Active Users:168 Time:19/05/2024 12:10:08 AM
I don't think the people in Libya give at rat's ass about what the king of Qatar wants - Edit 1

Before modification by random thoughts at 21/03/2011 05:13:11 AM

People are dying so I think when you talk delay just for window dressing I have to roll my eyes. If it is worth doing then it is worth do immediately. Having Qatar make a show of being part of this is not to impress people of the Arab world it is for the West. How many people in the Muslim world are going to have their opinion changed because some hereditary dictator with a lot of US military in his country played along? I think it will makes as much difference as the illusion that the US is only playing a supporting role simply because our Commander In Chief is out glad handing in South America. It might look good for CNN but it ignores the fact that we shot over a 100 missiles into Libya. I haven't had a chance to see what the break up was but my impression is that it was mostly tomahawks missiles we were shooting, that is a lot firepower and a lot of money.

If it could have been a large coalition of Muslims states then it might make sense but with most of them are under threat of similar uprising so that isn't likely. To be honest though I assume no matter how it ends it will become another reason for people to hate America. I think history shows that expecting gratitude is naive. Look at how much gratitude we get from Europe for stopping the USSR from overrunning them and helping build back their nations after the last time they blew up the world. The deck of public opinion has been stacked for some time now so the only sane course is to say screw public opinion and just do what needs to be done.

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