Active Users:170 Time:02/06/2024 09:58:42 AM
Other than giving the guy a venue, I'm not sure what Beck did here that's so horrible. Joel Send a noteboard - 18/08/2010 01:01:55 PM
and the almost everyone at Faux News Channel, I wish it wasnt him going going blind but me so i wouldnt have to see his ugly face again. I dont know why I do this to myself and click on his videos....

And, after all, Fox has already given the dude a venue (for reasons not worth going into, I've seen him a lot on the company TV during my night shifts; it really is tabloid TV: Take the most absurd and sensational issue you can find and make fun of it for half an hour. )

Personally, I think the only thing more insensitive and ill conceived than building a Muslim themed gay bar next door to the Ground Zero mosque is, of course, the Ground Zero mosque itself. I'm sure they're very grateful for this heaven sent opportunity to show America and the world Islam is not as insensitive, intolerant and vicious as it's often made out to be, but they could build an outreach community center anywhere. I can't imagine a single person who lost someone on 911 is going to say, "Oh, gee, I guess this means I had the Muslims all wrong; it's just Al Qaeda that's the problem. " No, pretty much 100% of them will see this as literally adding insult to injury. It's not enough that violent extremists claiming our religion murdered those you Love, we want to erect a permanent reminder on the site. As a COMMUNITY PRESENCE. To them, it must seem like it would've if Al Capone opened a home for pregnant prostitutes in '30s era Chicago. With, y'know, a lot more dead innocents.

So congratulations that this clip a few minutes long gave you the same feeling of outrage and horror, at least in your mind, that news of the Ground Zero mosque gave those who lost family on 911.
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
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Oh God I fu@king hate Glenn Beck - 17/08/2010 09:37:12 AM 919 Views
And your problem this time is what exactly? - 17/08/2010 02:15:12 PM 555 Views
Oh, thanks a lot for getting that song stuck in my head. *NM* - 17/08/2010 02:32:22 PM 200 Views
Re: And your problem this time is what exactly? - 17/08/2010 05:22:30 PM 607 Views
Dude. Bible Humpers is BRILLIANT! *NM* - 17/08/2010 08:10:04 PM 203 Views
Re: Dude. Bible Humpers is BRILLIANT! - 17/08/2010 08:24:17 PM 453 Views
I totally want to name my bar Bible Humpers now! - 18/08/2010 12:51:53 AM 425 Views
I hate most of them, actually. - 17/08/2010 02:39:55 PM 443 Views
This for me too. - 17/08/2010 03:28:44 PM 599 Views
Yeah, when I want news I read the paper. *NM* - 17/08/2010 10:45:30 PM 181 Views
Other than giving the guy a venue, I'm not sure what Beck did here that's so horrible. - 18/08/2010 01:01:55 PM 448 Views

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