Here I am. Exactly 2 years 2 months and 13 days after I first poked my nose onto this site, I have arrived at the plateau I first set for myself. Ten thousand posts. Unless i'm mistaken only 6 people have made this plateau before me, and all but Trigger has been at this site for more time, so this is definitely an acheivement to be proud of. But its not like number 10,000 crept up on me, its been coming for some time. SO i've had a great deal of time to sit back and wonder what i'm going to do to commemorate this moment, and quite frankly I had no ideas. None. Quite frankly its all been done. I considered doing a sort of countdown of my greatest posts, but Jack did something too similar for his 20K. I thought about telling my Wotmania history, but i've done that before with more cause. I even thought of spending the entire post talking about the people who keep me coming here and how much I appreciate them, but i'll be damned if the Project isnt just around the corner.
So here we are. I'm aimless, frustrated, and and completely at a loss for what to say or do.
So here's my idea.
I'm going to do nothing.
After all, its just another post. Posts come and go, but the memories of 10,001 thoughts, witty remarks, jokes, and empathetic bonding moments will never leave me.
A higher power bless you all for sharing this with me.
- RyanNeutral Observer
Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines