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Re: not really a big fan - Edit 1

Before modification by random thoughts at 08/01/2011 04:26:52 PM

Just finished reading I Shall Wear Midnight, and I will post a review in the next couple of days as I can't see that anybody else has. But first, I wanted to ask a few questions about what you think of Sir Terry.

1) have you read any Terry Pratchett?

I only read part of one his books but I can't remember which one off the top of my head. I think it had elephants on the cover.

It was rather silly and I didn't find his wit all that entertaining or original. Pretty much the same low hanging satire about society you always see. Douglas Adams was better but even that got old after a short while.

2) if so was it Discworld or something else or both? How many books?

I do believe it was.

3) what is your overall opinion of Pratchett's writing?

He is hugely popular so his writing is appealing to a lot of people just not to me. I like humor in my non-fiction but it doesn't replace having interesting characters and a compelling plot. I found his book an endless stream of social commentary delivered through satire with a plot thrown in mostly as framework. I didn't like Snowcrash for the same reason. The wit is all there is if you don't find that witty there isn't much left. Don't get me wrong he was very funny at times but I wasn't willing to read the rest just for the occasional chuckle. Which is how I feel about the majority of comedys Hollywood is putting out now. Tropic Thunder had some funny parts but it wasn't worth all the stupid you had to sit through to get it.

If I do find a need to read social commentary I would probably prefer reading someone whose social views align more closely to mine.

4) which are your favourite arc of books by TP? (e.g Tiffany Aching, Vimes, Strata, the truckers etc.)

5) have you noticed a change in his style or quality since his diagnosis with Alzheimers?

6) do you think it is right for an author to be knighted on the basis of fiction he has written?

I would think they would find some writers doing something more significant then his work but they can knight anyone they choose.

7) what is your favourite individual Pratchett book?

do you also think this is his best work?

9) do you ever find that you don't think of your favourite book by an author etc as the best one? Why is this (not) so?

10) have you read I Shall Wear Midnight? What did you think?

11)do you prefer TP's funny satires, his somewhat darker mire serious works (generally still satirical) something in between or do you see his work as something else? Or do you hate all of it?

I might like his darker stuff more since what I read was to silly for my taste but I doubt it will make this list

12) have you seen any of the tv sealskins of his works? How do you think they compare to the novels?

I saw some movie with Sam fro LotR and didn't find it much more entertaining then his book.

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