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France and Germany talking dual citizenship Literatedog - 23/01/2003 05:43:31 AM

Part of this just seems insane to me. Voting in each other's elections? Ack. I know the Europeans want to become a "United States of Europe", but even here I can't vote for another states elected official. Oh well, I'm glad I don't live there, or I'd be going insane wanting to yell at my national leaders.

By Kate Connolly in Berlin
January 23 2003

If evidence was still needed that the revitalised Franco-German motor is roaring along once again, it emerged when a proposal for dual citizenship between the two powers was unveiled.

The revolutionary initiative - part of a program to intensify bilateral relations - would allow German and French citizens resident in each other's countries to hold the passports of both states.

The plan was to be officially declared yesterday when 577 French MPs and 603 German MPs came together in Versailles for their first joint session of parliament to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Franco-German co-operation.

Other items on the agenda included the appointment of representatives from each country to co-ordinate bilateral policy, moves to harmonise laws and a plan to hold joint cabinet meetings.

The purpose of the dual citizenship declaration - formulated by President Jacques Chirac and Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder - is to outline the countries' vision of close co-operation, which in the past month has accelerated at a speed that has startled much of the rest of Europe.

The proposal would allow French and German citizens to vote in each other's national elections and is being presented as a model and initial step towards the goal of future European

Germany's parliamentary president, Wolfgang Thierse, welcomed the proposal, which MPs say is likely to take years to realise. "If Germany and France go ahead in this way then this is yet another step to getting Europe moving towards the future," he said.

Ministers from both countries were due to come together in Paris yesterday for their first joint cabinet meeting. Franco-German general secretaries, to be appointed in both countries, will be responsible for organising the twice-yearly joint meetings and for co-ordinating joint law-making. The French Prime Minister, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, has said he plans to employ a German citizen as a policy adviser.

Both countries were also due to announce that they would nominate common candidates for posts on international bodies, including sports organisations, and could hold joint sports events such as soccer World Cups or the Olympics.

Since the Elysee Treaty was signed in Versailles 40 years ago, Franco-German co-operation has gone a considerable way to healing relations between the former enemies.

If It Makes You Happy

Frankly, I don't know why anybody listens to actors about anything other than acting. Since when does the ability to fake emotions on cue like a sociopath make one an expert on anything?

France and Germany talking dual citizenship

France and Germany talking dual citizenship
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France and Germany talking dual citizenship - 23/01/2003 05:43:31 AM 150 Views
greater integration is good. - 23/01/2003 05:46:55 AM 16 Views
avert war it may, but i think they're taking it too far - 23/01/2003 05:50:34 AM 13 Views
that is because you do not care for supranational - 23/01/2003 05:54:09 AM 17 Views
interesting - 23/01/2003 05:54:56 AM 15 Views
Surely that's not dual citizenship, but political union or Anschluss? *NM* - 23/01/2003 06:17:34 AM 4 Views
*shrugs™* - 23/01/2003 06:20:02 AM 16 Views
alles will deutsch sprechen - 23/01/2003 06:37:29 AM 13 Views
Seems more like it's giving foreign workers more rights - 23/01/2003 06:55:34 AM 12 Views
even if it is just that, i still woudn't support it if i lived there *NM* - 23/01/2003 06:59:36 AM 4 Views
To be honest never would I! *NM* - 23/01/2003 07:20:37 AM 2 Views
Oops, bad me double posting *NM* - 23/01/2003 07:20:44 AM 6 Views
No, No, No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 23/01/2003 06:59:48 AM 33 Views
well thank you Sophy! - 23/01/2003 07:04:04 AM 22 Views
Of course!!!!!! - 23/01/2003 07:08:56 AM 15 Views
only for those living there - 23/01/2003 07:10:00 AM 27 Views
This was my understanding as well.. - 23/01/2003 10:56:42 AM 17 Views
great minds think alike - 23/01/2003 11:50:41 AM 9 Views
I think before to much longer all the Euro nations will eventually.... - 23/01/2003 08:18:17 AM 18 Views
There is still national indiduality... - 23/01/2003 12:02:21 PM 7 Views
We do not want to become "USE". - 23/01/2003 10:38:58 AM 19 Views
I find it amusing... - 23/01/2003 10:57:31 AM 26 Views
americans are taught teamwork - 23/01/2003 11:07:11 AM 18 Views
Screw'em both. *NM* - 23/01/2003 10:29:13 PM 4 Views
Where's that from? - 24/01/2003 06:30:29 AM 6 Views