Active Users:175 Time:17/05/2024 08:11:38 AM
He was a college offensive lineman. - Edit 1

Before modification by Joel at 12/05/2011 01:48:48 AM

I think they need to stop calling things like SNL and the Daily Show comedy when they have a blatant political agenda. Chevy Chase has admitted that he had a political agenda when he repeatedly made fun of Ford for one time tripping when he came off of a plane. Now decades later a very athletic and agile man is known mostly for his lack of grace because of a sustained slander smear campaign by a "comedian" who was "just trying to make people laugh".

In the forties. On two National Championship teams, it's true (of course he went to Michigan when the Rose Bowl WAS the title game), but he was no Baryshnikov. Chevy's a , and that's from his friends, family and colleagues, so no surprise there, but the (undoubtedly liberal biased) news media broadcast that liberally. Ford was an accidental President and a mistake who gets a free ride for everything but the Nixon pardon because a certain political party likes to pretend that Carter caused all the economic malaise, energy crises and terrorism that started in the early '70s. The big lesson of the Ford administration is that even a junior Representative from the minority party can be President within a decade if he says JFK was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone rather than fellow Warren Commission member Allen Dulles and Nixon.
I am offended by people who the the war in Afghanistan was a "good" war we no choice about because one group who operated there (and isn't who we are fighting now) and that Iraq was a bad war that we chose even though Iraq had made shooting at planes a favorite hobby and had developed the nasty habit of attacking its neighbors not to mention huge segments of its own population.

Rumsfeld's greatest sin was not winning.

It's the internet: Taking offense for any reason or none is a right sometimes approaching the level of duty. Nevertheless, the facts are that the Taliban knowingly gave aid and comfort (not to mention sanctuary, shelter and training facilities) to a terrorist organization that killed thousands of American civilians on our own soil. Unless you think they were going to meekly surrender Al Qaeda to us, our only options were 1) invade, pursue, capture and prosecute if possible or kill Al Qaeda members or 2) wait for their next attack and try to shoot them when they got here. Invading put us in an ongoing military conflict with the Taliban, which still supports and operates in conjunction with Al Qaeda, our mortal enemy by mutual declaration.

Saddam, OTOH, was an impotent warlord under virtual house arrest, confined in both person and operations to his country, and most of that off limits to his military. I'm not saying it didn't happen, but I've never heard of an Iraqi firing on our aircraft between the Gulf Wars. They attempted missile locks in the No Fly Zone, and our fighters road the beam back and fragged them before they could do anything else. The President launched a few dozen cruise missiles because Republican Congressmen insisted Saddam was a "toothless" threat (and complained about those million dollar cruise missiles hurting our budget and readiness). Between the overreaction of cruise missiles in 1998 and necessary invasion in 2003, what changed? The White House letter head?

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