Active Users:157 Time:02/06/2024 01:10:17 PM
So once you sit down and have a heart to hear with your client an discover that he is simply evil... - Edit 1

Before modification by Shannow at 13/01/2011 07:33:12 PM

Indeed. Their notoriety must have made it difficult to ensure a fair trial.

Is it still virtuous to try and defend him with all your heart, to try and find any loophole or any dodgy "expert" who might be able to get him declared insane, or acting under diminished responsibility, or to find some reason why the trial was unfair?

Let's put it another way.

If you KNOW your client is guilty of premeditated murder, but you find some way to get his sentence reduced to just 20 years, or just 10 years or even just 1 year under mental observation (I'm talking hypothetically here), is it still your duty to try and get the most advantageous result possible for him?

In that case the legal profession must the one of the most evil in existence.

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