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Dressups for 19 year olds. linda_sedai - 29/04/2004 05:04:56 PM

That's right.

For my teaching practical experience this semester I am doing Children's Theatre (I.e. a group of us performs a play for children, and then do drama workshops with them afterwards) and the play is a cute story, told through a mish-mosh of Shakespearean plays.

I am a Macbeth witch

(Also, for those who care, Mormegil's cousin is Juliet [stupid pretty girl part ])

Yay, and i've been told by members of the cast that I'm the best witch. Yay!

How flattering of them.

Although, i know i only got the part because i didn't look right for the other female parts, and i ... well, act like a witch all the time, so it just comes natuarally. I cackle like a pro

Shakespeare rules


When in small doses

You've been listening to TMM.

Hmmmmm, there's not much of a reason for people to reply to this is there?

I'll give you a cookie if you do

Thank you, no. TMM thinks I should take it anyway and give it to him.

A witches cookies hee hee hee

So should I?

Linda Sedai Proud member of the Embroiderer's Guild of the White Tower

FAQ admin 'cos the FAQ is where it's at.

Currently working on: my 70th FAQ

The thirteenth depository : A Wheel of Time blog

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I'm a witch - 29/04/2004 08:30:24 AM 240 Views
Theatre Rocks! - 29/04/2004 08:32:30 AM 8 Views
mwa ha ha ha ha - 29/04/2004 08:38:01 AM 5 Views
*burns you* - 29/04/2004 08:34:42 AM 12 Views
why i being burned? - 29/04/2004 08:39:34 AM 10 Views
Because you are a witch....I'm a slave to tradtion, sowwy? - 29/04/2004 08:41:59 AM 7 Views
but i'm a goo.... actually, it's all good - 29/04/2004 08:44:44 AM 7 Views
That's lucky, it's a bit late to unburn you now - 29/04/2004 09:45:16 AM 6 Views
nah, she has hair - 29/04/2004 06:43:40 PM 5 Views
Oh - 30/04/2004 04:26:03 AM 4 Views
You're just perpetuating the negative stereotype *NM* - 29/04/2004 08:52:26 AM 4 Views
hrm... - 29/04/2004 09:11:15 AM 9 Views
Re: hrm... - 29/04/2004 06:48:00 PM 5 Views
no great surprise here - 29/04/2004 09:15:50 AM 15 Views
it's true, i see no need to deny it - 29/04/2004 06:46:45 PM 6 Views
whoa - 29/04/2004 07:30:14 PM 10 Views
Huh? - 30/04/2004 04:27:19 AM 5 Views
cookiecookiecookiecookiecookiecookiecookiecookiecookiecookiecookiecook - 29/04/2004 09:26:37 AM 13 Views
I want a cookie - 29/04/2004 09:50:59 AM 6 Views
take it - 29/04/2004 06:47:43 PM 7 Views
*takes cookie* - 30/04/2004 04:31:59 AM 6 Views
- 30/04/2004 06:35:32 AM 7 Views
Thank you - 30/04/2004 07:20:35 PM 5 Views
- 01/05/2004 08:15:17 AM 7 Views
I'm starting to suspect you're an evil witch - 01/05/2004 09:28:40 AM 5 Views
Then you are suspecting correctly - 02/05/2004 05:22:48 AM 5 Views
Now I know - 02/05/2004 05:25:34 AM 5 Views
**smites you** - 02/05/2004 06:04:41 AM 5 Views
arrrgh... *NM* - 02/05/2004 07:32:31 AM 5 Views
- 02/05/2004 07:51:32 PM 4 Views
which witch? - 29/04/2004 10:11:53 AM 4 Views
the best witch - 29/04/2004 06:50:26 PM 4 Views
hah! - 30/04/2004 02:25:39 AM 5 Views
Re: hah! - 30/04/2004 06:37:49 AM 5 Views
You don't have to give me a cookie. - 29/04/2004 11:31:36 AM 6 Views
phew, i running out - 29/04/2004 06:51:15 PM 4 Views
So you're the one who newted me! *NM* - 29/04/2004 11:49:31 AM 4 Views
Mmmmmmmaybe *NM* - 29/04/2004 06:51:43 PM 4 Views
Ask someone to marry you and look what it gets you *NM* - 29/04/2004 09:46:52 PM 4 Views
It's all snoops fault i tell ya *NM* - 30/04/2004 06:43:20 AM 6 Views
Have you been listening to Druid again? *NM* - 30/04/2004 10:43:12 AM 3 Views
I always knew you were evil. - 29/04/2004 11:50:30 AM 9 Views
Why didn't you tell anyone? *NM* - 29/04/2004 12:08:38 PM 3 Views
It's not that hard to figure out though, is it? *NM* - 29/04/2004 06:52:40 PM 3 Views
monique, darlin'.... - 29/04/2004 12:47:44 PM 12 Views
- 29/04/2004 06:54:20 PM 7 Views
Dressups for 19 year olds. - 29/04/2004 05:04:56 PM 8 Views
It's great huh?! - 29/04/2004 06:55:41 PM 5 Views
But I thought you were the devil! - 29/04/2004 05:11:03 PM 7 Views
i can be both - 29/04/2004 06:56:46 PM 5 Views
hehehe - 30/04/2004 03:41:17 AM 5 Views
*throws a bucket of water on you* - 29/04/2004 07:22:11 PM 6 Views
*NM* - 30/04/2004 06:49:47 AM 3 Views
i think I have reason to reply - 29/04/2004 07:38:40 PM 11 Views
i think so too - 30/04/2004 06:45:50 AM 7 Views
Repent! Repent! hmmmmmm cookie - 30/04/2004 01:49:39 AM 5 Views