Active Users:170 Time:02/06/2024 07:54:09 AM
A Luvey. Lurvey? Lupinevey? FormerlyClovervey? - Edit 2

Before modification by Lupine at 05/09/2009 04:41:15 AM

Okay, part of the survey is going to be telling me which of those options you like best.

The last one is not really viable, though I'm also curious how many people are going to throw a hissy fit because I changed my name. I guess I could be persuaded to change it back, but I have good reasons for the switch, and I do like Lupine. Some people will always think of me as Clover, but that's okay. Some people may always think of me as twelve years old, too.

Anyways, this is another multi-parter, starting out with a lot of questions about wotmania/RAFO/design-oriented things. I make no promises, but I may try to develop a new layout (as an option, not the default) over the next few weeks, and it would really help me to know what people are looking for. (If you completely love what we have and don't care for change, tell me that too. It would save me time. )

After the information-gathering, there is the usual miscellany, so feel free to skip ahead if you like.

But before the layout questions, some

1. What remnants of wotmania did you save? If you chose not to save anything, what was your thinking on the matter?

2. Did you stick around for the closing?

3. How did you feel about the whole thing - and about the subsequent transition?

4. Name changes are obvious, but are you intending to do anything differently in terms of site activity here? (Frequenting more boards, posting more thoughtfully [hahaha, I crack myself up]).

5. Is there anything you miss about wotmania so far? Any RAFO-related change that really pleases you?

6. What's your pick for our collective identity? (Rafolites, Rafonauts...)

Now onto issues of

7. What colors do you currently use?

8. What color palettes would you like to see?

9. What font do you use? (Did you know you can customize that? ) What fonts would you like added?

10. You prefer navigation bars that are:
A) On the left
B) On the right, or
C) Across the top

11. Do you like the current set-up, where you have to click to see the options, or did you prefer the old wotmania version, where a mouse-over would cause the menus to drop down?

12. Do you like all of the icons? Would you like to see more graphics? If so, what kind?

13. Do you like the current logo? If not, what would you like to see?

14. If you've given any general thought to the matter, please tell me your thoughts here. (Sketch something out in words, maybe?)

Please note that I am not even going to think about changing the way threads and subthreads are displayed. I like it the way it is, and such fiddling is beyond my capabilities anyway. I may try messing with the identations, but again, I'm not even sure I know how to do that, so I'm not making any promises.


15. Do you think it is possible for an established politician to undergo a major ideological shift? That is, a genuine one, not one for political gain.

16. What is your favorite way to experience nostalgia?

17. Are you content with your given name & surname? If not, how come? What would you change it to if you could?

18. Are you good with time management? If yes, any advice?

19. What was the first piece of genuine "literature" that you remember appreciating?

20. Are you on friendly terms with your neighbors? (Apartment neighbors count too.) If so, how did you get that way?

21. When you hang out with people, do you have the most fun on your own turf (in your apartment or home), at their place(s), or in a neutral spot, like a pub or a mall?

22. If you could invite a foreign/distant friend to visit your city/town at any season or time of year, which would you pick as ideal?

2-. Do you participate in any community-ish events? (Local markets, library book clubs, church events, etc.) Which ones?

Oh, that's my favorite number. Best stop here. I censored it for Amy's sake.

Thank you all very much for answering; I especially appreciate detailed and thought-out answers in the "layout" section.

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