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No snoopster - 19/04/2004 11:04:38 AM

Not at all then what?

Him being sympathetic?

not at all joking when you said that you were kidding about him having lots of things to be sympathetic about....I think

John Maynard Keynes Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone

Patternweaver's fiancé

Guinness! Evolution!

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I was cornered by three drug addicted thugs earlier - 19/04/2004 08:51:24 AM 261 Views
btw..... - 19/04/2004 08:52:45 AM 56 Views
You should move to America! - 19/04/2004 08:53:24 AM 39 Views
all I can say is..... - 19/04/2004 09:02:41 AM 30 Views
- 19/04/2004 09:05:12 AM 23 Views
- 19/04/2004 09:10:12 AM 22 Views
Re: - 19/04/2004 09:32:38 AM 13 Views
suck spam - 19/04/2004 09:39:30 AM 14 Views
ew, salty. - 19/04/2004 09:41:06 AM 14 Views
Now that's harsh - 19/04/2004 10:51:25 AM 12 Views
In America, the thugs are not armed with knives. - 19/04/2004 09:53:46 AM 16 Views
I love you, Wads. - 19/04/2004 09:04:26 AM 26 Views
- 19/04/2004 09:08:15 AM 16 Views
Re: - 19/04/2004 09:21:03 AM 9 Views
hey! - 19/04/2004 09:24:08 AM 10 Views
Re: hey! - 19/04/2004 09:25:19 AM 9 Views
well... - 19/04/2004 09:30:31 AM 8 Views
Re: well... - 19/04/2004 10:07:55 AM 7 Views
you just don't understand - 19/04/2004 10:10:21 AM 10 Views
Ohhhhhh!! - 19/04/2004 10:14:36 AM 11 Views
And furthermore . . . - 19/04/2004 10:37:02 AM 9 Views
Oh wads! - 19/04/2004 09:15:57 AM 20 Views
Post Scriptum - 19/04/2004 09:18:34 AM 18 Views
- 19/04/2004 09:22:13 AM 11 Views
Re: - 19/04/2004 09:32:11 AM 10 Views
ok, this is what you have to do..... - 19/04/2004 09:35:50 AM 9 Views
Done! no mistakes, I hope? *NM* - 19/04/2004 09:45:46 AM 4 Views
nope - 19/04/2004 10:05:03 AM 7 Views
nasty of you! - 19/04/2004 10:46:32 AM 10 Views
Back pain is nothing to mess around with wadsy. - 19/04/2004 09:21:10 AM 17 Views
- 19/04/2004 09:25:26 AM 12 Views
I know! - 19/04/2004 09:35:17 AM 10 Views
lol - 19/04/2004 09:38:02 AM 11 Views
No - 19/04/2004 10:24:17 AM 9 Views
clever! - 19/04/2004 09:57:47 AM 8 Views
This post is a blatant rip-off - 19/04/2004 10:14:33 AM 29 Views
I never denied it! - 19/04/2004 10:18:27 AM 15 Views
True... - 19/04/2004 10:35:37 AM 13 Views
So, this did not happen? - 19/04/2004 10:53:36 AM 19 Views
In fact - 19/04/2004 10:54:46 AM 23 Views
Er..... - 19/04/2004 11:02:50 AM 11 Views
No - 19/04/2004 11:04:38 AM 11 Views
Oh. - 19/04/2004 11:11:00 AM 9 Views
To think I felt sorry for you! - 19/04/2004 11:24:16 AM 16 Views
yay - 19/04/2004 12:29:45 PM 22 Views
I guess you didn't read his "btw...." right after the post. *NM* - 19/04/2004 12:32:44 PM 4 Views
Re: yay - 19/04/2004 01:19:47 PM 11 Views
diddums *NM* - 20/04/2004 01:50:42 AM 6 Views
were they sexy? - 20/04/2004 02:06:41 AM 7 Views