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Use of HTML tags messes with spacing within posts

Reported by: Craig

Type: Bug

Status: New

Created: 01/09/2009 08:43:10 AM

The use of basic HTML tags (underline, italics, bold) appears to change post formatting.

How it should look:

< i >test< /i >

< u >test< /u >

< b >test< /b >

How it does look:

Aaaand of course it didn't do it here.
How it does look:


When I tested this post on another board (Sci-Fi), the soft returns between the lines were eliminated. So it looked like this instead:

Curiouser and curiouser. *NM*
It does that for me too. I posted a ticket about it, but then recanted.
But I've since, erm, canted again! :P At the time I recanted, I thought it was because I was using the list tags, which are (more or less) supposed to take out the newlines anyway. I've since discovered that it does the same thing with the link tags (admin only, I believe). Meaning that if you do two anchor tags, (<a href etc) any whitespace you put between them is ignored. I'm not at all surprised to learn that it does it with other formatting too. You're not crazy, man!
Re: Use of HTML tags messes with spacing within posts
You're not crazy, man!

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let's not get carried away here.
I've noticed this too. *NM*

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