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Summary of ADWD's first third or so. (MEGA SPOILERS) Werthead Send a noteboard - 30/06/2011 06:33:53 PM
According to the Tower of the Hand summary:

Bran meets the three-eyed crow. It's Bloodraven! They don't know who Coldhands is, but get confirmation he's undead. Bloodraven is still alive as he's been 'plugged into' a weirdwood, and can now see through the eyes of the trees. Bran gets this treatment as well and starts seeing visions from the distant past, including a time when the First Men made human sacrifices to the trees.

Tyrion is headed to Daenerys in Meereen. He meets a mercenary captain, 'Griff', and his band of no'er do-wells, including Griff's son, 'Young Griff'. They sail down the Rhoyne to Volantis, planning to join up with the Golden Company (the 10,000-strong mercenary company consisting of exiled knights from Westeros), wait there for Dany and then go and kick some arse back home. Tyrion works out that Griff is Lord Jon Connington, Rhaegar's best friend who was Hand of the King during the rebellion, but was sent into exile after losing the Battle of the Bells to Robert Baratheon. He realises that Young Griff is Aegon VI, Rhaegar's son, after Varys did the old baby-swapping trick. Tyrion asks Aegon about how he's going to square his claim with Dany's, given that Dany has three fricking dragons. He suggests that Aegon needs something impressive, such as already having invaded Westeros and set up a foothold for Dany to use. As Tyrion is congratulating himself on his own cleverness he gets recognised in a riverside town by Ser Jorah Mormont, who captures him and thinks to take him to Dany as a sign of loyalty.

At Volantis Connington hears that Dany is dead-set on staying in Meereen, which is the most retarded thing he's ever heard. Aegon says screw it, she can have it, and suggests they invade Westeros themselves. The Golden Company is well up for it.

So Tyrion, in a conversation lasting ten minutes, has just thrown Westeros in a bloody new war, complicated the War of the Five Kings and probably thrown a wrench in Dany's plans as well. Awesome :P

In Meereen Dany is visited by Quaithe who warns her about the mummer's dragon (maybe Varys was full of crap after all, then). Dany's dragons start eating people at random (NICE), so she chains two of them up in a pit. Drogon is not impressed and flies off, leaving Daenerys with no dragons and in serious trouble when Qarth, Yunkai and half the known world declare war on her.

Theon, who is now Ramsay Bolton's Stockholm Syndromised-little-biatch, negotiates with the ironborn at Moat Cailin (who've been driven half-mad by the constant raids by Howland Reed's crannogmen) and convinces them to surrender. Ramsay then butchers them all. Roose Bolton's army arrives and we meet the fake Arya, who turns out to have been Jeyne Poole all alone. NOT A SURPRISE.

On the Wall, Jon Snow discovers that they cannot feed all the new wildling allies and recruits. Oops. Stannis has set out to win the North to his cause, and starts off by liberating Deepwood Motte from the ironborn and taking Asha Greyjoy prisoner.

Davos goes to White Harbour, presents his case to Wyman Manderly, and is promptly arrested and taken away to be executed. Except he isn't, as Wyman has faked his death (this trope may be getting a little worn, but okay). Apparently Rickon is on Skagos, the home of the unicorn-riding cannibals from hell, and Davos has to go rescue him. WTF? I'm not sure why Osha thought it was a good idea to take him there but whatever. The Onion Knight lives!

It also turns out that Mance Rayder is still alive. Melisandre faked his death by switching him with the Lord o'Bones and using magic to mask their appearances.

That's about it so far. Someone else can keep up with them.
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Song of Ice and Fire - 30/06/2011 03:01:24 AM 1592 Views
Well, if the SPOILERS that were on Westeros are at all accurate... - 30/06/2011 03:35:49 AM 948 Views
Ooh! I'm telling Bantam on you! *I put a major spoiler in here too* - 30/06/2011 05:08:36 AM 1019 Views
Spoiler here, too. - 30/06/2011 03:09:15 PM 943 Views
well.. - 30/06/2011 04:43:12 PM 898 Views
His claim would be superior. - 30/06/2011 06:11:10 PM 858 Views
Tower of the Hand has an ongoing summary of the book in progress. - 30/06/2011 06:13:06 PM 1103 Views
Summary of ADWD's first third or so. (MEGA SPOILERS) - 30/06/2011 06:33:53 PM 1095 Views
Some more (heavy spoilers!) - 30/06/2011 08:08:16 PM 1001 Views
That would be very interesting. *NM* - 30/06/2011 05:31:42 AM 368 Views
I haven't read the posted spoilers, but ... - 30/06/2011 03:21:09 PM 949 Views
He was my first choice because of that line, also. *NM* - 30/06/2011 08:05:23 PM 355 Views
My prediction - 30/06/2011 03:40:19 PM 992 Views
nice *NM* - 30/06/2011 04:45:26 PM 362 Views
How is Jon both? - 30/06/2011 05:18:15 PM 875 Views
Erm, - 30/06/2011 05:34:21 PM 972 Views
- 30/06/2011 07:25:22 PM 931 Views
It's okay - 30/06/2011 09:07:42 PM 893 Views
Sorry Jens - 30/06/2011 09:47:02 PM 851 Views
I don't think Martin's gonna do that - 30/06/2011 10:49:31 PM 934 Views
That would suck - 01/07/2011 02:09:17 PM 1033 Views
It's exactly why they should get together. *NM* - 01/07/2011 05:44:17 AM 338 Views
Bran is a good choice...spoilers from book 1. or maybe 2 or 3 - 30/06/2011 08:07:03 PM 941 Views
Re: Song of Ice and Fire - 30/06/2011 04:35:35 PM 1032 Views
And we know that the Hand of the Crown has not always been a Targaryen in the past. *NM* - 30/06/2011 08:08:02 PM 347 Views
Yeah, I think few Targaryen's had targaryen Hands. - 30/06/2011 08:59:12 PM 903 Views
There's been a few. - 30/06/2011 10:12:31 PM 932 Views
I remembered Maegor the Cruel after I posted. - 30/06/2011 10:53:02 PM 821 Views

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