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Mm, not just that. nossy Send a noteboard - 28/07/2010 02:45:58 PM
And this is all just from Jen viewfinder, so ....

It felt like an old MO between them. They talk around it to get the details of what went down, and yeah, I suppose, be sure an adequate story is in line. But the story felt secondary to me. I don't know, maybe I'm just cynical. I'm doing a poor job explaining.

Leaders and assassins/spies have to be so good at covering their asses that they don't even speak clearly amongst themselves? WE were the people who might overhear.
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The Joint Book Club: Mikhail Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita - 15/07/2010 08:36:47 AM 1456 Views
Things you liked - 15/07/2010 08:37:57 AM 859 Views
I can barely comment at this point - 15/07/2010 03:19:45 PM 911 Views
You don't have to post only under those headings. - 15/07/2010 04:39:36 PM 886 Views
You contrarian you. - 16/07/2010 08:44:25 PM 916 Views
The odd duality of humor and seriousness - 17/07/2010 05:29:28 AM 1127 Views
Yeah. - 18/07/2010 08:46:33 PM 833 Views
Re: The odd duality of humor and seriousness - 21/07/2010 12:16:51 PM 1087 Views
Things you didn't like - 15/07/2010 08:38:20 AM 774 Views
I'm not sure if it's the translation, - 21/07/2010 07:17:41 PM 843 Views
Ivan Bezdomny is Demyan Bedny - 22/07/2010 03:03:02 AM 929 Views
There wasn't much character-building, was there? - 23/07/2010 11:26:44 PM 959 Views
Too much crazy. - 28/07/2010 02:59:46 AM 924 Views
Things that didn't make sense to you - 15/07/2010 08:38:54 AM 823 Views
Hm. - 21/07/2010 07:19:12 PM 995 Views
The murder of Judas. - 23/07/2010 11:13:58 PM 786 Views
Does it make more sense if Aphranius is seen as... - 26/07/2010 12:39:46 AM 735 Views
Ah. - 26/07/2010 08:54:30 AM 829 Views
Interesting, I never gave that option a thought. - 29/07/2010 02:54:17 PM 961 Views
Yeah. I couldn't think of one that he would fit. - 29/07/2010 10:35:35 PM 851 Views
See, that seemed obvious to me. - 28/07/2010 02:55:02 AM 877 Views
Oh, so that was them making up a story to tell anyone else if needed? *NM* - 28/07/2010 08:29:10 AM 469 Views
Mm, not just that. - 28/07/2010 02:45:58 PM 924 Views
That's how I read it, also. - 29/07/2010 09:53:17 AM 909 Views
The walls have ears. Nobody would know that better than Aphranius and Pilate. - 31/07/2010 07:32:09 PM 919 Views
Wait, isn't that what happened? - 31/07/2010 07:39:32 PM 999 Views
You are right. He didn't wield the metal weapon. - 31/07/2010 10:19:57 PM 930 Views
Also, who was Koroviev supposed to be? - 23/07/2010 11:44:28 PM 806 Views
Re: Also, who was Koroviev supposed to be? - 26/07/2010 12:40:32 AM 935 Views
may be... - 26/07/2010 03:50:48 PM 786 Views
Ooh, I hadn't thought of that. Not a bad idea. *NM* - 26/07/2010 04:11:43 PM 464 Views
Ivanovich's dream. - 29/07/2010 02:43:43 PM 925 Views
Characters (ordinary) - 15/07/2010 08:39:53 AM 838 Views
Are Russian characters always over the top? - 15/07/2010 05:25:43 PM 731 Views
I had a hard time remembering who was who. - 23/07/2010 10:18:44 PM 957 Views
War and Peace was easier than this. - 31/07/2010 07:38:51 PM 882 Views
Characters (supernatural) - 15/07/2010 08:40:36 AM 777 Views
The story of the Passion is strikingly intense. - 20/07/2010 07:27:26 AM 923 Views
It is. They are my favourite bits. - 21/07/2010 07:11:33 PM 800 Views
I agree – those were my favourite bits to read. - 23/07/2010 10:15:55 PM 807 Views
Behemoth was hilarious. I love the idea of him being a large mischievous cat. - 23/07/2010 11:22:01 PM 693 Views
He is MY cat. - 28/07/2010 03:03:26 AM 853 Views
I'm reserving a spot for my comments but not posting them just yet. - 15/07/2010 03:46:34 PM 864 Views
(I just actually posted below) *NM* - 20/07/2010 05:22:00 PM 438 Views
Was wondering about that. *NM* - 20/07/2010 05:22:27 PM 451 Views
I had a very interesting conversation about the novel yesterday. - 16/07/2010 02:44:53 PM 941 Views
That's neat. - 18/07/2010 08:48:53 PM 843 Views
Re: I had a very interesting conversation about the novel yesterday. - 21/07/2010 12:22:28 PM 840 Views
I suspect I'm missing a hell of a lot. - 23/07/2010 10:45:35 PM 999 Views
I was slightly disappointed on my second read. - 18/07/2010 08:48:02 PM 957 Views
Re: I was slightly disappointed on my second read. - 21/07/2010 12:31:50 PM 929 Views
I see that title and I think of taking up smoking... - 18/07/2010 09:43:38 PM 718 Views
My thoughts - 20/07/2010 04:50:06 AM 1009 Views
Does this story translate well? - 20/07/2010 06:27:50 PM 831 Views
I honestly have no clue. - 20/07/2010 07:31:03 PM 941 Views
That is what I thought you'd say. - 21/07/2010 02:04:26 PM 850 Views
About evil in this book. - 21/07/2010 07:14:59 PM 750 Views
More about evil in this book. - 23/07/2010 02:01:40 AM 860 Views
Aha. There's the question I was going to ask: - 31/07/2010 10:32:17 PM 716 Views
Names. - 21/07/2010 07:16:23 PM 884 Views
They're not common. - 22/07/2010 03:08:55 AM 859 Views
I have finally started it. - 25/07/2010 04:30:57 AM 895 Views
Unfortunately do to my eye surgery I could not participate. - 28/07/2010 12:36:28 AM 898 Views
I "read" it in audiobook form, in the car and on the move. - 29/07/2010 02:55:50 PM 900 Views
I wonder if having the words in front would have helped Ivanovich's dream make (more) sense. - 29/07/2010 10:37:27 PM 690 Views
Indeed, it may have. - 30/07/2010 09:06:27 AM 1395 Views
I've finished. - 28/07/2010 02:39:57 AM 849 Views
Civil Rights? You do realize that Russia never imported slaves, right? - 28/07/2010 01:52:12 PM 949 Views
I thought that was so. - 28/07/2010 02:53:21 PM 958 Views
It felt like two different books.One part I felt like I was wading through a meaningless fluff. - 31/07/2010 10:45:52 PM 867 Views
Hm - 31/07/2010 10:53:46 PM 896 Views

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