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I have been a bad, bad, girl. The county library system had a huge book sale today. Tashmere Send a noteboard - 02/05/2010 10:42:00 PM
I thought that I might find a few books if I were lucky as I hadn't heard about it until the last day of the sale.

Here is what I brought home causing my husband to gasp and swear when he saw them. (I spent $81!)

Some of the books caught my attention by how old and well worn they were. Sometimes you get the idea from the cover of the book that somebody really loved it and read it over and over and loaned it to friends.

Little Lord Fauntleroy had a beautiful letter penned in the front cover (dated 1934) that I couldn't pass up buying it after reading it.

Mostly Classics and Children's Classics:

(Many if not most of these are hardbound and/or antiques)

The Jungle Books - Rudyard Kipling
The Mysterious Stranger and Other Stories - Mark Twain
The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby - Charles Dickens
Anna and the King of Siam - Margaret Landon
Two Years Before the Mast - Richard Henry Dana Jr.
Maugham's choce of Kipling's Best -Rudyard Kipling
Swiss Family Robinson - Johann Wyss
Goethes 'Faust - Translation by Baynard Taylor
Through the Looking Glass Lewis Carroll
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
The Indomitable Hornblower (A collection of three books) -C.S. Forester
Under the Lilacs Louisa May Alcott
The Marvellous Land of Oz - L Frank Baum
Bob, Son of Battle - Alfred Ollivant
Little Lord Fauntleroy - Frances Hodgson Burnett
The Glass Menagerie Tennessee Williams
Selected Prose and Poetry Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Caine Mutiny - Herman Wouk
Best Known Works - Voltaire
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm - Kate Douglas Wiggin

By Shakespeare:
King Lear
Henry the V
The Tragedy of Richard the Third

Some gambles I took were books that I had not heard of but something about them called out to me to try them.

My Name is Aram - William Saroyan
Correlli's Mandolin - Louis De Bernieres
The Rendevous and Other Stories - Patrick Obrien
The Tartan Pimpernel - Donald Caskie
Gunsmoke - Charles Wesley Sanders
The Little Lame Prince and The Adventures of a Brownie - Dinah Mulock

I have never read the majority of these books so feel free to give me your opinions and recommendations especially on the unknown books. I will add more books later. Little Johnny just got here and that demands my full attention.

I also bought about 12 CDs. There were a couple of Ravel, some Bach and Vivaldi but the biggest treasures were several CD's with different performances of Tchaikovsy's Piano Concerto number One and Rachmaniov's Concerto's 2 and 3. I collect different versions of those and I think I have found some really good ones. I spent this morning in heaven listening to two of them.

This message last edited by Tashmere on 04/05/2010 at 12:37:16 AM
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I have been a bad, bad, girl. The county library system had a huge book sale today. - 02/05/2010 10:42:00 PM 767 Views
Captain Corelli's Mandolin is good. - 02/05/2010 10:57:41 PM 394 Views
From reading the cover I had the idea it was something I might like. - 04/05/2010 12:15:15 AM 396 Views
It's an interesting book. - 04/05/2010 03:30:00 AM 436 Views
My favorite kind of bad girl! - 03/05/2010 12:05:21 AM 491 Views
Oh Beqi, one of those books is turning out to be a real treasure - 04/05/2010 12:21:08 AM 450 Views
Money well spent! - 03/05/2010 02:38:18 AM 467 Views
oooh. - 03/05/2010 08:23:31 AM 531 Views
This version may have been finished although not as complete as Twain would have liked. - 04/05/2010 12:33:19 AM 508 Views
Yes - 04/05/2010 08:49:16 AM 438 Views
Brave New World is my favorite on that list. - 03/05/2010 08:48:46 AM 381 Views
I LOVE LIBRARY BOOK SALES! - 05/05/2010 11:59:14 PM 404 Views
If you haven't read Candide, you are in for a treat *NM* - 15/05/2010 07:59:27 PM 214 Views

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