Active Users:234 Time:09/05/2024 08:37:33 PM
I felt the same way. . . - Edit 1

Before modification by Jessie at 22/04/2011 09:21:00 PM

but, I really like books. The physical ones. I'm beginning to perceive a conflict taking place, however, between my love of real books and my inherent frugality.

I have wanted this book, Teton Sioux Music, for a long time, and for some reason tonight I decided I can't go on not having it anymore. In searching for the book I come to find that it's available on many online databases, apparently in its entirety. Add to that, the book is out of print I guess and goes for about forty dollars on the low end of things, to well over a hundred for older copies.

I don't want to spend forty bucks on a used book, but I'm going to, because I will never read 700+ pages on my computer, no matter how interesting it may be. I am conditioned to feel that Free is always better than Not, but I gotta be able to take part in the book physically.

Sorry, guess I just feel like whining, prompted by my fear of the loss of physical media. I just brought this up with my night nurse and we are in agreement that we will die if used bookstores go by the wayside. I want to always be able to wander around and smell old books, it's so crucial. The weird owners with their cats... the search for a gem in the endless, haphazard stacks... I don't know what I'll do without it.

and still share an enormous love for a real book. The smell of a new book is the best smell to many people, myself included. I'll never completely stop buying them, but I did receive a Nook from the bf. And it is a wonderful, wonderful thing. You can discover tons of authors you never heard of for free, or less than $5.
Favorite series- I'll continue to buy in physical books. New/random authors, cheap deals are a great way to use the ereader.

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