Active Users:231 Time:11/05/2024 05:18:22 AM
Bah! These things never work. - Edit 1

Before modification by rebelaessedai at 04/09/2011 02:44:05 AM

*In the interest of fairness towards our Antipodean friends, I figured it was time to balance things up a bit. For that matter, I can't speak for the rest of the Northern Hemisphere, but what with the weather we've had in Belgium, it might as well have been winter here too.

Anyhow. It's not only a new month today, it's also time for the next one of our six <a href="">RAFO challenges</a>, which is... *drumroll*

Read a book and then watch a film of that book. And then, you know, tell us about it. :P

I think this is a challenge that can be done in very different ways, perhaps even more so than the others. You can read a book that you already know, then watch the movie version you hadn't seen yet - or the opposite. You can take it as an excuse to just read and watch an old favourite again, in the speculative fiction genre or outside it. Or you can choose some less obvious case, with a movie that is more distantly related to the novel it's inspired by, like Blade Runner inspired by Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, or, why not, 10 Things I Hate About You inspired by Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew (yes, I did like that movie :P ). In short, possibilities galore and, I should think, also lots of possibilities for discussion - here or on the Movies board - of how well a particular movie succeeded in bringing its source book to the screen.

Don't forget the other parts of the RAFO challenge either, the genre list, and of course the 50 Books Challenge.

Anyway, bottom line: what's on the menu for this month, challenge-related or not? Do share.

I'll just share the last month with you. I finished City Without End and Prince of Storms by Kay Kenyon, the end of her Entire and the Rose series. Great story, definitely recommended. I read two arcs, Ashes by Ilsa j. Bick and Icefall by a guy named Kirby. Ashes is a zombiepocalypse-ish story and it was really good, with a fucked up ending. I'm desperate for the next book and the first isn't even out yet. And crap, I forgot the last one I read. Edit: oh duh, it was Asaro's Diamond Star, very readable and good but a bit underwhelming for the series as a whole.
Anyway, this month I am studying basic pathology while the US Open is on TV, since I can multitask at that and not so much with reading. So I'm reading Pathologic Basis of Disease by Robbins, which has my head spinning with neurons firing that haven't had use in a long time. :P

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