Active Users:189 Time:18/05/2024 06:49:52 AM
Re: also - Edit 1

Before modification by Isaac at 16/10/2013 05:12:10 AM

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View original postsince they're older, i would go with 350F for 2 hours

View original postbe careful with plastic covers. while there isn't a danger of fire to the paper at that temperature, the plastic could become warped.

View original posti would test with one book that you were going to throw out anyway before stacking a bunch of them. you can choose to go with even lower temperature, but you have to increase the time considerably (~double the time for every 25-30F, but there's point where the temperature just isn't high enough to denature the proteins, I forget where, though)

106 F is the temp that most proteins denature at, that can be remembered easiest by remember what temperature fevers kill at, which is not coincidental. 115+ is what is appropriate to kill mold, bed bugs, etc. higher of course is faster and safe. 250 F is what I've been told for books and mold.

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