Active Users:182 Time:02/06/2024 01:47:43 PM
those numbers sem high. What is your source? *NM* random thoughts Send a noteboard - 14/04/2011 05:05:26 PM
The numbers I have seen claim the top 5% pay half the income tax in this country.

Assuming I interpreted the spreadsheet correctly:

The top 0.0103% people paid 60% of the income tax. Specifically, the 11,000 people with AGI greater than $10,000,000 for 2008 paid 60% of the income tax for that year.

Note that this is a sum across regular tax computation, Form 8615 computation, and Schedule D computation.
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How can anyone seriously support Obama's budget proposals? - 14/04/2011 02:49:30 PM 1048 Views
I agree with your overall point but I do question one of your facts - 14/04/2011 03:25:25 PM 533 Views
Using IRS data for 2008: (most recent year for which data is available) - 14/04/2011 03:45:20 PM 558 Views
those numbers sem high. What is your source? *NM* - 14/04/2011 05:05:26 PM 210 Views
Data: *NM* - 14/04/2011 08:32:42 PM 223 Views
That's a breakdown of who modifies their returns and how it affects revenue. - 14/04/2011 09:15:21 PM 417 Views
I see. Well, nevermind then. *NM* - 15/04/2011 01:37:13 PM 212 Views
I believe you are questioning one of my definitions, not one of my facts. - 14/04/2011 04:36:35 PM 468 Views
No matter how you define it I think it would be hard to call the top 5% middle class - 14/04/2011 05:03:33 PM 478 Views
A family making $150,000 is not middle class? - 14/04/2011 06:07:07 PM 497 Views
reading what you said again - 14/04/2011 06:37:54 PM 458 Views
What a load of crap! - 14/04/2011 03:49:29 PM 633 Views
Yes, your response is a load of crap. - 14/04/2011 04:55:20 PM 538 Views
Re: Yes, your response is a load of crap. - 14/04/2011 05:13:14 PM 619 Views
This is our first war without a tax increase. - 14/04/2011 06:05:43 PM 539 Views
"Artful Dodgers" - 14/04/2011 06:30:58 PM 481 Views
Not giving me the information I need - 14/04/2011 09:33:36 PM 462 Views
Er, check facts - 14/04/2011 05:04:02 PM 655 Views
Yeah, lets fact check - 14/04/2011 05:43:34 PM 518 Views
I'm not sure thats entirely right - 14/04/2011 05:51:18 PM 688 Views
You basically just said what I said. How am I not right? - 14/04/2011 05:56:08 PM 478 Views
Re: You basically just said what I said. How am I not right? - 15/04/2011 02:48:07 AM 584 Views
A response - 14/04/2011 06:33:49 PM 592 Views
I only have one thing to ask. - 15/04/2011 02:36:07 PM 442 Views
What about the farm subsidies and the military? - 15/04/2011 04:54:54 PM 510 Views
Re: What about the farm subsidies and the military? - 15/04/2011 08:21:16 PM 465 Views
Cutting the military isn't enough - 16/04/2011 04:27:11 AM 443 Views

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