Active Users:731 Time:27/07/2024 12:11:40 AM
Whoops, guess I was just being inattentive. Sorry. *NM* Tim Send a noteboard - 15/08/2011 08:23:08 AM
Vigilantibus non dormientibus jura subveniunt.

—Nous disons en allemand : le guerre, le mort, le lune, alors que 'soleil' et 'amour' sont du sexe féminin : la soleil, la amour. La vie est neutre.

—La vie ? Neutre ? C'est très joli, et surtout très logique.
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The Windup Girl by Paolo Bacigalupi – a post-apocalyptic future, 21st-century style. - 12/08/2011 12:53:36 PM 8140 Views
I have the book on my to be read pile - 12/08/2011 03:24:40 PM 1355 Views
i loved this book. very awesome to read *NM* - 12/08/2011 04:41:31 PM 805 Views
not sure I bought all the dooms day stuff but it was a great book - 12/08/2011 05:50:50 PM 1506 Views
To be fair, we don't know how strictly other countries ration their CO2. - 12/08/2011 08:26:33 PM 1515 Views
yes but what would be the point of just one country restricting CO2? - 13/08/2011 03:41:09 AM 1429 Views
One country can't do anything about how the other countries behave. - 13/08/2011 11:33:39 AM 1588 Views
and how well did that work out for them? - 13/08/2011 10:06:51 PM 1496 Views
Well, we don't get that much world history, but we do know there was mass starvation in India. - 14/08/2011 11:33:04 AM 1593 Views
Of course I have read the book or why else would I keep saying I liked it - 14/08/2011 07:19:38 PM 1357 Views
Whoops, guess I was just being inattentive. Sorry. *NM* - 15/08/2011 08:23:08 AM 732 Views
I look forward to reading this. Thanks *NM* - 13/08/2011 05:12:18 AM 761 Views

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