Active Users:710 Time:27/07/2024 12:57:08 AM
Exactly. Sareitha Sedai - 30/04/2004 12:05:40 PM


*pats you on the back*

There, there

I knwo! it's so... patronizing!!!!

It totally is. And it makes you feel diminished when you actually GET a part. I don't want to know it was a hard decision for you! I want you to tell me that you were blown away by my audition and you couldn't imagine anyone else being as good as me

*nod* true dat.

Idiots are always good for eliciting anger and frustration.

I believe you. It screws me up too. I think we shoudl go back to the old days when women were given their own tent out side the city for the duration of their period. Everyone would be a lot happier... no work etc.

But then we'd have to lash out at ourselves, and that's no good


Just don't get caught.

I'm SO there for ya sistah. I know the pain of hormones all too well.

Bah. Sucks to be us

I will I'm starting at Blockbuster today!! HURRAH!

Ooooh, new job! Yay! Have fun

Alric has bats in the attic. ~Larisa

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