - 15/04/2003 03:06:07 AM 1 Views
Son? - 15/04/2003 03:08:45 AM 1 Views
so you should - 16/04/2003 12:01:58 PM 1 Views
WooHoo! - 16/04/2003 12:03:52 PM 1 Views
And where, pray tell, is mine? - 17/04/2003 11:26:48 AM 1 Views
Free goat cheese after 11 on weeknights *NM* - 19/04/2003 01:49:29 AM 106 Views
here ya go - 19/04/2003 09:45:49 PM 1 Views
Gee, thanks - 22/04/2003 01:11:54 AM 1 Views
Nine out of ten jordan readers prefer wotmania *NM* - 22/04/2003 08:57:21 PM 95 Views
*helps Druid keep this thread here a little longer* - 23/04/2003 07:45:09 AM 105 Views
because..... - 25/04/2003 10:36:33 AM 109 Views
<b>HEY!!!!</i> - 27/04/2003 12:48:39 AM 1 Views
oh well..... - 27/04/2003 05:25:30 AM 1 Views
Hey guys! - 27/04/2003 06:55:15 PM 1 Views
Slowly but surely you will be overtaken - 27/04/2003 08:42:15 PM 1 Views
! Totally sweet! - 28/04/2003 09:49:22 AM 1 Views
don't worry dad, I'll help - 28/04/2003 09:54:06 AM 1 Views
heretic? - 29/04/2003 01:40:33 AM 1 Views
Heretic. - 29/04/2003 01:45:51 AM 1 Views
Well..... - 29/04/2003 02:59:22 AM 1 Views
Ashamed? Of you? Never - 29/04/2003 03:13:43 AM 1 Views
eep! - 29/04/2003 10:21:06 AM 1 Views
You may very well go "eep!" - 29/04/2003 08:19:02 PM 1 Views
*faints* - 30/04/2003 09:56:52 AM 1 Views
people visit here for me - 01/05/2003 03:03:07 AM 89 Views
I can live with that - 01/05/2003 03:07:03 AM 1 Views
The only reason anyone should come here - 01/05/2003 07:25:27 AM 130 Views
you were trying to find your long lost son? - 01/05/2003 09:18:46 AM 1 Views
but.... - 01/05/2003 09:20:35 AM 1 Views
Hiding from your siblings, actually - 01/05/2003 10:22:47 PM 1 Views
Friends, Romans, Countrymen! - 01/05/2003 10:38:54 PM 1 Views
My feelings exactly - 01/05/2003 10:41:45 PM 1 Views
- 02/05/2003 11:47:44 AM 1 Views
you laud - 02/05/2003 11:50:12 AM 1 Views
I laud, you applaud, but what do the rest do? - 04/05/2003 08:51:12 PM 1 Views
but...... - 05/05/2003 07:58:34 AM 1 Views
Someone has to buy our beef - 06/05/2003 01:40:53 AM 1 Views
Someone has to buy our beef - 06/05/2003 01:40:59 AM 1 Views
Someone has to buy our beef - 06/05/2003 01:42:50 AM 1 Views
triple poster? - 06/05/2003 09:57:17 AM 1 Views
Maybe it was such a good point it was worth making thrice? *NM* - 06/05/2003 11:20:33 AM 1 Views
perhaps - 06/05/2003 08:47:02 PM 1 Views
I could say it is all Mike's fault - 06/05/2003 09:39:18 PM 1 Views
no. *NM* - 06/05/2003 11:46:26 PM 1 Views
you could - 08/05/2003 12:08:05 AM 1 Views
you could - 08/05/2003 12:08:06 AM 1 Views
you could - 08/05/2003 12:08:07 AM 1 Views
you could - 08/05/2003 12:08:09 AM 1 Views
Certainly works when you try it - 08/05/2003 12:20:08 AM 1 Views
Certainly works when you try it - 08/05/2003 12:20:08 AM 1 Views
Certainly works when you try it - 08/05/2003 12:20:09 AM 1 Views
Certainly works when you try it - 08/05/2003 12:20:10 AM 1 Views
Certainly works when you try it - 08/05/2003 12:20:11 AM 1 Views
yes dad, it was your turn - 08/05/2003 03:08:56 AM 1 Views
yes dad, it was your turn - 08/05/2003 03:08:58 AM 1 Views
yes dad, it was your turn - 08/05/2003 03:09:00 AM 1 Views
yes dad, it was your turn - 08/05/2003 03:09:01 AM 1 Views
and now......... - 08/05/2003 03:10:46 AM 1 Views
Cute - 08/05/2003 03:30:24 AM 1 Views
It will be a slow slow day before I try that - 08/05/2003 03:32:31 AM 1 Views
thank you - 08/05/2003 08:57:51 AM 1 Views
I can imagine - 08/05/2003 09:00:01 AM 1 Views
That's what fathers are for - 08/05/2003 07:35:52 PM 1 Views
[cuts son out of will] - 08/05/2003 07:38:06 PM 1 Views
for the baguettes - 09/05/2003 03:18:51 AM 102 Views
damn - 09/05/2003 03:22:33 AM 1 Views
All special sauces are, in fact, mayo - 09/05/2003 03:23:52 AM 1 Views
lovely - 09/05/2003 03:23:59 AM 1 Views
You only love me for my money - 09/05/2003 03:25:48 AM 1 Views
Save the whales!... The thread! *NM* - 09/05/2003 10:18:32 AM 98 Views
lovely - 09/05/2003 12:20:49 PM 1 Views
that is so not true! - 11/05/2003 07:16:37 AM 1 Views
Mayo and ketchup - 11/05/2003 09:08:41 PM 1 Views
Scoring - 11/05/2003 09:15:19 PM 1 Views
HEY! - 12/05/2003 09:40:21 AM 1 Views
Why, that's simple enough... - 12/05/2003 10:33:46 AM 102 Views
[examines his svelte sylph-like figure ] - 12/05/2003 07:17:57 PM 1 Views
aha - 13/05/2003 03:09:21 AM 1 Views
my goal? - 13/05/2003 03:12:34 AM 1 Views
Paula's Daddy called - 13/05/2003 03:12:54 AM 1 Views
*gulps* - 13/05/2003 08:22:30 AM 1 Views
You don't know? - 13/05/2003 07:19:02 PM 1 Views
hmmmm - 14/05/2003 12:46:54 PM 1 Views
I was referring to the thread *NM* - 14/05/2003 05:33:42 PM 1 Views
I am always right - 14/05/2003 09:11:17 PM 1 Views
right you are - 14/05/2003 11:27:18 PM 1 Views
to........ - 15/05/2003 03:08:47 AM 92 Views
Most would say the latter, but I know the truth - 15/05/2003 05:09:49 AM 1 Views
and the best way to go about it is..... - 15/05/2003 10:31:20 AM 1 Views
Hooray - 15/05/2003 07:35:24 PM 1 Views
- 16/05/2003 11:17:48 AM 1 Views
Bocconccini Cheese? - 18/05/2003 09:27:27 PM 1 Views
are you sure? - 18/05/2003 09:58:09 PM 1 Views
Quite sure, thank you - 18/05/2003 10:14:36 PM 1 Views
- 18/05/2003 10:31:06 PM 1 Views
So I can deflate my ego - 19/05/2003 02:07:12 AM 132 Views
I get them every week - 19/05/2003 02:26:33 AM 1 Views
Please do. - 19/05/2003 02:49:45 AM 1 Views
well..... - 19/05/2003 06:54:31 AM 1 Views
Nevermind... - 20/05/2003 12:34:13 AM 1 Views
- 20/05/2003 03:01:37 AM 1 Views
You're so cute when you're angry. - 20/05/2003 09:32:25 AM 1 Views
don't sweet talk me - 20/05/2003 09:04:14 PM 1 Views
Careful, that's a typical female trait... - 21/05/2003 04:22:57 AM 1 Views
Re: Why do you visit Wotmania? *NM* - 21/05/2003 10:31:13 AM 88 Views
well......... - 21/05/2003 11:44:40 AM 1 Views
Maybe I should put it in simpler terms.... - 21/05/2003 10:13:25 PM 1 Views
For the Beer - 22/05/2003 01:14:43 AM 104 Views
yes, well..... - 22/05/2003 08:46:17 AM 1 Views
to keep this thread going - 22/05/2003 08:48:41 AM 99 Views
Damn - 22/05/2003 10:21:44 AM 1 Views
you just have to....... - 22/05/2003 06:12:28 PM 1 Views
Ah, but I haven't - 22/05/2003 07:44:51 PM 1 Views
hahaha *NM* - 22/05/2003 11:42:35 PM 1 Views
For the entertainment chat frequently provides *NM* - 23/05/2003 07:13:16 AM 90 Views
- 23/05/2003 10:01:33 AM 1 Views
What's wrong with the Les Patterson political style? - 24/05/2003 08:47:15 AM 1 Views
you raise a good point...... - 25/05/2003 06:08:20 AM 1 Views
- 25/05/2003 08:55:22 PM 1 Views
chicken taka tala!!!!!! - 28/05/2003 10:29:28 AM 87 Views
Does that come in a bun? - 28/05/2003 07:28:11 PM 1 Views
it's a baguette - 29/05/2003 03:30:28 AM 1 Views
someone has to - 30/05/2003 09:09:08 PM 93 Views
youre so odd. - 31/05/2003 04:13:24 AM 1 Views
i seriously dont know why. *NM* - 01/06/2003 05:38:56 PM 90 Views
Red Star? - 01/06/2003 09:02:07 PM 1 Views
Not to post here that's for sure! - 04/06/2003 06:40:08 AM 134 Views
and you will never...... - 04/06/2003 10:14:25 AM 1 Views
Noooo! - 04/06/2003 10:23:31 AM 1 Views
There is one way to leave - 04/06/2003 08:13:52 PM 1 Views
TotMBotF? - 05/06/2003 05:36:54 AM 1 Views
Chicken *NM* - 05/06/2003 03:56:51 PM 78 Views
Tales of the Malazan Book of the Fallen - 05/06/2003 09:39:10 PM 1 Views
*Slaps forehead* - 06/06/2003 05:42:06 AM 1 Views
any respite - 08/06/2003 01:08:07 AM 1 Views
Dang! - 09/06/2003 10:00:45 AM 1 Views
It is.... - 09/06/2003 08:45:25 PM 1 Views
Welcome to the Hotel Wotmania? - 10/06/2003 05:52:44 AM 1 Views
Mirrors on the ceiling, the pink champagne on ice - 10/06/2003 08:36:03 PM 1 Views
Last thing I remember, I was reaching for the power switch - 11/06/2003 05:58:50 AM 1 Views
for the turkey spam - 14/06/2003 11:40:41 AM 99 Views
On your baguette - 15/06/2003 11:07:43 PM 1 Views
mmmmmm - 17/06/2003 02:56:48 AM 1 Views
DILLIGAF! - 17/06/2003 11:30:44 AM 107 Views
Please. This is a family site - 17/06/2003 08:22:15 PM 1 Views
Sorry - 18/06/2003 04:32:42 AM 1 Views
why the hell not? - 19/06/2003 02:39:24 AM 85 Views
*sympathises* - 19/06/2003 03:15:58 AM 1 Views
sorry, but.... - 19/06/2003 08:50:20 AM 1 Views
When the revolution comes...... - 19/06/2003 08:05:40 PM 1 Views
*cheers* - 20/06/2003 09:34:28 AM 1 Views
for the free lunch - 23/06/2003 11:56:31 AM 106 Views
Re: Your Drinking Problem - 23/06/2003 08:50:02 PM 1 Views
heh - 24/06/2003 03:09:24 AM 1 Views
For the succulent elderberries. Fer shure. *NM* - 24/06/2003 08:52:03 AM 73 Views
Tell stupid here what that means. Please. *NM* - 24/06/2003 10:17:57 PM 1 Views
He pays for the posts - 24/06/2003 11:54:34 PM 1 Views
Yes, that Simon person. - 25/06/2003 04:27:14 AM 1 Views
Maybe Druid just isn't very popular? *NM* - 25/06/2003 05:54:13 AM 1 Views
Stupid, where? I can only see Two Wongs here - 25/06/2003 05:57:03 AM 1 Views
Popularity is over-rated. Gimme POWER anyday *NM* - 25/06/2003 11:13:34 PM 1 Views
Maybe try kidnapping Pento and steal his power? - 26/06/2003 05:29:13 AM 1 Views
Because, I, singlehandedly, - 29/06/2003 05:25:23 AM 104 Views
Your reward will come in Heaven - 29/06/2003 08:17:44 PM 1 Views
I did!!! *NM* - 30/06/2003 04:03:55 AM 1 Views
sweet tie up - 30/06/2003 05:57:41 AM 1 Views
'Cause I want five posts in a row here *NM* - 01/07/2003 09:41:58 AM 98 Views
You just watch your self, "I want" doesn't get young lady! *NM* - 01/07/2003 10:54:59 AM 1 Views
*NM* - 02/07/2003 11:11:08 AM 74 Views
It is the same thing as - 02/07/2003 11:54:35 AM 1 Views
bananas in pyjamas are chasing teddy bears - 03/07/2003 12:49:08 AM 105 Views
Umm - 03/07/2003 12:59:10 AM 1 Views
Actually - 03/07/2003 04:03:08 AM 1 Views
actually, you missed my point - 03/07/2003 07:40:48 AM 1 Views
Oh good - 03/07/2003 08:07:34 AM 1 Views
- 03/07/2003 11:27:32 AM 1 Views
Hmmm...interesting profile pic - 03/07/2003 11:18:51 PM 1 Views
because I can can can - 06/07/2003 04:48:47 AM 96 Views
Moxy - 06/07/2003 10:29:30 AM 87 Views
Because you spam spam spam - 06/07/2003 09:14:44 PM 1 Views
quality time with the family - 09/07/2003 10:06:35 AM 85 Views
What do you want them for this time - 09/07/2003 08:29:28 PM 1 Views
This time...... - 10/07/2003 09:45:42 AM 1 Views
Trance? - 10/07/2003 07:04:07 PM 1 Views
to make people really come to appreciate spam for what it is - 13/07/2003 11:07:24 AM 86 Views
Because you make me *NM* - 13/07/2003 07:10:34 PM 97 Views
Pay him no mind, he has no life to speak of. *NM* - 13/07/2003 09:36:05 PM 1 Views
I have a problem with the white bits - 13/07/2003 09:50:12 PM 1 Views
Alrighty, who let it dissapear?? - 15/07/2003 10:08:22 AM 155 Views
I think someone needs to talk to Druid about his thread care - 15/07/2003 10:28:50 AM 1 Views
Perhaps I could call in Threadjackers Inc.™?? - 15/07/2003 11:09:32 AM 1 Views
Your sacrifice will be rewarded - 15/07/2003 08:07:17 PM 1 Views
It seems so blatant, somehow - 15/07/2003 08:09:59 PM 1 Views
Now that would be interesting - 15/07/2003 08:14:22 PM 1 Views
You need to find ways to tempt people in - 16/07/2003 04:16:31 AM 1 Views
With what, pray tell? Happy thoughts? *NM* - 16/07/2003 04:51:31 AM 1 Views
I thought you'd decided against that? - 16/07/2003 04:52:31 AM 1 Views
You just want our replies, you dirty old reply troll, you! - 16/07/2003 04:56:32 AM 1 Views
It's under consideration - 16/07/2003 04:59:11 AM 1 Views
I can see the advantages and disadvantages of that - 16/07/2003 05:17:55 AM 1 Views
You shouldn't worry about what Druid says - 16/07/2003 05:19:44 AM 1 Views
Well, we already for wads, that is *NM* - 16/07/2003 09:40:05 AM 1 Views
Yes, and look at what that's done to you reputations - 16/07/2003 10:11:08 AM 1 Views
50 signed portraits of me and a A$7 note are in the mail - 16/07/2003 08:45:50 PM 1 Views
How do you think signed portraits of me would go? - 16/07/2003 08:47:51 PM 1 Views
Sir!!! - 16/07/2003 08:59:42 PM 1 Views
wasn't me! - 17/07/2003 12:46:18 AM 1 Views
I'd go for one - 17/07/2003 04:22:54 AM 1 Views
I fear there has been a grievous misunderstanding my good sir - 17/07/2003 04:29:31 AM 1 Views
We'll see what they go for on ebay.. *NM* - 17/07/2003 09:35:04 AM 1 Views
Suckhole *NM* - 17/07/2003 09:37:19 AM 1 Views
Heh... - 18/07/2003 09:29:44 PM 89 Views
cause I can't be drunk all the time! - 19/07/2003 06:33:11 AM 101 Views
*nods* - 20/07/2003 07:05:53 PM 1 Views
It wouldn't work there - 20/07/2003 07:19:55 PM 1 Views
Please advise soonest on sharpening status of knife - 20/07/2003 07:26:40 PM 1 Views
[sobs] - 20/07/2003 08:20:22 PM 1 Views
Re: Your not getting my liver when your's blows up - 20/07/2003 08:36:17 PM 1 Views
sweet deal - 21/07/2003 02:24:56 AM 1 Views
It will be a couple of weeks, you can't rush craftsmen... - 21/07/2003 07:53:39 AM 1 Views
I'd cleared a space for it as well *NM* - 21/07/2003 07:54:34 AM 1 Views
If I swore you were an angel...... *NM* - 21/07/2003 08:27:57 AM 1 Views
I have one pinned to the dunny door *NM* - 21/07/2003 08:30:31 AM 1 Views
Because Druid is like a flower on a sunny day - 21/07/2003 08:36:50 AM 1 Views
I visit Wotmania because I want to know what a Pento is - 21/07/2003 11:33:37 AM 104 Views
Just make sure there are two packages - 21/07/2003 07:48:40 PM 1 Views
- 21/07/2003 07:51:30 PM 1 Views
Which side of the dunny door? - 21/07/2003 07:54:15 PM 1 Views
It is mystical being that is used to frighten children - 21/07/2003 08:03:35 PM 1 Views
*dashes in* - 22/07/2003 03:49:10 AM 109 Views
sounds unpleasant - 22/07/2003 04:20:09 AM 1 Views
I hadn't thought of that - 22/07/2003 04:21:43 AM 1 Views
'twas a cruel jest by Wongers - 22/07/2003 04:23:14 AM 1 Views
I was sat here the whole time waving at you - 22/07/2003 06:42:25 AM 1 Views
You mistake me, Good Sir - 22/07/2003 09:33:49 AM 1 Views
Do you really want to know?? - 22/07/2003 09:36:59 AM 1 Views
Oh, good. Another brick for my wall - 22/07/2003 09:01:46 PM 1 Views
He is famous for his hamster terrines and pates - 22/07/2003 09:39:05 PM 1 Views
[sobs inconsolably] - 22/07/2003 09:45:47 PM 1 Views
Oh no! - 22/07/2003 10:07:10 PM 1 Views
Ah. - 22/07/2003 11:04:40 PM 1 Views
You are priceless - 22/07/2003 11:06:34 PM 1 Views
You can rest easy, son - 22/07/2003 11:28:51 PM 1 Views
Nice.....true blue, too! *NM* - 23/07/2003 03:03:01 AM 1 Views
Wanna know a Wongy secret??...shhh!!Don't tell!! - 23/07/2003 03:06:38 AM 1 Views
*Books in at the Plastic Surgeon* - 23/07/2003 03:22:52 AM 1 Views
Your right...and Pento seems to be nicer than he used to - 23/07/2003 04:36:06 AM 1 Views
So true..... - 23/07/2003 07:45:06 PM 1 Views
I suppose so.... - 24/07/2003 04:29:45 AM 1 Views
Yeah. Just shooting them is a waste of money...... - 24/07/2003 08:17:10 PM 1 Views
It's my high edjumakashun, see *NM* - 25/07/2003 08:53:34 AM 1 Views
for..... - 25/07/2003 01:18:19 PM 90 Views
Waste not want not and all that - 25/07/2003 04:06:11 PM 1 Views
I have number 400!!!!!! Suck Spam!!!!!! - 26/07/2003 07:58:51 AM 87 Views
You've been eating burgers again - 27/07/2003 09:35:14 PM 1 Views
Number 400 what? - 27/07/2003 09:44:45 PM 1 Views
I got the 400th reply in your post - 28/07/2003 06:33:07 AM 1 Views
Not good enough - 28/07/2003 09:02:29 PM 1 Views
A Pento is what Pepto was made to fight. *NM* - 29/07/2003 12:20:21 AM 1 Views
the 2000th?! That's a lot of work to do! - 30/07/2003 11:21:29 AM 1 Views
the 2000th?! That's a lot of work to do! - 30/07/2003 11:21:30 AM 1 Views
the 2000th?! That's a lot of work to do! - 30/07/2003 11:21:31 AM 1 Views
Less talk, more action - 30/07/2003 09:30:18 PM 1 Views
Ah! Some action! - 30/07/2003 09:49:20 PM 1 Views
Wow! A triple post! - 30/07/2003 09:50:50 PM 1 Views
well...... - 31/07/2003 03:29:00 AM 1 Views
ok ok - 31/07/2003 03:30:58 AM 1 Views
lights, camera! - 31/07/2003 03:32:51 AM 1 Views
There's something not quite right with that statement.... - 31/07/2003 03:33:00 AM 1 Views
*doesn't prompt* - 31/07/2003 03:34:59 AM 1 Views
- 31/07/2003 03:35:36 AM 1 Views
*Still thinking* - 31/07/2003 03:38:48 AM 1 Views
heh - 31/07/2003 03:39:10 AM 1 Views
ah - 31/07/2003 03:43:27 AM 1 Views
*thinks dad should sully away* - 31/07/2003 03:46:08 AM 1 Views
Lets not comment on the soundness of the method though *NM* - 31/07/2003 05:50:33 AM 1 Views
you may have a point there - 31/07/2003 07:33:59 AM 1 Views
I resent that claim! - 31/07/2003 07:40:00 AM 1 Views
To use the toilet - 01/08/2003 06:44:14 AM 108 Views
Well fill a bucket - 01/08/2003 08:27:21 AM 1 Views
resent away - 01/08/2003 08:39:25 AM 1 Views
for snoopster - 01/08/2003 08:40:28 AM 97 Views
I love the sense of love and friendship that abounds *NM* - 01/08/2003 08:56:10 AM 108 Views
Tried that, it's a toughy and didn't even budge - 01/08/2003 09:24:56 AM 1 Views
Look I've told you, don't hassle me here - 01/08/2003 09:26:38 AM 1 Views
Hmmm.... - 01/08/2003 09:55:02 AM 1 Views
Thanks - I'll try that, and let you know how it goes *NM* - 01/08/2003 09:58:37 AM 1 Views
you are all man - 04/08/2003 02:10:13 AM 1 Views
Damn straight! - 04/08/2003 04:19:18 AM 1 Views
Yes, you are very much correct - everyone loves me *NM* - 04/08/2003 07:08:04 AM 1 Views
the two of you deserve each other - 04/08/2003 07:51:29 AM 1 Views
Bah! You're just jealous - 04/08/2003 08:00:36 AM 1 Views
yes - 05/08/2003 03:10:36 AM 1 Views
You sicken me - 05/08/2003 04:32:36 AM 1 Views
and you....... - 06/08/2003 09:39:10 AM 1 Views
to be honest though.... - 08/08/2003 02:52:26 AM 1 Views
*shrugs* - 08/08/2003 05:39:07 AM 1 Views
- 08/08/2003 07:20:23 PM 1 Views
The Opera Nights - 09/08/2003 07:23:54 AM 130 Views
and A Day at the Races - 09/08/2003 11:35:22 AM 1 Views
I refuse to respond with a , although I should - 10/08/2003 10:32:36 PM 1 Views
What is this? Tag Team Smut? - 10/08/2003 10:34:57 PM 1 Views
From Wongs and I?? - 11/08/2003 01:48:10 AM 1 Views
Don't come all innocent with me - 11/08/2003 02:03:21 AM 1 Views
What double entendres? I just saw to innocent comments - 11/08/2003 04:21:52 AM 1 Views
What?.....Have I missed something? - 11/08/2003 07:03:25 AM 1 Views
Yes, tehanu and I are cultured - 11/08/2003 07:06:10 AM 1 Views
Yes, that would seem to be likely - 11/08/2003 07:16:49 AM 1 Views
Mate, these are Aussie Sheilas you are defending - 11/08/2003 07:05:39 PM 1 Views
Who could deny such an obvious truth - 11/08/2003 07:12:51 PM 1 Views
Have you missed something? - 11/08/2003 07:30:31 PM 1 Views
I feel I have to defend tehanu, with her current sig - 12/08/2003 04:18:52 AM 1 Views
so that........ - 12/08/2003 07:53:26 AM 113 Views
- 12/08/2003 09:53:42 AM 1 Views
*NM* - 12/08/2003 10:02:19 AM 1 Views
What can I say? - 12/08/2003 10:17:29 AM 1 Views
*Coughcough*he'ssenile*coughcough* *NM* - 12/08/2003 10:19:09 AM 1 Views
LOL *NM* - 12/08/2003 10:26:02 AM 1 Views
Correct - 12/08/2003 05:56:21 PM 1 Views
Who was talking about you? - 12/08/2003 06:00:19 PM 1 Views
Simon? - 12/08/2003 06:14:02 PM 1 Views
Don't come all innocent with me. - 13/08/2003 12:10:12 AM 1 Views
well then, you must be a.... - 13/08/2003 09:30:30 AM 1 Views
It's the terrapins. EDIT: Oops. Posted in wrong place. - 13/08/2003 11:58:31 AM 1 Views
Like I's the terrapins. - 13/08/2003 12:21:32 PM 117 Views
Terrapins? You are seeing Terrapins in Ireland? - 13/08/2003 07:11:58 PM 1 Views
Walked into that one, didn't I? - 13/08/2003 08:19:29 PM 1 Views
awwwwwwww, but dad...... - 14/08/2003 12:28:51 AM 1 Views
Stick's son's head into a deceased quokka's bum - 14/08/2003 12:39:41 AM 1 Views
dead quokka?! Woe! - 14/08/2003 08:59:14 AM 1 Views
If I only knew you then. *sigh* *NM* - 14/08/2003 12:54:30 PM 1 Views
*never responded* Because I don't want to do the laundry... *NM* - 14/08/2003 01:05:59 PM 124 Views
Fine names; fine products - 14/08/2003 07:16:55 PM 1 Views
to give snoopster....... - 15/08/2003 10:16:02 AM 99 Views
Seems fair - 15/08/2003 10:49:09 AM 1 Views
It appears that way......but they can't all be that bad..... *NM* - 15/08/2003 10:58:37 AM 1 Views
it is fair - 16/08/2003 11:58:40 PM 1 Views
I visit wotmania..... - 17/08/2003 08:27:19 AM 84 Views
I think you're running low *NM* - 17/08/2003 09:24:03 AM 1 Views
You visit wotmania...... - 17/08/2003 10:52:10 PM 1 Views
well....... - 18/08/2003 02:13:00 AM 1 Views
I visit wotmania to...... - 18/08/2003 02:14:01 AM 78 Views
I visit wotmania to...... - 18/08/2003 02:14:02 AM 123 Views
Me too *NM* - 18/08/2003 02:22:37 AM 1 Views
Me too *NM* - 18/08/2003 02:22:37 AM 1 Views
Me too *NM* - 18/08/2003 02:22:38 AM 1 Views
Re: I visit wotmania to...... *NM* - 18/08/2003 02:23:54 AM 1 Views
I visit wotmania to...... - 18/08/2003 02:26:36 AM 1 Views
to talk to my buddies *NM* - 18/08/2003 02:42:59 AM 78 Views
I see your point.... - 18/08/2003 05:39:58 AM 1 Views
practice...... - 18/08/2003 07:07:04 AM 1 Views
I visit wotmania because wads would miss me if I didn't *NM* *NM* - 18/08/2003 07:23:51 AM 1 Views
I visit wotmania because wads would miss me if I didn't *NM* *NM* - 18/08/2003 07:23:52 AM 1 Views
Snoopmas - 18/08/2003 07:23:54 AM 1 Views
I visit wotmania because wads would miss me if I didn't *NM* *NM* - 18/08/2003 07:23:54 AM 1 Views
yes - 18/08/2003 07:45:57 AM 1 Views
And I just wish you were joking when you say that.....sicko - 18/08/2003 07:56:00 AM 1 Views
well, you are right about one thing - 18/08/2003 09:22:27 AM 1 Views
Bah! I say Bah! Bah! and thrice Bah! - 18/08/2003 09:50:17 AM 1 Views
To talk to your mamma about last night! *NM* - 18/08/2003 11:39:19 AM 76 Views
What makes you think I don't come here ?! - 18/08/2003 05:40:00 PM 1 Views
Sook *NM* - 18/08/2003 06:26:29 PM 1 Views
Welcome - 18/08/2003 06:30:03 PM 1 Views
You may practice - 18/08/2003 06:31:50 PM 1 Views
Kylie!!!!!!! - 19/08/2003 04:14:18 AM 1 Views
poor deluded snoop - 19/08/2003 08:12:46 AM 1 Views
*nods* I get ya - 19/08/2003 08:25:21 AM 1 Views
How could I refuse such a heartfelt proposal ?! - 19/08/2003 09:20:29 AM 1 Views
*wipes the drool away from the corner of his mouth* - 19/08/2003 09:29:47 AM 1 Views
For tehanu... - 19/08/2003 11:18:00 AM 1 Views
yes, yes you are! - 20/08/2003 10:48:48 AM 1 Views
oh dear - 20/08/2003 10:51:31 AM 1 Views
*wants to see the vomiting Italians* - 20/08/2003 11:07:45 AM 1 Views
I'm beginning to wonder *NM* - 20/08/2003 11:34:05 AM 98 Views
Re: God, I have no idea. - 20/08/2003 03:49:47 PM 77 Views
Sycophant - 20/08/2003 06:16:34 PM 1 Views
Sycophant - 20/08/2003 06:17:18 PM 1 Views
Where else would you find such........ - 20/08/2003 06:18:56 PM 1 Views
I thought it was for the home renovation tips? - 20/08/2003 06:26:52 PM 1 Views
Because our lifes would be poorer with out you... - 21/08/2003 04:17:11 AM 1 Views
It's to late, they've gone now - 21/08/2003 05:21:00 AM 1 Views
Pffft - 21/08/2003 08:36:15 AM 1 Views
See above *NM* - 21/08/2003 08:37:57 AM 1 Views
Why am I stuck in italics! I'm not keen on being singled out here - 21/08/2003 09:32:59 AM 1 Views
Italics suit you and your bent personality nicely - 21/08/2003 09:36:26 PM 1 Views
Your Nana is a very wise woman - 21/08/2003 09:41:11 PM 1 Views
whatever you say oh masterful one - 21/08/2003 11:34:45 PM 1 Views
Isn't there anything you wouldn't do for cash? - 21/08/2003 11:41:40 PM 1 Views
well..... - 22/08/2003 03:06:55 AM 1 Views
What's wrong with my personality? - 22/08/2003 05:46:05 AM 1 Views
I am the only Aussie who truly appreciates you, Snoopster - 22/08/2003 08:01:34 AM 1 Views
Re: I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100. *NM* - 23/08/2003 02:08:08 PM 89 Views
Re: Your abject failure - 24/08/2003 07:36:47 PM 1 Views
Refined.English.Gentleman. - 24/08/2003 08:27:34 PM 1 Views
Well, it is either 42 or 69, but I cannot decide which - 24/08/2003 09:04:08 PM 1 Views
it's in the pipeline - 25/08/2003 07:10:47 AM 1 Views
*trumpets*....*violins* - 25/08/2003 07:56:51 AM 86 Views
Yeah.......right - 25/08/2003 09:04:34 PM 1 Views
To pick up golf tips - 26/08/2003 01:35:09 AM 78 Views
I'm thinking of calling my band....umm, Osmosis, right? - 26/08/2003 09:16:34 AM 1 Views
Kylie!!!! - 26/08/2003 10:11:32 AM 1 Views
As a valued employee of Her Majesties' Government - 26/08/2003 10:18:19 AM 1 Views
Tips! - 26/08/2003 11:11:49 AM 1 Views
*feels ignored* - 26/08/2003 11:19:59 AM 1 Views
THE FONZ. - 26/08/2003 05:14:06 PM 77 Views
Nah. You wannabe more than a one-hit wonder - 26/08/2003 08:42:31 PM 1 Views
Why thankee, young Tiger - 26/08/2003 08:55:00 PM 1 Views
Still searching for that elusive Kilroy - 26/08/2003 09:09:19 PM 85 Views
Please say you'll forgive me Kylie - 27/08/2003 07:29:24 AM 1 Views
Of course, I forgive you.... - 27/08/2003 08:33:57 AM 1 Views
Where else... - 27/08/2003 01:42:40 PM 86 Views
ROAR! - 27/08/2003 07:21:06 PM 1 Views
So its not a business networking tool? - 27/08/2003 07:38:13 PM 1 Views
In my game..... - 28/08/2003 06:04:07 PM 1 Views
Don't they get annoyed when you hit them? - 28/08/2003 08:27:46 PM 1 Views
something like that - 31/08/2003 08:25:10 AM 1 Views
TO EAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 31/08/2003 06:35:39 PM 71 Views
My, what large tusks you have - 31/08/2003 09:25:44 PM 1 Views
No pints here, Pom - 02/09/2003 03:10:08 AM 1 Views
All the better to gore people with - 02/09/2003 04:26:33 AM 1 Views
tehanu chased him away - 02/09/2003 07:17:22 AM 1 Views
There is a slight problem with the main ingredients - 02/09/2003 08:32:35 PM 1 Views
Poor Karen - 02/09/2003 09:01:57 PM 1 Views
Yes, there is a risk she may have contracted a bad case of... - 03/09/2003 04:21:24 AM 1 Views
But I want newb! - 03/09/2003 04:23:52 AM 1 Views
Hmm... - 03/09/2003 10:12:43 AM 68 Views
Here's a word game for you - 03/09/2003 08:23:52 PM 1 Views
Mean, but possibly effective - 03/09/2003 08:36:21 PM 1 Views
Welcome - 03/09/2003 09:29:15 PM 1 Views
The middle one wasn't a word - 04/09/2003 04:20:18 AM 1 Views
Pure escapism. *NM* - 05/09/2003 04:28:39 AM 71 Views
OF. Pure and simple. - 05/09/2003 12:33:50 PM 82 Views
Quite understandable - 07/09/2003 11:34:12 PM 1 Views
I thought you were a site admin at - 08/09/2003 07:33:39 PM 1 Views
The pure sort is the best sort of escapism *NM* - 08/09/2003 07:34:35 PM 1 Views
I came for the free bar snacks - 09/09/2003 07:35:51 AM 71 Views
to annoy conservatives - 09/09/2003 08:38:44 AM 81 Views
Please forgive this uneducated American - 09/09/2003 12:47:53 PM 1 Views
So that's who ate them all - 09/09/2003 08:17:55 PM 1 Views
Sounds like a fair thing to do - 09/09/2003 08:21:15 PM 1 Views
I have no reason to claim national superiority - 09/09/2003 08:38:16 PM 1 Views
For the gossip. - 10/09/2003 11:21:59 AM 102 Views
This was also a jibe to the american publishers. - 10/09/2003 01:34:18 PM 1 Views
yes - 10/09/2003 06:27:06 PM 1 Views
For the gossip? - 10/09/2003 09:57:26 PM 1 Views
I would never post this on the OF Board - 10/09/2003 10:02:46 PM 1 Views
- 10/09/2003 10:12:06 PM 1 Views
- 10/09/2003 11:26:46 PM 1 Views
It's the subtext, my fine feathered friend - 11/09/2003 09:28:49 AM 1 Views
- 11/09/2003 02:47:04 PM 1 Views
I recommend a piss-up as the sure-fire cure for boredom - 11/09/2003 10:12:13 PM 1 Views
Re: Temporal Dislocation - 11/09/2003 10:34:53 PM 1 Views
And Druid is shouting - 12/09/2003 03:01:09 AM 1 Views
Glad to - 12/09/2003 03:10:11 AM 1 Views
Re: Temporal Dislocation - 12/09/2003 10:46:38 AM 1 Views
I shall bring the canapes - 14/09/2003 02:33:35 AM 1 Views
There is a slight possibility of a GotM - the author's cut - 14/09/2003 08:15:38 PM 1 Views
Lovely. Will there be pie? - 14/09/2003 08:27:02 PM 1 Views
Cream or humble?? - 15/09/2003 06:07:43 AM 1 Views
Neither cream or humble; tandoori chicken - 15/09/2003 08:23:25 PM 1 Views
Re: There is a slight possibility of a GotM - the author's cut - 16/09/2003 01:23:00 PM 1 Views
- 17/09/2003 09:58:56 AM 1 Views
well I have no life... - 17/09/2003 08:34:08 PM 78 Views
wotmania? Is that where I am? - 17/09/2003 11:12:13 PM 69 Views
- 18/09/2003 05:57:05 AM 1 Views
Wongie Ale? - 18/09/2003 10:54:27 PM 1 Views
Ssh. Don't let him know about the Fan Fiction stuff - 18/09/2003 11:01:49 PM 1 Views
Lets hope he didn't notice - 19/09/2003 04:18:58 AM 1 Views
To realise how much it is missed when it is broken - 16/10/2003 12:32:47 AM 57 Views
to keep this thread visable! *NM* - 19/10/2003 08:43:29 PM 63 Views
Thank you, gorgeous young lady - 19/10/2003 08:46:30 PM 1 Views
Yay! *NM* - 20/10/2003 12:12:50 AM 1 Views
The lemurs made me come and then they sailed off - 20/10/2003 02:43:28 AM 57 Views
Keep taking the medication. It will day - 20/10/2003 03:25:37 AM 1 Views
Yep, that would be TMJ. - 20/10/2003 10:36:07 AM 1 Views
- 22/10/2003 03:26:48 AM 1 Views
For the Aussies - 22/10/2003 08:51:05 AM 103 Views
Don't come the raw prawn with us! - 22/10/2003 09:33:19 AM 1 Views
To chew the fat *NM* - 22/10/2003 09:34:13 AM 87 Views
Are you out of chewing gum then? *NM* - 22/10/2003 09:46:09 AM 1 Views
Onya Wongers - 22/10/2003 10:39:06 AM 1 Views
- 22/10/2003 10:59:26 AM 1 Views
Meh...why not? *NM* - 22/10/2003 02:12:39 PM 72 Views
Ah. Blessed Poetry - 22/10/2003 08:25:06 PM 1 Views
Yes, but I had to use the F word on it. - 22/10/2003 10:16:24 PM 1 Views
Way to go! - 22/10/2003 10:41:34 PM 1 Views
to watch Two Wongs and tehanu deal with that upstart snoopster - 24/10/2003 08:21:19 AM 152 Views
Yeah - 24/10/2003 10:07:41 AM 1 Views
I thought you were going somewhere? - 24/10/2003 10:28:15 AM 1 Views
Thank you but - 25/10/2003 11:16:38 AM 1 Views
you're asking the wrong person - 27/10/2003 03:39:20 AM 1 Views
- 27/10/2003 04:15:25 AM 1 Views
awwwwwwwww poor thing - 28/10/2003 04:05:35 AM 1 Views
- 28/10/2003 04:57:46 AM 1 Views
So what's it to be...... - 28/10/2003 08:43:10 AM 1 Views
*rolls up with crash cart* - 28/10/2003 09:10:19 AM 1 Views
- 28/10/2003 09:27:10 AM 1 Views
suck my quokka spam you ho! - 29/10/2003 06:25:25 AM 1 Views
Wait.... - 29/10/2003 07:40:33 AM 1 Views
Furry? YES!........*big grin* - 29/10/2003 08:14:14 AM 1 Views
- 29/10/2003 09:48:23 AM 1 Views
I 'd guessed that was the reason - 29/10/2003 09:50:29 AM 1 Views
to drool over tehanu and Two Wongs - 30/10/2003 06:20:40 AM 116 Views
You need to come home. - 30/10/2003 07:20:28 AM 1 Views
You ARE God. - 30/10/2003 07:43:00 AM 1 Views
OY!! - 30/10/2003 08:11:04 AM 1 Views
Um.....yeah.....wads is a god. - 30/10/2003 08:37:15 AM 1 Views
Ahem. - 30/10/2003 08:37:24 PM 1 Views
No - 30/10/2003 10:06:09 PM 1 Views
Beware of Gods bearing gifts - 30/10/2003 10:17:57 PM 1 Views
Really Druid! There is no need to frighten him like that. - 31/10/2003 12:48:09 AM 1 Views
He needs to understand his precarious position - 31/10/2003 12:53:51 AM 1 Views
He does understand it, that's why he's reacted in a manly way to it - 31/10/2003 04:17:06 AM 1 Views
I'd imagine most of Druid's growing is done by now - 31/10/2003 04:19:31 AM 1 Views
- 31/10/2003 06:08:49 AM 1 Views
Think of it this way, snoop - 31/10/2003 09:22:33 AM 1 Views
- 31/10/2003 09:28:18 AM 1 Views
- 01/11/2003 06:50:11 AM 1 Views
I know it is - 01/11/2003 12:57:52 PM 1 Views
One should always grow - 02/11/2003 06:44:39 PM 1 Views
Idly wonders if snoop knows how big yabbies get? - 02/11/2003 07:07:30 PM 1 Views
Oh, Wongie - 02/11/2003 07:24:18 PM 1 Views
Has some idea - 03/11/2003 05:14:28 AM 1 Views
Sounds like you aren't taking very good care of your dogs - 03/11/2003 05:17:20 AM 1 Views
well, I guess you have a point - 03/11/2003 09:05:46 AM 1 Views
So you agree to the sauce then? - 03/11/2003 09:43:53 AM 1 Views
Only on the condition it's warm - 03/11/2003 09:59:06 AM 1 Views
Woe is poor Snoop? - 03/11/2003 07:31:14 PM 1 Views
Will you please leave the poor lad alone? - 03/11/2003 07:36:00 PM 1 Views
But I am taking very good care of them - 03/11/2003 08:07:58 PM 1 Views
Re: Why do you visit Wotmania? - 03/11/2003 09:36:16 PM 74 Views
Aw - 03/11/2003 09:49:53 PM 1 Views
Hello - 04/11/2003 12:20:50 AM 1 Views
On second thoughts.........torture away - 04/11/2003 12:30:02 AM 1 Views
But the Bush Tucker Man made it look so safe - 04/11/2003 04:19:14 AM 1 Views
So where did you go to school? - 04/11/2003 04:20:36 AM 1 Views
Poor boys - 04/11/2003 04:22:23 AM 1 Views
I knew you would see it my way. - 04/11/2003 07:33:25 AM 1 Views
You do like living dangerously - 04/11/2003 07:08:14 PM 1 Views
It no longer exists - 04/11/2003 07:20:42 PM 1 Views
Not poor. Fit, happy, healthy and gleaming - 04/11/2003 07:31:05 PM 1 Views
So you went through the British school system as well - 05/11/2003 04:20:48 AM 1 Views
If you aren't living on the edge... - 05/11/2003 04:32:16 AM 1 Views
Surely did - 05/11/2003 08:42:34 PM 1 Views
Meh! - 06/11/2003 04:22:13 AM 1 Views
For the high level of intellectual conversation - 08/11/2003 09:03:16 AM 106 Views
go suck spam - 09/11/2003 03:23:03 PM 1 Views
Are you pulling my pud? - 09/11/2003 08:37:23 PM 1 Views
We should be nice to our British friends - 09/11/2003 08:41:16 PM 1 Views
too much effort - 10/11/2003 02:28:29 AM 1 Views
Well it won't be you - 10/11/2003 04:10:45 AM 1 Views
- 10/11/2003 10:00:57 AM 1 Views
They're more of a secondary reason - 10/11/2003 10:25:56 AM 1 Views
While I fully expect the Kiwis to give us a Rugby lesson... - 10/11/2003 06:40:23 PM 1 Views
So... - 10/11/2003 11:37:22 PM 1 Views
Well not a witty riposte as such - 11/11/2003 04:14:15 AM 1 Views
to kill time - 12/11/2003 03:11:46 AM 91 Views
Yeah *goes to read content* - 12/11/2003 05:17:27 AM 1 Views
Forgive him, he is a bit upset at the moment - 12/11/2003 06:51:29 PM 1 Views
MUAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! - 13/11/2003 03:16:25 AM 1 Views
You mean he lost out to a Welshman for a sheep? - 13/11/2003 04:18:06 AM 1 Views
You are sooooooo mean! - 13/11/2003 04:19:25 AM 1 Views
No. The way I heard it...... - 13/11/2003 06:45:41 PM 1 Views
That's terrible....poor, very old wads - 14/11/2003 04:16:01 AM 1 Views
no, I am not mean - 14/11/2003 04:30:10 AM 1 Views