Brass monkey weather.
Nipply, yes.
Hey! At least the bloke in the Post Office was nice - he told me exactly how to get to the place I wanted to get to. As for the rest, if we omit the Nazi in the Highway Patrol car who looked to be recreating Mad Max 1 with the local gentry, it was a bit sparse and wind-swept, I must admit. No wonder my dogs were happy to come and live at my place
You'd expect Bendigo to be warmer, being north of The Divide...but no Hot in summer and icy in winter. Nuts!
Actually it was more a reluctance to be perceived as "one of those internet stalkers". I had discussed the matter with Linda_Sedai when we met a month or so ago, and she told me exactly what I should do, which I promptly forgot to do
What did you discuss with Linda? Meeting people off the Net? Yes, bad habit. I have indulged just the once, and only at your behest, too. BUT!
Bendigo, I feel, is my territory..I would feel safe enough. Safer than the Melbourne thing, that's for certain.
Would you feel safe?
I don't bite often.
Just hard
Deep breath...
I really did not not know what I would be doing so it was not possible to arrange anything in advance, as I could not get "free" until our business was done. No point saying "10 o'clock at the bloody great fountain" if I can't get there, and you could not get to where I was likely to be 50 metres under the City (
Central Deborah? You involved in that, are you? Good luck! My family mine at Tarnagulla is deeper 'n that, but it's all mine, I tells ya!!
Well, the trust, anyways
If I get there again, it will be likely in July. You still around the joint then?
Since I am schooling there, I should certainly hope so. As for needing notice, you are quite correct.
Does this mean frappe's at High Noon?
Cecil Smithson rocks!!
~ Right you are, Ken
.:KORY:. .:Joe:.