Active Users:156 Time:02/06/2024 11:45:46 AM
Sure they are, you just can't cherry pick your sourcess. Joel Send a noteboard - 02/09/2010 04:20:20 PM
Unless an American wants to put a huge amount of effort into the issue it really isn’t that easy for the average person to really know what to think about Islam. They don’t trust the media (for good reason) and they are not going to be pacified simply because a talking head told them not to worry. When they see polls showing 40% of the Muslims in the UK support sharia why should they believe that they have nothing to fear? They watch CNN and are told that the imam who wants to build the “ground zero mosque” should be trusted because he is a moderate then they learn he refuses to condemn Hamas as terrorist and they begin to question what people mean when they say moderate Muslim. When they look around the and see people living under oppressive theocracies in the name of Islam and so few Muslims willing to condemn they worry. There is no majority Muslim nations that most American’s want to visit much less live in.

If Americans are going to trust Muslims Muslims are going to need to do more to earn that trust. When we see Muslims condemn the radicalism of some in their faith it is almost a nuanced condemnation that leaves you unsure what they really believe. When we see Muslims willing to give as much tolerance as they demand we may be more sympathetic.

I was recently discussing this with the fellow who owns the local convenience store, the conceit that practically all media and educational institutes are "corrupted" by the evils of liberalism. Presumably because a vast left wing conspiracy targeted them for takeover, since it's OBVIOUSLY impossible that the majority of those who make their careers recording, analyzing and reporting data would inexplicably become liberals along the way. No, clearly, the media and educators have been "gotten to" and since we can't trust the people who've studied the facts their entire adult lives, the only people we can trust to "keep us informed" are the ones totally ignorant of reality. Which actually explains a great deal. ;)
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
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Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
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Arson at future Islamic Center site 'takes it to a whole new level' - 29/08/2010 04:54:42 AM 1115 Views
Don't get too worried. Not every mosque in America is under attack. Take a breath - 29/08/2010 06:25:31 AM 596 Views
Re: Don't get too worried. Not every mosque in America is under attack. Take a breath - 29/08/2010 08:33:10 AM 597 Views
You have to be kidding. Or I wish you were anyway. - 29/08/2010 03:13:42 PM 612 Views
I think this is what she is refering to - 29/08/2010 03:39:41 PM 760 Views
- 29/08/2010 06:31:34 PM 593 Views
That was incredibly vague. Fence sitter. *NM* - 29/08/2010 07:37:47 PM 227 Views
churches temples and mosqes are often vandalized all of the country - 29/08/2010 07:58:15 PM 473 Views
*NM* - 29/08/2010 12:24:14 PM 298 Views
I agree. A new way of life. the place you want to feel safe. - 30/08/2010 02:29:41 AM 535 Views
It's unfortunate. - 29/08/2010 02:41:08 PM 653 Views
Re: It's unfortunate. - 29/08/2010 02:58:29 PM 568 Views
I don't think it's that simple. - 29/08/2010 03:45:44 PM 496 Views
And you just missed my point completely. - 29/08/2010 04:00:59 PM 593 Views
I won't bother. - 29/08/2010 11:19:17 PM 535 Views
An epiphany - 29/08/2010 11:33:19 PM 608 Views
those facts are not that easy to find - 29/08/2010 10:56:55 PM 660 Views
Are there no books in America? *NM* - 29/08/2010 10:59:00 PM 236 Views
public libraries are a socialist conspiracy *NM* - 30/08/2010 01:22:33 AM 225 Views
Lots of those books show the history of Islam... - 30/08/2010 01:24:34 AM 643 Views
you mean - 30/08/2010 01:27:04 AM 521 Views
Re: you mean - 30/08/2010 01:29:35 AM 584 Views
Re: you mean - 30/08/2010 01:32:01 AM 559 Views
Re: you mean - 30/08/2010 02:07:19 AM 592 Views
Yes - 30/08/2010 12:47:29 PM 564 Views
congrats! - 30/08/2010 03:29:41 AM 660 Views
what a well thought out reply *NM* - 30/08/2010 03:18:40 PM 219 Views
I thought her reply was too short too, but she does have a point. - 30/08/2010 04:23:01 PM 747 Views
Replies are short for a reason. - 30/08/2010 07:46:20 PM 540 Views
apperantly Fox News - 30/08/2010 08:32:28 PM 530 Views
heheheheheeheheheeheHEHAHEHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAaheheheheheheh - 30/08/2010 08:35:19 PM 576 Views
it would be funny if most liberals didn't really believe it was true - 30/08/2010 08:49:58 PM 548 Views
how about the thousands upon thousands of Muslims who haven't done anything? *NM* - 30/08/2010 08:51:36 PM 255 Views
lets make that millions upon millions. *NM* - 30/08/2010 11:20:32 PM 221 Views
Pfft - 30/08/2010 11:38:34 PM 573 Views
And my point was that maybe people need to get off their duffs - 31/08/2010 12:39:42 AM 554 Views
Re: those facts are not that easy to find - 30/08/2010 01:16:09 AM 574 Views
Now aisha, you know full well you're personally responsible for all of the middle east. - 30/08/2010 12:29:36 PM 557 Views
well she hasn't done much to sell the idea that Muslims are moderate *NM* - 30/08/2010 04:19:40 PM 261 Views
umm ok. *NM* - 30/08/2010 06:50:51 PM 259 Views
but she does not represent Islam. - 30/08/2010 07:12:20 PM 467 Views
less fallacious than claiming the country xenophobic because some morons torched a bulldozer *NM* - 30/08/2010 08:51:50 PM 205 Views
I think that would be 'equally' fallacious. *NM* - 31/08/2010 05:29:38 AM 237 Views
perception is reality in politics - 30/08/2010 04:18:59 PM 631 Views
Sure they are, you just can't cherry pick your sourcess. - 02/09/2010 04:20:20 PM 729 Views
Wow - that's paranoid - 29/08/2010 03:00:09 PM 611 Views
That's absurd. - 29/08/2010 03:47:31 PM 583 Views
how're you defining terrorist? - 29/08/2010 04:05:23 PM 594 Views
You are too young to remember the Christian Militia groups of the 1990s here in America. - 29/08/2010 06:51:55 PM 601 Views
well put *NM* - 29/08/2010 06:57:45 PM 615 Views
agreed. *NM* - 29/08/2010 07:04:14 PM 235 Views
That isn't a valid comparison - 29/08/2010 10:39:32 PM 597 Views
It's really not - 30/08/2010 03:25:07 AM 516 Views
Facts? - 30/08/2010 05:53:17 AM 538 Views
Your mind is already made up - no sense confusing you with facts - 31/08/2010 03:34:26 PM 610 Views
There are approximately 1,400 mosques in the U.S. Please name me 14 that have radicalized people. - 29/08/2010 06:41:39 PM 632 Views
14? Easy - 29/08/2010 07:31:24 PM 650 Views
Er... - 29/08/2010 08:01:50 PM 506 Views
Yeah, not a very subtle name - 29/08/2010 08:34:53 PM 550 Views
Re: Yeah, not a very subtle name - 30/08/2010 03:21:54 AM 602 Views
Re: Yeah, not a very subtle name - 30/08/2010 04:31:09 AM 645 Views
Re: It's unfortunate. - 30/08/2010 09:51:10 AM 862 Views
Re: It's unfortunate. - 30/08/2010 02:33:29 PM 683 Views

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