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Knowing Jon Stewart... Shannow Send a noteboard - 11/01/2011 03:20:04 PM
for those who haven't watched it yet, in tonight's daily show opening segment he talks about how inane it is to try to pigeonhole the events in arizona into a particular ideology, and that doing so is equivalent to blaming video games or music for other tragedies that have happened. so in the interest of fairness i will say he's absolutely right and i will do my best to refrain from making those kinds of correlations and i can only hope that everyone else who has a political axe to grind will follow this example and do the same. i don't have the link because it hasn't been posted to the show's site yet but if you get a chance you should definitely take 5 minutes and watch it.

He's probably saying it because it's looking more and more likely that the guy is in fact not a right wing radical, but is a left wing nut job instead.

Flag burner?
Pot smoker?

Definitely not from the religious or conservative right, that's for sure.

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once again, jon stewart is the voice of reason EDIT: now with video - 11/01/2011 04:27:46 AM 698 Views
Knowing Jon Stewart... - 11/01/2011 03:20:04 PM 499 Views
Re: Man - 11/01/2011 04:02:12 PM 559 Views
Well said. *NM* - 11/01/2011 04:10:29 PM 203 Views
thank you. you are part of the problem. - 11/01/2011 04:17:18 PM 440 Views
Did you ever consider that he's an nihilist? They aren't left or right - 12/01/2011 02:45:12 AM 518 Views
NPR seems to be trying to introduce some sanity as well - 11/01/2011 05:00:13 PM 773 Views
I will have to find what you are talking about. - 12/01/2011 02:06:55 AM 408 Views
It isn't a question of numbers so much as who is doing it - 12/01/2011 05:11:06 AM 403 Views

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