Active Users:175 Time:02/06/2024 10:02:24 AM
Yes... Jedi Wolf Sister Send a noteboard - 26/10/2010 07:57:35 PM
... from six different samples, actually, but I got Dan Brown twice. Fun little toy!

what an insult

Is it? I must confess to not having read anything from him.
I lurk a lot...
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"I write like..." - 26/10/2010 12:13:04 AM 1017 Views
Kurt Vonnegut...whoever he is. *NM* - 26/10/2010 12:27:06 AM 231 Views
Wait, really? - 26/10/2010 12:30:26 AM 623 Views
I got the same one - 26/10/2010 12:28:35 AM 597 Views
apparently I also write like David Foster Wallace *NM* - 26/10/2010 12:45:19 AM 223 Views
also like Stephen King and Cory Doctorow *NM* - 26/10/2010 03:23:46 AM 233 Views
I have alternatively gotten ... - 26/10/2010 01:22:27 AM 599 Views
I got Carrot Top. *NM* - 26/10/2010 01:39:15 AM 221 Views
Re: Hahaha. *NM* - 26/10/2010 02:02:23 AM 516 Views
Stephanie Myer, Bram Stoker, Stephen King and Cory Doctorow - 26/10/2010 02:00:40 AM 532 Views
That is because it is a random generator... - 26/10/2010 03:17:02 AM 592 Views
Dan Brown, Charles Dickens, James Fenimore Cooper, Ursula Le Guin, and Arthur Clarke... - 26/10/2010 03:26:28 AM 676 Views
Dan Brown twice? - 26/10/2010 03:28:13 AM 646 Views
Yes... - 26/10/2010 07:57:35 PM 578 Views
The differing responses have me curious... - 27/10/2010 02:23:21 AM 471 Views
Cory Doctorow, whoever that is *NM* - 26/10/2010 10:10:23 AM 212 Views
Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom - 26/10/2010 04:25:56 PM 564 Views
and then read Little Brother. - 26/10/2010 04:29:11 PM 512 Views
Oh, interesting! Genre? *NM* - 26/10/2010 08:30:21 PM 226 Views
Tell you what, I'll post a review. - 28/10/2010 10:40:10 AM 823 Views
oh! - 29/10/2010 07:08:41 AM 556 Views
Cory Doctorow *NM* - 26/10/2010 01:35:36 PM 207 Views
That really is awesome! And it is definitely not random... - 26/10/2010 04:23:36 PM 597 Views
I did something like that. - 26/10/2010 08:16:22 PM 526 Views
Goethe's Faustus returned Pj Wodehouse *NM* - 27/10/2010 01:21:29 AM 206 Views
I like that. - 03/11/2010 09:26:21 AM 588 Views
Mark Twain *NM* - 26/10/2010 04:26:01 PM 223 Views
Corey Feldman? - 26/10/2010 05:15:58 PM 597 Views
Did you submit the script for the third Lost Boys movie? *NM* - 27/10/2010 02:04:16 AM 233 Views
Nope. Dream A Little Dream 3. *NM* - 27/10/2010 06:48:57 PM 222 Views
I pasted a journal entry and got Edgar Allan Poe. - 26/10/2010 08:23:58 PM 557 Views
I write like William Gibson. - 26/10/2010 11:03:08 PM 521 Views
Wongers, your smiley terrifies me. *NM* - 26/10/2010 11:16:04 PM 227 Views
It is so fitting, though... It just says "wongers"... - 27/10/2010 12:59:55 PM 508 Views
Arthur C Clarke - 27/10/2010 12:47:46 AM 534 Views
With a fiction piece I got Stephen King *NM* - 27/10/2010 01:09:07 AM 225 Views
Hm. Margaret Atwood - 27/10/2010 03:55:50 PM 567 Views
Punch drunk monkey *NM* - 27/10/2010 08:11:14 PM 210 Views
my emails are like H.P Lovecraft apparently O.O - 27/10/2010 09:50:00 PM 539 Views

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