Active Users:223 Time:20/05/2024 01:18:16 PM
Apparently I forgot to hit "submit. " - Edit 1

Before modification by Joel at 08/09/2010 05:18:31 AM

I probably still would've missed it; I just got back from a visit that was 12 hours by car. Each way.

I AM terribly sorry to have missed it though, and hope your day was as fantastic as you are, surpassed only by each succeeding day for many decades to come. By the way, aren't you a tad cerebral for a Virgo? Not a shot, just an observation. Really. We love you. Please stop crying. (Now that I know you're a fellow Virgo I'll probably relate to you a little differently; I don't really buy astrology, but I can't deny that, due to self fulfilling prophecies or something else, most people I've met DO exhibit most of the traits associated with their sign. )

What traits are those?

I see you had Pratchett and wine, so assume you had a marvelous time; well done, and keep up the good work. Have fun, be well, and hope to see you soon (even if you are in Scotland atm; not that far from Norway. )

I'll be so glad when this week is finished and I can start getting ready to leave....

Those are pretty lengthy for a cut 'n paste, but should give you the idea. Maybe "empathic" would've been a better term than "emotional" but perhaps that's the trick to it: If you use sufficiently vague and common terms there's a good chance whatever you claim about any group will have many of them saying, "that's TOTALLY me" as they fill in the blanks for themselves. To be honest, when I think of our astrological sign I usually think of the Mad magazine astrology from an issue years ago giving the example that "Virgoes save dead skin for sentimental value. " Still, the overviews linked above seem pretty standard, and there are a number of attributes that fit me well (although I'm NEVER punctual, and while I like to keep my professional life as ordered as possible, my personal life is a very different thing.... ) This part made me chuckle:

"Language especially they use correctly, clearly, consciously and formally, as grammarians and etymologists rather than for literary interests, yet they are likely to have a good memory for apt quotations. "

Since even the serious astrology publishers are quick to add "for entertainment purposes only" amusement is probably the best way to look at the whole thing. And, no, I haven't a clue what happens when Rupert is in Virgo....

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