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Ten things I LOVE about Beki!!! Roonas - 27/04/2004 08:35:37 AM

List ten things you like about this person.

This is easy ... heck, I've spent a great deal of time listing these exact things to her ... so why not share with the rest of the world ... err, wotmania ...

1. Her kind, loving heart! She is the Sweetest, most caring woman I know (and yes, that list includes my Mom ... even though they may be neck and neck here ) ...

2. Her mind. The way she thinks, the way she approachs everything ... her mindset as much as her mind itself ... the way she sees the world amazes me ...

3. Her smile. Seeing her smile, the love and joy in her eyes ... especially when her smile just illuminates her face ... it's magical!

4. Her Sense of Humor! She is soooo funny, so wonderfully joyous. She can find the funny in just about anything ... and her jokes ... oh, her jokes are wonderful!

5. The fact that she is a Great Mother! Her love and care for her boys, and her family truly moves me. I love her devotion and dedication to her boys ...

6. Her unique spirit. She is soooo original. I have never ever met a woman like her ... whether it be through outward showings of her personality, or through inward observations ... she amazes me on a daily basis ...

7. Her Creativity! Through her many many talents, showing so much depth and regard for what she creates ... and as well her willingness to share those talents ... to open them up to people and to share of herself and her imagination ... I Love that about her!!!

8. Her Body! I could list 10 things here alone ... but having already told her many times of how beautiful she is ... I shall just save the details for between the two of us ... but suffice it to say ... she has a rare beauty ... a true outward showing of her inward spirit ... a sparkle in her eyes ... an amazing ability to show and express her emotions by not only facial expressions ... but with her whole being ... and that amazes and fascinates me to no end!

9. Her soul. This all ties in here, where the total of her comes into play. I Love Her ... for Her ... for everything she is, good/bad etc ... her kind, wonderful heart, her laugh, her sense of humor, her smile ... all of her ... I just Love Her!!

10. The tenth thing I love about Beki ... well ... it's simple ... I Love the fact that she let's me Love Her ... let's me be apart of her and her boys lives ... Her Love gives me hope ... gives me a reason ...

Also, as a bonus tell me something that was nice about today/yesterday.

I got to talk to Beki alot yesterday, on the phone and by NB as she kept me company while I was at work ... it was soooo NICE!!!

Ready.... go!

Oh ... err ... I already went ... Hmm ... *contemplates another go* (top 20?) ... nah, I'll just save it for when I can tell her myself ...

Nice post, Jenn!!



Near-Brother to Jeordam
KORY, JOE - you both are missed!

"Oh, in the company of the privileged and the nearly damned
Mixing like a cocktail of pure spirits slammed" ~ 311

Sacred Pie

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Ten Things I Like about You... or her... or him... - 27/04/2004 01:12:31 AM 297 Views
Marvin - 27/04/2004 01:29:12 AM 18 Views
oh! - 27/04/2004 09:50:45 AM 10 Views
Yeah - 28/04/2004 12:05:17 AM 5 Views
Sure - 27/04/2004 01:29:38 AM 34 Views
It is and it isn't. - 27/04/2004 01:38:08 AM 15 Views
Thanks, I'll need it *NM* - 27/04/2004 01:39:14 AM 3 Views
This one's for April - 27/04/2004 01:31:07 AM 30 Views
You made me cry! - 27/04/2004 12:36:52 PM 12 Views
Re: Ten Things I Like about You... or her... or him... - 27/04/2004 01:36:51 AM 9 Views
Okay, I'll do one. - 27/04/2004 02:02:34 AM 27 Views
I needed this, thank you. - 27/04/2004 02:38:56 AM 40 Views
10 Things I Like About wapster (well, why not?) - 27/04/2004 05:23:43 AM 13 Views
- 27/04/2004 05:30:59 AM 7 Views
That's No. 11! Right there! - 27/04/2004 05:53:58 AM 5 Views
okay, this is about my best friend then... - 27/04/2004 05:46:11 AM 24 Views
Ten things I LOVE about Beki!!! - 27/04/2004 08:35:37 AM 26 Views
Rebecca - 27/04/2004 10:02:24 AM 30 Views
Thank you so much darling you made my day - 27/04/2004 01:10:36 PM 11 Views
Eric, this one's for you: - 27/04/2004 10:49:39 AM 24 Views
My husband... - 27/04/2004 10:53:27 AM 11 Views
Isn't that the best? - 27/04/2004 11:11:38 AM 13 Views
Thanks! - 28/04/2004 12:27:27 PM 2 Views
*sigh* - 27/04/2004 11:33:27 AM 15 Views
This is for my Jensy... - 27/04/2004 12:33:33 PM 24 Views
wow... - 27/04/2004 06:54:08 PM 6 Views
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I'll have a go. - 27/04/2004 09:29:01 PM 9 Views
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