Please help me find my lost daughter. She was last seen in the 65th block of Mackert Avenue. She is missed muchly and her father Wulf`gar and i would very much like her safe return home.
She answers to the name of Clover,or Clovie, Clover`gar, or Crimson Tear, or ummm, well just stick with Clover for now..... i'm sure she'll answer to that....
She's 14 years old, precocious, silly, sweet, kind, impressionable (according to her), creative, clever, strong willed (or stubborn, however you want to put it), understanding, sensitive..... well you get the idea....
you may find her, writing, drawing, or playing her piano. but what she hasn't been seen at is her computer....
If found, please tell her, her mother is looking for her. Or just drop her in the nearest post box and mail her back home please....
Thank you .....
boo's heart and soul
"A few came close, but they ended up either having 3 nipples or an extra toe or some weird thing like that."
February 22 ,2003 .. a day that will live on in infamy for years to come