This sauce they put on the steak is made with actual cream I think. Its not dark like the jagersuace. I had some Jager-cheese-shintzel the other day, sooo good. Man I think I'm gonna gain some weight living here...
now Jaegerschnitzel is made different ways, depending on the likes of the cook: Some put cream in the sauce, some don't. I even got it once with paprika. I like it best with cream and mushrooms amd possibly green peppercorns.
Maybe you mean Rahmschnitzel? (rahm=cream) Some chefs put mushrooms in that, too, although then it should be called Jaegerschnitzel IMO.
BTW on the pronounciation:
Jaegerschnitzel: yagr-shneetsl
On the gaining of weight: the sauces are the problem. Especially those with lots of cream.
What's the usual side dish with schnitzel at your area? Down here it's either french fries or Spaetzle (swabian pasta).
I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it.
(Terry Pratchett)