Active Users:210 Time:20/05/2024 02:43:14 PM
Re: *shrugs* - Edit 1

Before modification by Sports_Gambler at 29/08/2010 05:59:47 PM

No idea. I was also always seriously picky, and only found something when I wasn't looking for anything at all. It's one of those terribly cliched things, unfortunately.

Do you ever have issues with self-confidence and the like? Because my standards tended to end me up pining after guys who were unobtainable - hindsight leads me to believe that it was a subconscious way to avoid really getting into something. Fear, maybe. I get along with guys really well, but as soon as one showed more interest, I'd freak out and starting thinking the guy had to be a lunatic.

Completely explained by seduction theory. The hotter the girl the picker they are (I'm complimenting you here) - If a guy shows too much interest and starts pursuing too eagerly, that lowers his apparent value in the girl's eyes, so she loses interest (this is all unconscious of course, no conscious calculations are at work). You sound like the sort of girl that responds well to 'negs' (fun teasing).

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