Active Users:324 Time:06/05/2024 01:34:31 AM
Ok. I'll give it a go. - Edit 1

Before modification by everynametaken at 05/12/2010 04:09:10 AM

1) Some people know this but probably not to the full extent. I was once, for about ten years, an evangelical, fundamentalist, Pentecostal/Charismatic who believed in speaking in tongues, healing, modern day prophets and prophecy and scriptural literalism (yes, I suppose I believed in a 6 day creation). I am now an agnostic in case anyone is curious.

2) I have a taste aversion to mayonnaise (and no, I don't eat Miracle Whip, it is the same thing to me). I can never remember in my entire 34 years ever eating Mayo and the few times I accidentally got it in my mouth I immediately spit it out and rinsed my mouth and wiped my tongue off to try and get every last bit out of my mouth. I will freak the F out if you even try to cut my sandwich with a knife that has been used on a sandwich with mayo and I even put my stuff in the fridge apart from where the mayo is. I do not know how the aversion started but I absolutely will not eat mayo no matter if I was even starving. I would rather starve to death.

3) My sister-in-law's father is a sociopath. He displays all the classic signs of having no conscience and using everyone to achieve his every whim. He has made my brother's life a complete Hell for the last 13 years and his sons and daughter display signs of repeating his manipulations. Their marriage is on its way to ending but there are three kids so he will unfortunately have to live with this piece of shit and his influence until the day he dies. On such a day I will relish going to his grave and pissing on it.

4) I am extremely loyal and in a sick twist I have had many people in my life who I poured my loyalty in to that turned around and screwed me. My heart has been broken quite a few times in my life by women and guy friends. For that reason I don't trust most people anymore and don't bother to make new friends.

5) On a lighter not, I am an ass man and not a boob man. Big boobs don't matter to me but I'm totally down with a nice butt. In that vein, I find skinny vogue-like models ugly and disgusting. I can't even force myself to find rail thin women attractive.

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