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mostly, i think... Kory - 30/01/2003 11:04:44 PM

Here's something that I don't understand. What the heck is with "n00b?" Apparently, it means "newbie." Um...Why can't you just write newbie, if you mean to say newbie? What's wrong with using real, actual letters instead of numbers? I mean, even if newbie isn't a real word, real letters would be nice.

*is not ranting. Just answer the stupid question*



*is ranting*

It is done to watch the n00bs try to not be n00bs when they type noob. maybe...

anyway, i like it better.


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n00b? What the heck...? - 30/01/2003 05:08:06 PM 164 Views
Aahhh... - 30/01/2003 05:11:09 PM 38 Views
But numbers are? Zeh. *NM* - 30/01/2003 05:12:22 PM 5 Views
Well, they give us more way to express... *NM* - 30/01/2003 05:15:25 PM 1 Views
I've only seen trigger do it *NM* - 30/01/2003 05:13:58 PM 2 Views
look like 3 posts down. *NM* - 30/01/2003 05:20:53 PM 3 Views
Listen u n00b - 30/01/2003 05:15:38 PM 105 Views
I think you need to get laid - 30/01/2003 05:17:24 PM 30 Views
Hehehe - 30/01/2003 05:18:23 PM 21 Views
Hmmm... - 30/01/2003 05:20:14 PM 21 Views
- 30/01/2003 05:18:50 PM 19 Views
I did. - 30/01/2003 05:27:52 PM 15 Views
Conclusive proof that Trigger is really nekro... - 31/01/2003 09:30:51 AM 19 Views
There is a perfectly good reason. - 30/01/2003 05:22:29 PM 33 Views
Uh...yeah, sure they'll be. - 30/01/2003 05:31:57 PM 14 Views
Because . . . - 30/01/2003 05:39:16 PM 34 Views
um...whats "1337"? *NM* - 30/01/2003 05:40:54 PM 6 Views
From what I can gather, internet geek speak. *NM* - 30/01/2003 06:02:56 PM 5 Views
obviously *NM* - 30/01/2003 06:20:45 PM 3 Views
Yeah, it is - 30/01/2003 08:31:08 PM 10 Views
Leet, short for elite, short for computer geek speak *NM* - 30/01/2003 10:16:12 PM 1 Views
I see said the blind man.... - 30/01/2003 08:15:20 PM 11 Views
Thats not a bad idea. - 30/01/2003 08:23:33 PM 4 Views
mostly, i think... - 30/01/2003 11:04:44 PM 7 Views
I don't know - I don't say either, anyway. *NM* - 31/01/2003 04:34:18 AM 2 Views