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"Rudy" was a movie about Rudy Rutiger (sp?) Mat Maniac - 29/04/2004 09:56:10 PM

*pokes* Are you sure? Can you prove it?? *pokes harder*

I said "I know", that does not mean I can prove it One of those when you know, you know, things.

Who's "Rudy"?? *pokes some more*

He was a kid with minimal athletic talent and dyslexia who wanted to play for Notre Dame above all else. The Movie depicted the work and effort he put into achieving that goal (It is one of those movies that I still, after the 15th viewing, get a lump in my throat [when his teamates and then the stadium start cheering for])

"Anybody who goes to bed the same day they got up is a quitter."

Achewon Nutiket*

*Spiritual Guard

RIP Kory

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And now for one of the hardest single questions you'll ever hear... - 29/04/2004 03:16:38 PM 383 Views
Stuff. - 29/04/2004 03:17:30 PM 39 Views
And if you think about it... - 29/04/2004 03:19:26 PM 35 Views
Only if they answer honestly - 29/04/2004 03:21:22 PM 19 Views
- 29/04/2004 03:23:08 PM 19 Views
Damn strait they do... - 29/04/2004 03:31:12 PM 16 Views
That would take some time. I'm lazy. Nothing. *NM* - 29/04/2004 03:18:01 PM 9 Views
Re: And now for one of the hardest single questions you'll ever hear.. - 29/04/2004 03:20:23 PM 32 Views
True - 29/04/2004 03:21:51 PM 18 Views
Re: True - 29/04/2004 03:23:34 PM 14 Views
Gotta love my indirect pimps, huh? - 29/04/2004 03:26:48 PM 11 Views
Yes, yes, very subtle - 29/04/2004 03:30:18 PM 10 Views
Well... - 29/04/2004 03:37:11 PM 10 Views
Hmmm..... - 29/04/2004 03:45:06 PM 10 Views
its not what you know.... - 29/04/2004 05:32:54 PM 11 Views
Almost nothing - 29/04/2004 03:20:58 PM 17 Views
Not as much as i'd like to. *NM* - 29/04/2004 03:25:14 PM 9 Views
d@mn little *NM* - 29/04/2004 03:26:14 PM 9 Views
Easy - 29/04/2004 03:27:02 PM 37 Views
- 29/04/2004 03:28:07 PM 24 Views
Both *NM* - 30/04/2004 04:23:32 AM 9 Views
Wow, Donald Rumsfeld (sp-sorry) will now become of use to me - 29/04/2004 03:31:27 PM 32 Views
You know...(no pun intended ) - 29/04/2004 03:34:08 PM 17 Views
I Know *NM* - 29/04/2004 03:37:04 PM 10 Views
Now I understand why he's on Bush's staff... - 29/04/2004 03:43:54 PM 17 Views
No. What DR said there actaully makes sense - 29/04/2004 04:35:43 PM 16 Views
yes it does... - 29/04/2004 05:18:54 PM 16 Views
I know - 29/04/2004 03:31:53 PM 27 Views
Dare I ask why you remember that? - 29/04/2004 03:43:09 PM 13 Views
Wow, you are a brave man - 29/04/2004 03:56:34 PM 15 Views
- 29/04/2004 04:08:37 PM 15 Views
LOL - 29/04/2004 04:24:03 PM 13 Views
I know words. - 29/04/2004 03:35:32 PM 19 Views
OF post I made - 29/04/2004 03:42:07 PM 17 Views
<click> Thanks. *NM* - 29/04/2004 04:02:46 PM 9 Views
I know - 29/04/2004 03:45:53 PM 19 Views
Damn somebody already took stuff. *NM* - 29/04/2004 03:47:48 PM 9 Views
Statistically, nothing. - 29/04/2004 03:49:37 PM 26 Views
Or is it? - 29/04/2004 03:52:55 PM 18 Views
Not much. You? *NM* - 29/04/2004 04:01:32 PM 10 Views
This question reminds me of my American Lit class from today... - 29/04/2004 04:01:35 PM 14 Views
not my answer - 29/04/2004 04:03:08 PM 17 Views
Everything... *NM* - 29/04/2004 04:04:02 PM 9 Views
I know that I know very little... *NM* - 29/04/2004 04:09:32 PM 12 Views
Words of wisdom... *NM* - 29/04/2004 04:21:58 PM 8 Views
Two things - 29/04/2004 04:18:54 PM 20 Views
*looks at you suspiciously* - 29/04/2004 06:09:45 PM 14 Views
"Rudy" was a movie about Rudy Rutiger (sp?) - 29/04/2004 09:56:10 PM 224 Views
Everything. - 29/04/2004 04:22:36 PM 16 Views
Way to much about WoT and other pointless things. *NM* - 29/04/2004 04:24:11 PM 10 Views
I don't know much, but I... know I looove you.... *NM* - 29/04/2004 04:30:18 PM 8 Views
Very little - 29/04/2004 04:34:55 PM 11 Views
I know that which I know. *NM* - 29/04/2004 05:27:59 PM 9 Views
My brother sometimes... - 29/04/2004 06:11:25 PM 13 Views
I know nothing. - 29/04/2004 06:15:41 PM 17 Views
amen *NM* - 29/04/2004 09:12:18 PM 9 Views
very little - 29/04/2004 06:20:02 PM 9 Views
And now to quote one of the most insightful bands ever... - 29/04/2004 06:54:17 PM 12 Views
I know the following...: - 29/04/2004 06:59:16 PM 14 Views
I know lots about Movies and Alt. Rock, that's it *NM* - 29/04/2004 08:30:03 PM 9 Views
Not enough. - 29/04/2004 08:42:57 PM 10 Views
Nothing! I know nothing! - 29/04/2004 09:37:47 PM 10 Views
I know what I need to know. *NM* - 29/04/2004 09:57:29 PM 9 Views
nuffin' *NM* - 29/04/2004 11:31:45 PM 9 Views
Enough to know I know nothing *NM* - 30/04/2004 12:13:08 AM 8 Views
The sky is blue. *NM* - 30/04/2004 01:13:52 AM 8 Views
Not nearly enough. *NM* - 30/04/2004 01:16:37 AM 9 Views
I know this post sucks... - 30/04/2004 04:11:57 AM 14 Views
Plus qu'hier, moins que demain - 30/04/2004 09:29:47 AM 15 Views
As so many other have said before me; I know too little. - 30/04/2004 10:21:08 AM 11 Views