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Patrick Rothfuss signing. - Edit 1

Before modification by TaskmasterJack at 19/03/2010 02:25:13 PM

Patrick Rothfuss appeared at Lexington, KY's Joseph-Beth Booksellers for a signing appearance, Wednesday, March 17th. One TaskmasterJack was in attendance. In one hand, I held The Name of the Wind in hardcover and trade paperback. In the other hand, I carried my iPhone (clad in green "Psych" cover) for the purpose of taking notes and pictures.

In the picture, you can see Rothfuss speaking on a stage set in the middle of a fountain (the same as a Brandon Sanderson appearance a few months ago that I also posted pictures and commentary about). I arrived a good half hour late and stood to Rothfuss' right and slightly behind because most all of the available chairs appeared to be taken. Consequently, I was not at a good angle to correctly interpret everything coming out of the two or three speakers pointing out from the middle. The audience laughed on numerous occasions in which I could not hear what was being said to illicit such a response. I can only concur that he is genuinely funny or they are all easily amused.

From the moment of my arrival and for the next ten minutes or more, Rothfuss gave an impassioned and humorous plea against circumcision. I cannot say how long he discussed the topic before I got there. It's entirely possible he spent the entire 45 minutes participating in a verbose campaign against foreskin removal. Or it could have only just started before I entered the room.

Having not seen a picture of Rothfuss or not having read his book yet, I went in with no preconceived notions about the author. Rothfuss was dressed casual in jeans and a black "Reavers Suck!" t-shirt. He had wild curly hair with a thinning bald spot. His beard was heavy, but thin and scraggly at the bottom. He seemed jovial and friendly, with a tendency for mirth and mischief.

After the lengthy circumcision discussion, he briefly talked about a film based on his novel. He said that deals have been discussed from before publication when he was surprised to learn he had a film agent. While in favor of the money he'd make and being eager to see a movie of any quality based on his work, he confessed that it was his baby and he'd really like to see it done right. He expressed some concern that Hollywood makes Fantasy movies action oriented and his book is anything but. He worried how they might ruin it to punch it up action wise.

Before leaving the dais to begin the signing, Rothfuss briefly mentioned some slashfic involving his characters and then read a bit of prologue from his next book. He also pitched his "very much not for children" picture book The Adventures of the Princess and Mr. Whiffle.

After he was done speaking. Rothfuss thanked everyone for coming and I believe I heard him say either that it was the largest crowd he'd spoken in front of or the largest in some time. Like I mentioned previously, I had trouble hearing occasionally from my seat. Going by Joseph-Beth's ticket system, I would say there was just under 150 people in attendance. Rothfuss then asked for a brief break to come down from the public speaking high. He also ended up changing his shirt, which you might notice in the final picture.

I have a tradition of asking authors to add something disparaging about my writing when they sign my books for me. I do it because I think it would be fun if I'm ever published and successful someday to have quotes from numerous more recognizable authors telling me how much I suck (none of them are given an actual sample). I got Brandon Sanderson to call me a "talentless hack" at his signing, for instance. Rothfuss added "Burn your book and don't let anyone accidentally breathe the smoke" to his. I had him personalize a hardcover for me and sign a trade paperback I can give away to some lucky soul at a later date. I've heard good things about The Name of the Wind and I look forward to sitting down and finally reading it.

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