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What a cool survey!!!!!11!!1!! Trigger - 11/04/2004 03:29:57 PM

1. Are you dead?
2. Have you ever been dead?
I said yes to the first question. So this question is a bit redundant.
3. Do you know any dead people?
I know many dead people. Abe Lincoln and I have a golf date at four.
4. Are you a living dead?
No, just dead.
5. Have you ever been a living dead?
Yes. But it's highly overrated.. you can't move very coordinated like, and the whole desire for human flesh is quite unappealing.
6. Do you know any living dead?
Well.. lessee.. I believe my buddy TaskmasterJack fits that description.
7. Do you have living dead body parts?
That would make me living dead. And I'm clearly not. We need to work on your survey skills. Go see TaskmasterGena when you're done here.
8. If you do what body parts?
My wee.
9. Is any living dead stalking you?
Sadly, all my stalkers are alive and well.
10. Are you a stalker?
I am a celery stalk(er)
11. Are you stalking any living dead?
No. I prefer my vic.. uh.. stalkees alive.
12. Are you a vampire?
13. Are you a werewolf?
14. How many living dead or dead people do you think visits wotmania?
Well, <whisper>I see dead people</whisper>.
15. Are the writer of these questions a living dead or a dead person?
I would say a somewhat lonely soul on Easter Sunday. And it's 'Is' not 'Are'.
16. Are everyone dead but think they live?
I believe the correct phrasing of this question would 'Is everyone dead but think they live'. No, we are all alive and well in the matrix. Except me of course. I'm a dead vampire and/or werewolf. I totally rule.
Thanks for answering
I hope these questions haven’t made you depressed.
I hope that a camel spits on you tomorrow.
Please don’t complain on the grammar. I’m Swedish I haven’t got a clue what grammar is.
I don't care. Your grammar sucks.


Warder to Spettio


Mike Mackert stalks you on myspace.

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Questions about life and death. - 11/04/2004 03:10:25 PM 188 Views
Re: Questions about life and death. - 11/04/2004 03:15:20 PM 23 Views
Re: Questions about life and death. - 11/04/2004 03:29:47 PM 11 Views
Well. - 11/04/2004 04:23:55 PM 11 Views
Re: Well. - 11/04/2004 04:27:04 PM 10 Views
Re: Well. - 11/04/2004 04:31:16 PM 11 Views
Re: Well. - 11/04/2004 04:35:52 PM 8 Views
I had been wondering about that... - 11/04/2004 03:15:38 PM 24 Views
Re: I had been wondering about that... - 11/04/2004 03:22:45 PM 13 Views
What a cool survey!!!!!11!!1!! - 11/04/2004 03:29:57 PM 36 Views
Re: What a cool survey!!!!!11!!1!! - 11/04/2004 03:39:34 PM 22 Views
He's unique. *NM* - 11/04/2004 04:26:26 PM 6 Views
*dies* - 11/04/2004 03:32:09 PM 16 Views
- 11/04/2004 03:43:28 PM 13 Views
Mmm, fresh meat *zombie smiley* - 11/04/2004 03:33:43 PM 29 Views
Re: Mmm, fresh meat *zombie smiley* - 11/04/2004 03:48:40 PM 11 Views
I went to see the Dead. Does that count? - 11/04/2004 03:57:12 PM 9 Views
I don't know. Maybe. - 11/04/2004 03:59:51 PM 8 Views
Re: Questions about life and death. - 11/04/2004 04:27:43 PM 19 Views
Re: Questions about life and death. - 11/04/2004 04:34:22 PM 11 Views
Re: Questions about life and death. - 11/04/2004 05:06:39 PM 12 Views
Re: Questions about life and death. - 11/04/2004 05:11:41 PM 11 Views
Re: Questions about life and death. - 11/04/2004 11:50:50 PM 8 Views
My favourite subject. - 11/04/2004 05:17:22 PM 14 Views
Re: My favourite subject. - 11/04/2004 05:24:19 PM 8 Views
ok - 11/04/2004 05:45:55 PM 9 Views
Re: ok - 11/04/2004 05:51:27 PM 7 Views
Re: ok - 11/04/2004 06:01:11 PM 7 Views
Oh, that's good. *NM* - 11/04/2004 06:04:05 PM 6 Views
Answers about life and death. - 11/04/2004 05:51:28 PM 10 Views
Re: Answers about life and death. - 11/04/2004 05:58:37 PM 9 Views
Re: Answers about life and death. - 11/04/2004 09:14:49 PM 11 Views
Re: Questions about life and death. - 11/04/2004 06:12:32 PM 10 Views
Re: Questions about life and death. - 11/04/2004 06:17:09 PM 8 Views
Re: Questions about life and death. - 11/04/2004 06:25:37 PM 10 Views
*regrets clicking open this post* *NM* - 11/04/2004 10:43:46 PM 10 Views
Why, is it not a nice post? Better than drunken spam? *NM* - 12/05/2004 04:54:57 PM 5 Views
Re: Questions about life and death. - 12/04/2004 06:08:48 AM 13 Views
- 13/04/2004 01:45:01 AM 11 Views