Active Users:280 Time:10/05/2024 04:03:16 AM
Well done. Now ours. - Edit 2

Before modification by Camilla at 27/05/2011 06:28:40 PM

1. No matter how stressful you think it's going to be, it will be 10 times more stressful than you imagined.


2. Three people is not enough.


2.a Two people is not enough to clean an entire flat in the 8 hours you have before the keys are due back.


3. You can literally clean things till your fingers bleed.


4. It is rather distressing as spending an entire day cleaning one house only to come to your new place which is covered in boxes and things strewn into whatever space you could find.


5. Oven cleaner makes your lungs tickle.

Trick is not to breathe.

6. Tea is underrated.

Yup. So is gin.

7. Men need direction and someone cracking the whip or they get distracted by Things That Might Possibly Need To Be Done But Are Not What I Should Be Doing Right Now.


7.a Men are very useful when moving house (and at other times) so one shouldn't be too mean to them.

Also true. But you must never let them know.

8. Fathers-in-law a extremely helpful and good at things like changing light fittings, rewiring, and building Ikea bookshelves.

I have seen you build an IKEA bookshelf. I believe Tim's father came in very handy.

9. We have a LOT of stuff. Like, a fucking LOT of stuff


10. I love books. Possibly more than I should. Books have decided where things go and what rooms look like in our new house. I need more books.


11. Living in a house one owns is much, much, much nicer than renting one.


12. We have a whole drawer full of bags or boxes of sugar. I don't know why.

Does that mean you do not want the rest of ours?

13. It is possible to just Keep Doing Things for three days in a row till nearly midnight even though you are so tired you could probably sleep on a stampede of bison.

Also intersting. Possibly connected to the tea?

14. Beds are important.

They are.

So, dear Rafonauts. Tim and I have finally moved into the house we bought at the end of February. It is so very good to finally be in our own home. Even though we still have lots of unpacking to do (I cried when I got home today after cleaning the old flat), we're in our very own place and that feels good. Hooray.


So. What do you want of ours? We are bringing our lamp tomorrow, but we also have a caftière, a printer, a plant (in a goldfish bowl) a lot of white bowls and things, some glasses and a carrying tray. Possibly other stuff. And a lot of food.

Edit: oh, and vodka.

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