Active Users:540 Time:21/09/2024 01:23:20 AM
Re: Dude, the scroll takes up what? the screen? moridin15 Send a noteboard - 18/09/2009 03:20:10 AM
cuz i fucking hate having to go searching all across the damn thread for what you little fucks are sayin.

Whiney whiney whiney. >.<

i know. but come on. it sucks having to look through all those threads just to find something you haven't read yet >.<
Reply to message
feels like home.. - 30/08/2009 03:50:14 PM 43018 Views
What do you mean... *kinda*?? - 30/08/2009 03:51:27 PM 22899 Views
What do you mean... *kinda?* - 16/10/2009 02:12:17 AM 959 Views
Well, it's the best you're gonna get. *NM* - 30/08/2009 03:51:52 PM 935 Views
look good everybody? - 18/09/2009 02:48:47 AM 1074 Views
Let's do it *NM* - 18/09/2009 02:50:27 AM 970 Views
aight lets get this mother fucking party started! *NM* - 18/09/2009 02:52:34 AM 955 Views
*cranks up the tunes, grabs a beer, and proceeds to snort coke off a hooker's ass* - 18/09/2009 02:55:04 AM 977 Views
you sir, - 18/09/2009 02:55:49 AM 1025 Views
You know better than to ask - 18/09/2009 03:00:38 AM 998 Views
yaya i new that was comin - 18/09/2009 03:12:05 AM 952 Views
When is homecoming? - 18/09/2009 03:13:50 AM 923 Views
Re: When is homecoming? - 18/09/2009 03:16:30 AM 972 Views
Goddamn sissy - 18/09/2009 03:17:43 AM 997 Views
Re: Goddamn sissy - 18/09/2009 03:19:20 AM 855 Views
That blows - 18/09/2009 03:21:30 AM 877 Views
Re: That blows - 18/09/2009 03:22:53 AM 974 Views
Ya, that he does - 18/09/2009 03:24:12 AM 995 Views
Re: Ya, that he does - 18/09/2009 03:26:34 AM 739 Views
Re: Ya, that he does - 18/09/2009 03:27:49 AM 893 Views
Re: Ya, that he does - 18/09/2009 03:31:03 AM 851 Views
So. WTF is up? *NM* - 18/09/2009 03:11:27 AM 1018 Views
Oh fuck. - 18/09/2009 03:12:48 AM 1001 Views
Troll this my homie. *stone cold salute* *NM* - 18/09/2009 03:14:08 AM 971 Views
its monroe man *NM* - 18/09/2009 03:14:55 AM 979 Views
Cool. Whats up? - 18/09/2009 03:16:59 AM 949 Views
not too much. kinda nice to have the old setting back aint it? *NM* - 18/09/2009 03:17:51 AM 967 Views
Yeah. We will have to fill it up with surveys and community stories. *NM* - 18/09/2009 03:25:20 AM 905 Views
By the way - 18/09/2009 03:29:10 AM 917 Views
oh shit. i totally dropped the ball on that one. sorry. maybe someone else did. *NM* - 18/09/2009 03:31:14 AM 826 Views
I hope so... *NM* - 18/09/2009 03:32:19 AM 826 Views
Re: By the way - 18/09/2009 05:46:44 AM 901 Views
Dude, the scroll takes up what? the screen? - 18/09/2009 03:18:36 AM 914 Views
Re: Dude, the scroll takes up what? the screen? - 18/09/2009 03:20:10 AM 982 Views
That it does. - 18/09/2009 03:21:49 AM 954 Views
Just like the good ol' days - 18/09/2009 03:22:50 AM 935 Views
why the hell did you change your name roe - 18/09/2009 03:13:35 AM 962 Views
I like this one better. *grabs a hooker* *NM* - 18/09/2009 03:14:41 AM 928 Views
Don't we all? *NM* - 18/09/2009 03:19:02 AM 863 Views
Someone should have told me that before I flipped a tit on my tag team partner - 18/09/2009 03:14:46 AM 942 Views
S'all good. *tosses a flask of Jack* *NM* - 18/09/2009 03:16:05 AM 959 Views
Ah, always knew the way to my heart didn't you - 18/09/2009 03:20:26 AM 879 Views
Obama's disapproval rating? *NM* - 18/09/2009 03:17:21 PM 863 Views
Oh and yeah......we need a way to convert the time on the page and message boards to AMERICAN *NM* - 18/09/2009 03:12:44 AM 925 Views
Here's a novel idea - 18/09/2009 02:53:49 PM 865 Views
This is the thread you want all the previous TEVT posters to put their 2 cents in..right? *NM* - 18/09/2009 03:13:28 AM 887 Views
Yessir! *NM* - 18/09/2009 03:15:54 AM 888 Views
wonder when everyone will start arriving............................ - 18/09/2009 03:25:34 AM 923 Views
*impatiently looks at his watch* - 18/09/2009 03:27:03 AM 877 Views
Yeah. I am tired of writing this gosh danged mini report for my history class. party on! *NM* - 18/09/2009 03:27:40 AM 858 Views
You're in college? *NM* - 18/09/2009 03:34:20 AM 764 Views
Yeah. Going back - 18/09/2009 03:40:06 AM 894 Views
Well good for you, - 18/09/2009 03:43:01 AM 822 Views
awww. shucks. thanks dood. *NM* - 18/09/2009 03:44:23 AM 885 Views
did you send invites to all the old gang? *NM* - 18/09/2009 03:28:29 AM 817 Views
we're working on it *NM* - 18/09/2009 03:32:49 AM 800 Views
Re: did you send invites to all the old gang? - 18/09/2009 03:34:10 AM 842 Views
Yup, got that covered *NM* - 18/09/2009 03:37:38 AM 813 Views
Question...of a non politcally correct nature - 18/09/2009 03:44:00 AM 905 Views
Conservative - 18/09/2009 03:51:35 AM 867 Views
lmao just dont say that up here - 18/09/2009 08:15:48 PM 826 Views
do either of you play games on the xbox 360 via xbox live - 18/09/2009 03:45:37 AM 879 Views
I wish dude - 18/09/2009 03:48:07 AM 803 Views
w00t!! - 18/09/2009 03:49:57 AM 880 Views
Looks that way don't it *NM* - 18/09/2009 03:52:02 AM 809 Views
what??? - 19/09/2009 04:55:23 AM 885 Views
I have a question - 18/09/2009 04:04:44 AM 804 Views
Re: I have a question - 18/09/2009 05:01:38 AM 850 Views
Re: I have a question - 18/09/2009 05:57:19 AM 820 Views
Re: I have a question - 18/09/2009 02:58:16 PM 801 Views
good for you. - 18/09/2009 08:08:15 PM 721 Views
Took the words right out of my mouth.. - 18/09/2009 09:42:20 PM 808 Views
Re: I have a question - 18/09/2009 10:56:50 PM 840 Views
Re: I have a question - 19/09/2009 05:28:10 PM 758 Views
Damn it! - 19/09/2009 05:29:42 PM 827 Views
That you did *NM* - 20/09/2009 01:13:21 AM 797 Views
Sup yall! - 18/09/2009 06:00:57 AM 839 Views
Hey Kait. Good to see you again - 18/09/2009 03:16:30 PM 873 Views
Re: Hey Kait. Good to see you again - 18/09/2009 05:32:13 PM 792 Views
piss-up (noun) - vulgar expression for a bout of heavy drinking - 19/09/2009 02:32:31 AM 866 Views
Ah, the Southern accent rides again *NM* - 18/09/2009 09:46:28 PM 844 Views
And ya know ya love it, Connor! *NM* - 18/09/2009 10:14:27 PM 829 Views
Pretty much, ya *NM* - 18/09/2009 11:21:31 PM 847 Views
Hey everyone - 18/09/2009 03:11:52 PM 833 Views
Re: Hey everyone - 18/09/2009 05:38:33 PM 892 Views
I wish we could say the same *NM* - 18/09/2009 09:43:57 PM 832 Views
Maybe if you went to school more, you'd have a larger vocabulary *NM* - 19/09/2009 02:30:54 AM 806 Views
Touche *NM* - 19/09/2009 03:08:01 AM 794 Views
Nobody Panic! I'm here - 18/09/2009 07:50:32 PM 807 Views
- 18/09/2009 08:30:34 PM 876 Views
Don't worry, no one was. - 18/09/2009 09:45:20 PM 827 Views
who are you again??? *NM* - 19/09/2009 04:52:50 AM 826 Views
Hi Sheona - 19/09/2009 06:05:45 PM 849 Views
I'm great - 20/09/2009 06:27:51 PM 844 Views
I'm here. - 18/09/2009 11:01:56 PM 872 Views
I'm going to try and put this as delicately as possible, because i don't want to hurt your feelings. - 18/09/2009 11:23:37 PM 855 Views
As difficult as it is for me to agree with you... - 20/09/2009 06:30:49 PM 858 Views
Its kind of a burning, degrading feeling isn't it? - 20/09/2009 07:00:01 PM 870 Views
sorry - 19/09/2009 04:44:28 AM 851 Views
Oho! - 19/09/2009 04:48:51 AM 868 Views
Re: Oho! - 19/09/2009 04:51:24 AM 884 Views
Re: Ohio - 19/09/2009 04:52:21 AM 826 Views
Role call - 19/09/2009 04:48:48 AM 854 Views
Here Sergent! - 19/09/2009 04:50:54 AM 821 Views
Re: Here Sergent! - 19/09/2009 04:52:11 AM 830 Views
I don't want to rain on your parade, er, military coup.. - 19/09/2009 04:53:35 AM 833 Views
Re: I don't want to rain on your parade, er, military coup.. - 19/09/2009 04:55:58 AM 832 Views
Just like your goddamn gholam - 19/09/2009 04:56:56 AM 836 Views
I haven't seen Steve post anything yet *NM* - 19/09/2009 05:16:40 AM 805 Views
i've seen some posts by him recently - 19/09/2009 08:57:32 PM 870 Views
Reporting for duty sah! - 19/09/2009 06:08:13 PM 816 Views
Re: Reporting for duty sah! - 19/09/2009 08:55:14 PM 803 Views
*Waves* *NM* - 19/09/2009 11:31:26 PM 778 Views
I am most definitely not here. - 20/09/2009 06:33:44 PM 810 Views
you aren't here? - 21/09/2009 02:56:06 AM 733 Views
Sounds like a good idea *NM* - 21/09/2009 03:09:12 AM 785 Views
If the pumkin didn't want it, why was it smiling at me? *NM* - 19/09/2009 05:00:46 AM 814 Views
Nice place we got here - 19/09/2009 06:10:03 PM 813 Views
Re: Nice place we got here - 19/09/2009 08:56:00 PM 842 Views
I could use a couple o' those. *NM* - 20/09/2009 01:12:19 AM 815 Views
The rules of TEVT - 20/09/2009 03:53:25 AM 882 Views
His Name Is Robert Palmer. His Name Is Robert Palmer. *NM* - 20/09/2009 06:57:50 AM 827 Views
thank you *NM* - 20/09/2009 06:07:43 PM 795 Views
So are we Project TEVT now? *NM* - 20/09/2009 06:44:00 PM 916 Views
You do not speak of Project TEVT. *NM* - 20/09/2009 06:59:03 PM 887 Views
We? - 21/09/2009 03:07:35 AM 825 Views
You've never see Fight Club have you? *NM* - 21/09/2009 03:09:56 AM 809 Views
clearly not - 21/09/2009 03:10:46 AM 872 Views
Fucking weed - 20/09/2009 06:46:47 PM 856 Views
Its a beautiful smell, eh? *NM* - 20/09/2009 06:55:54 PM 827 Views
what he said *NM* - 21/09/2009 03:01:44 AM 826 Views
Well, when you're smoking it, sure. - 22/09/2009 03:57:43 AM 806 Views
You have obviously never been in my buddies house - 22/09/2009 04:39:25 AM 766 Views
here's where everyone sits around here.. - 21/09/2009 03:00:42 AM 864 Views
What are we the Mafia? *NM* - 21/09/2009 03:10:16 AM 784 Views
eh why the hell not *NM* - 21/09/2009 03:12:18 AM 808 Views
I'm not cool? - 21/09/2009 03:45:49 AM 857 Views
I think Taylor just wants you to be around more - 21/09/2009 10:09:47 PM 792 Views
I think thats the general idea. - 21/09/2009 10:57:10 PM 871 Views
Taylor is married? - 21/09/2009 06:41:12 AM 805 Views
Yeah, what she said. *NM* - 21/09/2009 07:05:53 PM 766 Views
Wut? *NM* - 21/09/2009 10:10:07 PM 816 Views
Come again? - 21/09/2009 11:03:18 PM 850 Views
Taylor changed his fb status to "married" - 21/09/2009 11:28:32 PM 866 Views
Oooh Misty, yeaaah.... - 21/09/2009 11:43:34 PM 793 Views
^_^ - 21/09/2009 11:45:11 PM 814 Views
Well he could... - 22/09/2009 12:07:50 AM 828 Views
Taylor married my dog? *NM* - 22/09/2009 03:47:56 AM 816 Views
thats actually where i got the name lol - 22/09/2009 04:16:45 AM 816 Views
Since its the 21st of the month - 21/09/2009 07:59:06 PM 903 Views
Re: Since its the 21st of the month - 21/09/2009 10:08:26 PM 816 Views
Re: Since its the 21st of the month - 21/09/2009 10:19:17 PM 788 Views
If we continue the Monty and Mel days - 21/09/2009 11:02:40 PM 798 Views
Good plan. Make all the other Days 2 each? *NM* - 21/09/2009 11:42:24 PM 841 Views
Sure, except for the Horror day - 21/09/2009 11:45:56 PM 769 Views
Re: Sure, except for the Horror day - 21/09/2009 11:49:41 PM 749 Views
Who doesn't? - 22/09/2009 12:09:59 AM 830 Views
I was going to do Video Tuesday no matter what - 21/09/2009 11:01:07 PM 921 Views
Re: I was going to do Video Tuesday no matter what - 21/09/2009 11:46:38 PM 825 Views
I don't know - 22/09/2009 12:09:37 AM 785 Views
That's why I had a question mark. - 22/09/2009 12:31:53 AM 792 Views
Ok, lead on! - 22/09/2009 01:22:04 AM 818 Views
Sounds good! - 22/09/2009 03:47:18 AM 888 Views
I don't know if you heard 'em Vince........ - 22/09/2009 05:57:14 AM 887 Views
get the fuck out of tevt - 22/09/2009 06:56:39 PM 803 Views
... - 22/09/2009 06:59:39 PM 913 Views
Ding-ding-ding...we have a winner - 22/09/2009 08:53:35 PM 910 Views
Pretty sure its monroe - 22/09/2009 09:09:38 PM 820 Views
eh kk *NM* - 23/09/2009 04:37:21 AM 801 Views
By the way - 22/09/2009 09:26:53 PM 684 Views
Its Tuesday, People!!!! - 22/09/2009 05:27:23 PM 852 Views
My first - 22/09/2009 05:53:21 PM 985 Views
My second - 22/09/2009 06:05:09 PM 929 Views
My third - 22/09/2009 06:11:34 PM 925 Views
My fourth - 22/09/2009 06:19:28 PM 1034 Views
My last - 22/09/2009 06:50:43 PM 1048 Views
Nice one *NM* - 22/09/2009 10:58:18 PM 739 Views
Hmm, where to begin? - 22/09/2009 09:18:26 PM 932 Views
Next? - 22/09/2009 09:20:22 PM 961 Views
You knw how the say not to judge someone too quickly? - 22/09/2009 09:21:55 PM 963 Views
OMG, Connor!!! ROFLMFAO!!!!! *NM* - 22/09/2009 09:30:43 PM 836 Views
Scooby's on his last mystery - 22/09/2009 09:23:19 PM 966 Views
Pantera! - 22/09/2009 09:25:56 PM 963 Views
First one - 22/09/2009 10:47:37 PM 1005 Views
Hardy Bucks - 22/09/2009 10:48:52 PM 995 Views
BTW: NSFHobo *NM* - 22/09/2009 11:19:32 PM 802 Views
He's lying hobo - 22/09/2009 11:42:38 PM 807 Views
TVOTR - 22/09/2009 10:50:54 PM 964 Views
Ramones - 22/09/2009 10:53:10 PM 892 Views
Seriously Epic Stuff Here - 22/09/2009 10:54:56 PM 995 Views
Damn it Steve! - 22/09/2009 11:27:31 PM 820 Views
Re: Damn it Steve! - 24/09/2009 10:20:27 PM 754 Views
Hehe - 25/09/2009 12:39:47 AM 811 Views
Re: Hehe - 25/09/2009 06:25:11 PM 842 Views
God damn! - 23/09/2009 03:50:06 AM 838 Views
yawn - 23/09/2009 04:37:49 AM 799 Views
Just shaking my money maker ( I ) - 23/09/2009 01:51:09 PM 874 Views
How much weight did you lose? *NM* - 23/09/2009 10:43:39 PM 839 Views
oooooooooopics!!!!! - 24/09/2009 12:00:36 AM 694 Views
Alright - 24/09/2009 09:37:08 PM 822 Views
"How many protestants does it take to screw in a lightbulb?" - 24/09/2009 10:23:48 PM 853 Views
You shitfaced? - 24/09/2009 11:23:57 PM 717 Views
No, I'm sober - 25/09/2009 06:20:38 PM 795 Views
What do you call 123 white people chasing after 1 black person? - 25/09/2009 12:43:02 AM 852 Views
OLD *NM* - 25/09/2009 12:44:15 AM 831 Views
Hmm, more views than replies... - 25/09/2009 01:49:16 AM 846 Views
Is there any topic in particular you want to talk about? - 25/09/2009 02:02:26 AM 750 Views
Not really, - 25/09/2009 02:06:26 AM 805 Views
Not much really - 25/09/2009 02:08:17 AM 791 Views
Pfft, we don't even have that - 25/09/2009 03:40:28 AM 892 Views
Re: Pfft, we don't even have that - 25/09/2009 03:47:35 AM 768 Views
Re: Pfft, we don't even have that - 25/09/2009 04:17:25 AM 825 Views
Re: Pfft, we don't even have that - 25/09/2009 04:24:01 AM 735 Views
I did not know that - 25/09/2009 04:32:10 AM 740 Views
Well, you learn something new every day! - 25/09/2009 04:36:32 AM 849 Views
We can only hope *NM* - 25/09/2009 04:52:54 AM 808 Views
What's all this about then? *NM* - 25/09/2009 02:29:11 AM 823 Views
I don't think I should be part of the welcoming commitee - 25/09/2009 03:29:47 AM 747 Views
Don't listen to Connor - 25/09/2009 06:22:27 PM 849 Views
Crazy like a sizzling slice of bacon! *NM* - 25/09/2009 10:04:39 PM 732 Views
I take it you're Connor then... *NM* - 26/09/2009 02:30:49 AM 741 Views
I think you're Taylor *NM* - 26/09/2009 02:34:16 AM 755 Views
Good for you, connor! - 25/09/2009 02:45:47 AM 831 Views
Well thank you - 25/09/2009 03:32:53 AM 720 Views
Re: Well thank you - 25/09/2009 03:46:35 AM 842 Views
>.< - 25/09/2009 04:18:21 AM 784 Views
Tonights episode of Fringe - 25/09/2009 04:19:53 AM 825 Views
I just have to say - 26/09/2009 06:38:07 AM 826 Views
Ok here's what you do - 26/09/2009 06:36:11 PM 759 Views
Sure. I mean it worked on Futurama... - 26/09/2009 09:36:46 PM 896 Views
Eat lots of garlic - 26/09/2009 08:07:50 PM 832 Views
Thanks Steve - 27/09/2009 04:20:46 AM 844 Views
aw poor kait - 27/09/2009 10:00:42 PM 737 Views
Well due to lack of activity here, I'm just gonna talk about my life - 28/09/2009 03:34:06 PM 834 Views
That sounds like fun - 28/09/2009 08:33:35 PM 746 Views
It is - 29/09/2009 06:09:26 PM 755 Views
i only got a regular flu shot - 29/09/2009 10:17:53 PM 816 Views
Thats... something? - 28/09/2009 09:12:35 PM 778 Views
lol yes. one of the better traditions we have *NM* - 29/09/2009 06:10:09 PM 765 Views
See, that's just weird - 29/09/2009 01:40:38 AM 718 Views
Re: See, that's just weird - 29/09/2009 06:14:55 PM 836 Views
Re: See, that's just weird - 30/09/2009 01:49:24 AM 831 Views
Day 2 - 29/09/2009 06:21:04 PM 798 Views
Re: Day 2 - 29/09/2009 10:22:21 PM 611 Views
Re: Day 2 - 29/09/2009 11:54:23 PM 861 Views
Re: Day 2 - 04/10/2009 10:24:23 PM 808 Views
Re: Day 2 - 30/09/2009 01:57:31 AM 776 Views
Re: Day 2 - 30/09/2009 05:31:23 AM 764 Views
Re: Day 2 - 30/09/2009 06:01:01 AM 846 Views
Its not the same - 29/09/2009 02:47:26 AM 869 Views
Connor... - 29/09/2009 03:17:56 AM 786 Views
Hey, man - 29/09/2009 06:08:04 PM 721 Views
Dude... - 29/09/2009 10:26:13 PM 845 Views
fuck man my parents won't let me go down for your birthday - 02/10/2009 01:55:07 AM 840 Views
Im thinking about trying to come up for it - 02/10/2009 02:00:14 AM 809 Views
Re: Im thinking about trying to come up for it - 03/10/2009 06:56:59 AM 741 Views
Lol would be a good time. - 03/10/2009 05:14:31 PM 790 Views
Video Tuesday - 29/09/2009 10:27:11 PM 670 Views
Dirty Projectors - 29/09/2009 10:29:02 PM 932 Views
Junior Senior - 29/09/2009 10:31:04 PM 933 Views
Fleet Foxes - 29/09/2009 10:33:08 PM 925 Views
Bat For Lashes - 29/09/2009 10:34:30 PM 988 Views
Fioon Regan - 29/09/2009 10:36:15 PM 879 Views
Okie Dokie Video One - 30/09/2009 12:34:08 AM 827 Views
Another old one - 30/09/2009 12:35:53 AM 959 Views
Bloodtests never lie *NM* - 02/10/2009 02:09:25 AM 798 Views
A song! - 30/09/2009 12:38:07 AM 955 Views
Why would you take your 7 year old son to the dentist? - 30/09/2009 12:39:14 AM 809 Views
The same reason you bring Vader - 02/10/2009 02:14:00 AM 871 Views
And the last one - 30/09/2009 12:40:18 AM 937 Views
I never miss a tuesday - 30/09/2009 02:56:03 AM 771 Views
Aww - 30/09/2009 02:56:52 AM 755 Views
a little WoW - 30/09/2009 02:58:43 AM 760 Views
The birds and the bees - 30/09/2009 03:00:12 AM 882 Views
Band of the week - 30/09/2009 03:01:13 AM 838 Views
We haven't had any new subthreads in days - 04/10/2009 10:23:45 PM 762 Views
Sure, why not - 05/10/2009 12:12:51 AM 828 Views
Well........ - 05/10/2009 02:58:43 AM 789 Views
Video Tuesday......monroe style - 06/10/2009 02:30:34 PM 853 Views
Video Tuesday......monroe style - 06/10/2009 02:33:27 PM 751 Views
Video Tuesday......monroe style - 06/10/2009 02:34:35 PM 794 Views
Video Tuesday......monroe style - 06/10/2009 02:35:35 PM 835 Views
Video Tuesday......monroe style - 06/10/2009 02:39:44 PM 823 Views
So what the fizzuck bees up wit all muh homiiieees? - 06/10/2009 02:41:43 PM 791 Views
I think Monroe has been hitting the crack pipe again - 06/10/2009 07:38:19 PM 783 Views
It's a hard knock life, homeslice! - 06/10/2009 10:06:58 PM 825 Views
Been better, been worse - 06/10/2009 11:32:40 PM 803 Views
Video Tuesday God King style! - 06/10/2009 07:42:26 PM 876 Views
See Above - 06/10/2009 07:44:07 PM 905 Views
See Above Again - 06/10/2009 07:45:47 PM 848 Views
Do I have to say it again? - 06/10/2009 07:51:41 PM 857 Views
Band of the week - 06/10/2009 07:52:37 PM 773 Views
I'll mail a batch of cookies to whomever guesses what day it is first. *NM* - 09/10/2009 02:01:21 AM 831 Views
Re: I'll mail a batch of cookies to whomever guesses what day it is first. - 09/10/2009 02:27:36 AM 804 Views
Think one day earlier - 09/10/2009 03:11:40 AM 774 Views
Nope - 09/10/2009 05:23:15 AM 801 Views
Close, - 09/10/2009 02:30:22 PM 781 Views
Well then, Happy (belated) Birthday! - 10/10/2009 01:18:48 AM 701 Views
Well thank you - 12/10/2009 02:42:00 AM 806 Views
Dude. Sorry. I missed your birthday. - 11/10/2009 04:43:23 AM 820 Views
No worries - 12/10/2009 02:42:35 AM 761 Views
It was your birthday? - 11/10/2009 06:21:17 AM 814 Views
yupperz, I hear everyone has one - 12/10/2009 02:43:21 AM 845 Views
My Grandad's 80th? - 13/10/2009 10:22:01 PM 765 Views
Video Tuesday - 13/10/2009 10:33:00 PM 631 Views
The Front Fell Off! - 13/10/2009 10:33:51 PM 804 Views
Florence Welch and Kid Harpoon - 13/10/2009 10:36:49 PM 719 Views
Stonecturres - 13/10/2009 10:38:55 PM 784 Views
Lykke li - 13/10/2009 10:39:34 PM 741 Views
PIL - 13/10/2009 10:40:54 PM 785 Views
Yessir we do. - 13/10/2009 11:59:38 PM 781 Views
Faygo - 14/10/2009 12:01:44 AM 817 Views
The best new movie out there - 14/10/2009 12:03:00 AM 842 Views
I don't got a witty title for this one - 14/10/2009 12:04:32 AM 800 Views
Band of the week - 14/10/2009 12:05:56 AM 770 Views
POST! *NM* - 15/10/2009 09:03:45 PM 751 Views
NOW! *NM* - 16/10/2009 12:27:44 AM 733 Views
Okay. - 16/10/2009 12:35:40 AM 766 Views
Way to aim high, bro - 16/10/2009 02:11:01 AM 829 Views
Now, now - 16/10/2009 02:58:51 AM 695 Views
Or we could start off running - 16/10/2009 10:51:15 PM 681 Views
You have a point... - 17/10/2009 01:52:23 AM 781 Views
Presicely - 17/10/2009 02:25:46 AM 801 Views
Hey, Kait - 16/10/2009 10:59:12 PM 804 Views
Hey, Connor. - 19/10/2009 05:27:48 PM 786 Views
ok - 19/10/2009 09:29:26 PM 804 Views
Jesus, its the weekend - 18/10/2009 04:50:48 AM 811 Views
Well, I've been busy - 18/10/2009 04:58:10 AM 819 Views
Whats a 21sts? - 18/10/2009 05:02:39 PM 806 Views
Shorthand for 21st birthday party - 19/10/2009 01:26:47 AM 844 Views
Well thats cool - 19/10/2009 09:32:50 PM 862 Views
So, what rugby do you like? - 19/10/2009 10:43:10 PM 872 Views
League, obviously. - 20/10/2009 01:17:38 AM 818 Views
more obviously - 20/10/2009 03:06:05 AM 802 Views
Re: Well thats cool - 20/10/2009 01:18:13 AM 750 Views
I did f*** all - 19/10/2009 10:46:02 PM 847 Views
you fucked what? *NM* - 20/10/2009 03:09:12 AM 738 Views
Nothing - 23/10/2009 04:58:12 PM 768 Views
Well usually on the weekend - 23/10/2009 05:41:00 AM 924 Views
My week - 23/10/2009 05:02:27 PM 793 Views
Sounds like a decent week all round then! - 24/10/2009 01:28:48 AM 829 Views
Re: Sounds like a decent week all round then! - 27/10/2009 07:56:52 PM 743 Views
We forgot Video Tuesday - 25/10/2009 04:19:45 AM 770 Views
Video Tuesday *NM* - 27/10/2009 07:57:36 PM 791 Views
Video one - 27/10/2009 07:59:02 PM 889 Views
Video 2 - 27/10/2009 08:06:39 PM 899 Views
Video 3 - 27/10/2009 08:09:21 PM 965 Views
Video 4 - 27/10/2009 08:11:08 PM 831 Views
Video 5 - 27/10/2009 08:12:40 PM 947 Views
Star Wars themed week! - 27/10/2009 10:33:34 PM 922 Views
Dos - 27/10/2009 10:34:23 PM 944 Views
Dos II - 27/10/2009 10:35:06 PM 913 Views
Epic - 27/10/2009 10:36:17 PM 916 Views
Finale! - 27/10/2009 10:37:34 PM 888 Views
Dammit I always miss Video Tuedsay! *NM* - 28/10/2009 04:23:26 PM 798 Views
What is this here?? *NM* - 27/10/2009 11:01:41 PM 784 Views
Not what it used to be, I tell you what! *NM* - 28/10/2009 01:14:26 AM 776 Views
Wouldn't you like to know? - 28/10/2009 04:25:56 PM 852 Views
And this is why we fail - 29/10/2009 02:28:40 AM 878 Views
place where we come when even rafo bores us. *NM* - 28/10/2009 06:42:00 PM 736 Views
Threats and Mooses - 28/10/2009 04:50:46 PM 798 Views
You are obviously doing something right then - 28/10/2009 06:43:48 PM 792 Views
Sounds fun - 28/10/2009 06:49:59 PM 861 Views
Nothing, really - 28/10/2009 09:57:26 PM 823 Views
Re: Nothing, really - 31/10/2009 04:41:04 PM 904 Views
Oh, and the plural of moose is moose. One moose, two moose. *NM* - 28/10/2009 10:05:37 PM 786 Views
No, silly! - 29/10/2009 02:32:21 AM 712 Views
Yeah but "death threats and mooses" sounds better than "death threats and moose" *NM* - 31/10/2009 04:42:11 PM 806 Views
It's a real shame your title was "Threats and Mooses" then *NM* - 01/11/2009 05:02:58 AM 744 Views
Oh psh details details. *NM* - 01/11/2009 05:53:51 AM 790 Views
Certainly not anything as fun as death threats - 29/10/2009 02:31:23 AM 845 Views
I get threats and you get a girl? - 01/11/2009 04:31:49 PM 798 Views
Well if thats the case, then this weekend beats all! - 01/11/2009 06:31:56 PM 770 Views
SHEONA!!! - 03/11/2009 09:13:15 PM 775 Views
El videato numero eins! - 03/11/2009 09:14:34 PM 864 Views
Greatest RKO I ever did see - 03/11/2009 09:15:43 PM 867 Views
Electro-magnetic visual display 3 - 03/11/2009 09:22:26 PM 926 Views
Following past trend - 03/11/2009 09:25:49 PM 804 Views
Band of the Motherfucking Week! - 03/11/2009 09:27:50 PM 878 Views
i don't have youtube right now - 03/11/2009 11:35:47 PM 721 Views
Bill Bailey is a riot! - 04/11/2009 01:15:03 AM 831 Views
Right, now that we can add messageboard buddies - 03/11/2009 09:56:10 PM 871 Views
Diggin' it *NM* - 04/11/2009 01:15:32 AM 810 Views
So... - 08/11/2009 02:02:19 AM 827 Views
Get together? *NM* - 08/11/2009 04:34:07 PM 714 Views
Funny, I was informed you know about it... - 08/11/2009 11:15:08 PM 830 Views
Oh yes, well I will be going to that - 10/11/2009 12:14:09 AM 783 Views
Mainly because we haven't - 10/11/2009 12:32:02 AM 738 Views
Touche - 10/11/2009 09:01:53 PM 849 Views
nice of people to inform me of a get together... *NM* - 10/11/2009 04:45:03 AM 779 Views
Like I was saying to Connor - 10/11/2009 04:47:53 AM 783 Views
Yo, has anyone seen anything of Taylor? - 08/11/2009 04:35:23 PM 742 Views
He's gone to the same place as Monroe, Jo and Hobo *NM* - 08/11/2009 11:15:39 PM 764 Views
Must be a cold dark place - 10/11/2009 12:15:34 AM 875 Views
LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED THEN - 10/11/2009 04:46:31 AM 875 Views
Try unchecking the box then *NM* - 10/11/2009 04:48:49 AM 759 Views
That's what you get - 10/11/2009 09:03:14 PM 710 Views
Can I just say... - 10/11/2009 10:01:37 PM 810 Views
Damnit! *NM* - 10/11/2009 10:11:30 PM 797 Views
- 10/11/2009 11:16:31 PM 810 Views
>.< *NM* - 11/11/2009 05:17:58 PM 627 Views
Video Tuesday - 10/11/2009 10:11:48 PM 760 Views
Video one - 10/11/2009 10:12:19 PM 885 Views
Video Two - 10/11/2009 10:13:13 PM 912 Views
Video 3 - 10/11/2009 10:14:35 PM 894 Views
Video 4 - 10/11/2009 10:17:14 PM 897 Views
And the obligatory song - 10/11/2009 10:19:44 PM 1001 Views
Sorry I missed it - 11/11/2009 05:18:50 PM 778 Views
My life is shite. - 15/11/2009 03:41:37 PM 875 Views
hmm - 16/11/2009 02:29:37 AM 857 Views
*hugs* *NM* - 16/11/2009 03:58:02 AM 760 Views
Hey, Steve - 16/11/2009 12:06:09 AM 746 Views
Twas unlucky *NM* - 18/11/2009 11:00:54 PM 826 Views
ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? - 19/11/2009 09:15:39 PM 775 Views
I need to get a fucking job *NM* - 23/11/2009 01:28:46 AM 699 Views
View 1000 - 27/11/2009 06:22:27 AM 733 Views
Reply 419 - 27/11/2009 07:36:46 AM 667 Views
Actually, 419 is Police Code for dead human body - 27/11/2009 07:39:26 AM 781 Views
Y-1 means naked man at the wheel *NM* - 28/11/2009 04:03:08 AM 703 Views
I can't begin to imagine why you know that... *NM* - 28/11/2009 10:03:06 PM 740 Views
Ok. - 28/11/2009 09:36:59 PM 832 Views
Re: Ok. - 28/11/2009 10:39:51 PM 836 Views
Congratulatins and wow - 29/11/2009 09:29:23 PM 731 Views
I hope you all have a merry christmas - 09/12/2009 06:26:18 PM 809 Views
I little premature don't you think? *NM* - 10/12/2009 12:01:03 AM 763 Views
That's what SHE said - 10/12/2009 11:06:59 AM 748 Views
Well it hasn't happened yet - 10/12/2009 08:57:11 PM 702 Views
You too, my friend *NM* - 10/12/2009 11:08:39 AM 645 Views
The VanMan is in love - 12/12/2009 09:04:18 PM 760 Views
hmmm - 15/12/2009 04:56:56 AM 780 Views
Oh? - 16/12/2009 04:19:01 AM 764 Views
Re: Oh? - 17/12/2009 01:42:00 PM 737 Views
Mattia - 18/12/2009 04:31:11 AM 803 Views
I've never been this happy in the entirety of my 18 years of existance - 24/01/2010 04:55:45 AM 728 Views
Yo Connor, I'm happy for you and Imma let you finish - 24/01/2010 12:22:19 PM 827 Views
If nobody has any real objections - 25/01/2010 08:57:18 PM 837 Views
why? use the journal section. *NM* - 25/01/2010 09:05:47 PM 798 Views
Well then everyone can see them, silly *NM* - 25/01/2010 11:47:24 PM 732 Views
If you do, I'll probably be the only one who reads it *NM* - 26/01/2010 12:07:42 AM 744 Views
As long as someone does *NM* - 26/01/2010 01:09:53 AM 745 Views
Minions - 07/02/2010 06:08:45 AM 795 Views
The thing with sex - 15/02/2010 04:55:20 AM 770 Views
Who feels like beating this dead horse? *NM* - 17/07/2010 01:31:01 AM 763 Views