Yeah, I'm just a yank, but I think that we have to do it. And I don't think that there is any way to not go to war. Sadam has frequently disobeyed the UN, the treaty after Operation Desert Storm strictly said that Iraq MUST disarm! And here weapons inspectors have found warheads designed to deliver chemical weapons that were not declared, notes and work from Iraqi scientists on their nuclear weapons program. Sadam has defied the UN countless times, and he will continue to do so because he knows that the majority of the nations there don't want to fight.
Sadam has used chemical and biological weapons against his own people? You have no problem with that? You have no problem with him sponsoring terrorism? What about all the other human rights violations? Are you just going to let him torture his own people?
Allilances were made for a reason, so that if a despot like this were to arise, then we could easily defeat him. I love how everyone forgets the past, in World War 2, it was the United States that came to the aid of Australlia, France, Britain, and the USSR. In Korea we helped the South, in Vietnam, we helped (all be it rather poorly). Now all we are asking for just a little support from our "friends". NATO and the countless other treaties we have make so that an attack on one is an attack on all! Do you just expect the United States to forget about 9/11? We said in the beginning, when we went to Afghanistan that this would be long and would take a lot of time. And yet now, barely a year gone by, most of our allies are backing down. You know that if it had been a plane to the Sydney Opera House or the Effiel Tower, or London Bridge, that the United States would be there to help you.
What is it going to take to get the world to realize that he has to be dealt with? Is it going to take a dirty bomb in Berlin? Or a small nuclear device in Rome?
The simple fact is that Sadam has to be dealt with. There is no way around it. I'm not advocating that turn Iraq into a giant parking lot (we have the ability to though), bleed the oil dry and then use Iraq as cannon fodder agasint North Korea, or whomever we go against next, but I'm just saying that this has to be done, and if everyone keeps saying "well it isn't our problem." then he wins. It is for the greater good that he must be dealt with.
Frankly if this is the way the majority of the world sees the United States, I advocate that the US withdraws from the UN, withdraws from the rest of world and enter isolationism. I'm sick of the United States always having to be the one out in front.
Next time you get your oil cut off, or someone detonates a car bomb in your nation, don't come to us for help, and see how you like when we say "I don't see how that's my problem." Because that is what the world is doing right now.