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Social media links only show in profile if I click "yes" on the "Show email" option.

Reported by: mapthis

Type: Bug

Status: Complete

Created: 04/11/2009 11:02:52 PM

I've entered some links to profiles on some social media sites, but they would not show up in my profile. With a bit of experimenting, I realized that if I allow my email address to show in my profile, the links will show as well. Is this the intent?

I would prefer that my email not be shown since it contains my actual name. But I would like to provide links to some social media stuff.
You know
I've entered some links to profiles on some social media sites, but they would not show up in my profile. With a bit of experimenting, I realized that if I allow my email address to show in my profile, the links will show as well. Is this the intent?

I would prefer that my email not be shown since it contains my actual name. But I would like to provide links to some social media stuff.

People are going to figure out that you're really John Stamos sooner or later anyway. You might as well just let it happen.
I want to hold out for as long as possible.
It's not easy being me.

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