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2011 Clarke Award finalists announced: - Edit 2

Before modification by Rebekah at 04/03/2011 06:02:52 PM

Zoo City by Lauren Beukes (Angry Robot)
The Dervish House by Ian McDonald (Gollancz)
Monsters of Men by Patrick Ness (Walker Books)
Generosity by Richard Powers (Atlantic Books)
Declare by Tim Powers (Corvus)
Lightborn by Tricia Sullivan (Orbit)

On the panel of judges (seen this around a few times, but currently copying this from Big Dumb Object: )

Jon Courtenay Grimwood, British Science Fiction Association
Martin Lewis, British Science Fiction Association
Phil Nanson, Science Fiction Foundation
Liz Williams, Science Fiction Foundation
Paul Skevington, SF

Results on the 27th of April.

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