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There are a lot people struggling right now who really can't afford to wait random thoughts Send a noteboard - 09/06/2010 04:47:26 AM
I used to live in a small fishing town on the Louisiana coast and the economy ebbed a flowed depending on how the season was going. Most of those people were poor to begin with and with no shrimp and red fish coming the money just stops flowing. Entire communities will go under before the government gets around to making BP pay the bill, not that I believe they will ever pay for all the damage.

I think one of the things about this that bothers me the most is the complete lack of urgency people not affected seem to have about this. This isn't something that could become a crisis it is a crisis right now and is only go get worse. When are boats going to be able to go out again? How long do people believe this industry and the way of life that has built up around around it can remain on hold?
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A friend on FB asked why there were no "Save the Gulf" concerts - 09/06/2010 03:13:52 AM 879 Views
Her complaint is legitimate. Why should the US government help Haitians more than US citizens? - 09/06/2010 04:25:09 AM 468 Views
Re: Her complaint is legitimate. Why should the US government help Haitians more than US citizens? - 09/06/2010 04:31:44 AM 488 Views
There are a lot people struggling right now who really can't afford to wait - 09/06/2010 04:47:26 AM 540 Views
Re: There are a lot people struggling right now who really can't afford to wait - 09/06/2010 05:15:33 AM 614 Views
That wins the award for stupid post of the month. Possibly the year. - 09/06/2010 08:31:18 AM 554 Views
They put you in charge of that award? is it like Miss USA where you pass on the title you hold? - 09/06/2010 08:47:57 AM 550 Views
I sometimes wonder where you lived in Houston. - 09/06/2010 04:24:42 PM 670 Views
Re: I sometimes wonder where you lived in Houston. - 09/06/2010 05:50:53 PM 636 Views
This isn't Karachi. - 10/06/2010 02:04:02 PM 674 Views
Re: This isn't Karachi. - 10/06/2010 03:39:30 PM 620 Views
What a shame then that no one HAS started such a program. - 10/06/2010 04:17:02 PM 606 Views
and eww im not from Karachi - 10/06/2010 03:40:56 PM 530 Views
Maybe. I'm glad to have found a legitimate successor. - 10/06/2010 01:23:56 AM 498 Views
My thoughts exactly. Thanks for posting this. - 09/06/2010 09:13:51 PM 526 Views
President Obama doesn't have the power to stop the oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico - 09/06/2010 09:46:24 PM 596 Views
Re: President Obama doesn't have the power to stop the oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico - 09/06/2010 10:03:52 PM 412 Views
So what exactly do you have a problem with? - 09/06/2010 10:14:30 PM 536 Views
well he does have a phone he could have used to call up the BO CEO and chat with him - 09/06/2010 10:42:07 PM 497 Views
You really don't have any credibilty left on this issue. - 10/06/2010 01:56:06 AM 518 Views
you really are a loon - 10/06/2010 05:19:56 AM 629 Views
What's funny is that companies like Haliburton are going to make bank off this disaster - 10/06/2010 06:14:07 AM 395 Views
Also there's Transocean - 10/06/2010 06:49:02 AM 458 Views
yes other evil oil companies stand to profit - 10/06/2010 02:55:33 PM 360 Views
Takes one to know one - 10/06/2010 06:18:54 AM 768 Views
He said more domestic drilling, not more offshore drilling. *NM* - 10/06/2010 08:25:14 AM 245 Views
The definition of Domestic drilling includes offshore wells. - 10/06/2010 08:32:58 AM 515 Views
You assumed something that was perhaps implied. It still doesn't hold up. *NM* - 10/06/2010 11:17:02 PM 204 Views
Sure it does. - 11/06/2010 10:17:06 AM 801 Views
all the loons say that and expect it to be true - 10/06/2010 04:15:33 PM 810 Views
And how would you know that unless you're a loon? - 11/06/2010 10:07:57 AM 860 Views
This sounds like a good idea - 10/06/2010 06:08:25 AM 549 Views
? - 10/06/2010 04:18:27 PM 436 Views
I agree. - 10/06/2010 04:37:25 AM 419 Views
Give Willie some time! - 09/06/2010 05:30:19 AM 477 Views
Willie is like 108, I am sure how much time he has left - 09/06/2010 03:22:21 PM 545 Views
Regarding the comparison to the financial crisis - 10/06/2010 02:10:44 AM 449 Views
Um, because "Big Oil" is in no danger of failing? - 10/06/2010 02:20:46 AM 424 Views
It's unclear if BP can take the hit - 10/06/2010 03:05:32 AM 405 Views
I actually agree, Free Markets should be cleaning up the oil spill. - 10/06/2010 02:57:09 AM 759 Views
Re: I actually agree, Free Markets should be cleaning up the oil spill. - 10/06/2010 03:41:34 AM 523 Views
How is this not a bailout? - 10/06/2010 04:15:18 AM 657 Views
If history is any precedent - 10/06/2010 06:18:18 AM 557 Views
The funny thing is... - 10/06/2010 06:28:26 AM 512 Views
yes lets destroy the gulf coast to make a point - 10/06/2010 05:24:12 AM 388 Views
I pray you're being sarcastic here. - 10/06/2010 02:21:17 PM 678 Views

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