Active Users:231 Time:18/05/2024 01:23:18 AM
Re: Yes - Edit 2

Before modification by Werthead at 14/12/2013 02:41:11 PM

How do we know that? There are a few things that seem to be stretching the timelines a bit. IIRC from outside material, the great love of Oakenfist's life is the youngest daughter of a character who is a boy of nine or so, when Alyn is a teenager, at least.

The invasion of Dorne is 27 years later, so plenty of time for him to grow up and have a daughter. Also, it's not specified if Oakenfist becomes the lover of her life before or after the Young Dragon's War. Give her very long lifespan, this isn't a problem and the timelines do match up.

Ran at Westeros - who is cowriting the world book - confirmed they are one and the same.

I thought perhaps GRRM hit a certain word count, saw how much he still had left to tell of the war, and his brain started making little ka-ching noises as he realized he could sell a whole other story from this material.

Sort of. GRRM wrote the full account for the world book, but at 90,000 words it would have taken up half the book. Gardner Dozois edited it down to about a third of its current length.

The 'full text', which will appear in a separate venue only when ASoIaF as a whole is finished, apparently does feature the fate of Silvering, the twins' duel, the incident Tyrion refers to and other elements cut from the DANGEROUS WOMEN version for space. The world book itself will also feature a briefer summary of the entire war and may allude to some of these elements as well.

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