Active Users:264 Time:03/05/2024 10:34:30 PM
Minor update - Edit 1

Before modification by Tom at 10/04/2016 10:24:36 PM

I sort of set aside two of the three books I was reading in the above post because they're sort of boring (Germanische Heldendichtung im Mittelalter and Бегство из Рая), read a book about contemporary Russian politics that hasn't probably been translated into English yet but should be, and am now reading a cultural history of World War I from the German perspective called Nacht über Europa. It's a lot more interesting than the ones I'm sort of agonizing through because I've read 200 pages in a few days already, and it's only 400 pages so I'm hoping to finish soon. Really, really good book so far.

The third book mentioned above I finished a while back.

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