Or mine at least? *weeps or something*
*peeks out from behind fingers to see if anyone is buying into the fake tears*
Or how about warders? Whats the deal with those guys? I mean its all good when people get a life but it seems like you make a bond or something with a person and then the next thing you know they are running off getting themselves a life and you're left wondering who has to pay the check. *checks to see if that analogy ran away with a life of its own*
And then one day out of the goodness of your heart you make some guys day by taking him on with two of your female friends as your slave. He mentions that he likes to be dominated, you say hey, thats pretty sweet the three of us like to be on top and then, next thing you know. Hes gone and got a damn life too. *grumbles*
*bites the head off a random newbie*
Not to mention protectors of innocence and champions. Good grief, it seems that every person I make some kind of attachment to here goes away *sniffs deodorant*
*throws a pity party and is the only one invited, typical*
Engaged to be married to her very own Mr Rob
Once again I put the blame squarely on tight pants