Active Users:204 Time:20/05/2024 03:17:07 AM
Even if it's only a conspiracy of circumstance (increasingly hard to believe), it's real. Joel Send a noteboard - 25/08/2011 03:37:26 PM
I can tell you, there isn't some vast conspiracy to "steal wealth" or what not. If there were I would have known about it. Believe me. I've met Presidents of corrupt countries, I know members of Congress, I have clients I can't divulge information about and there isn't any big "conspiracy" out there. Well, there may be, but not like what you're talking about. People are venal and petty and simple, and most like to think they're doing the right thing.

True, no one casts themselves as the villain in their own life story. History is replete with villainy nonetheless, because we're adept at rationalizing our behavior and inept at objectivity about it. Stalin and Mao didn't consider themselves monsters any more than Breivik does, but their rose colored glasses don't change reality.

People do have enough objectivity that your clients don't tell you every dirty little secret of their lives. They surely tell you more than they'd like because it's necessary for you to provide effective legal counsel, but no one who knows all or most of hidden details of government and commerce has time to debate them with me on a fiction fan sites MB. Fact is, Harry Reid and John Boehner are no more likely to discuss that with you than with me or their cleaning lady, because the disparities between their legal and menal staff that seem so great to you are trivial to them. I believe you when you say you don't want more Obama because you're worried about providing for your family, but I assure you Mitt Romney and John McCain have no such worries. No one in a position to factually dispute a conspiracy, whether of circumstance or intent, does. I strongly recommend dispensing with that kind of elitism right now; you are not and never will be one of them, CAN'T be, no matter how many Romneys you vote for or subscriptions to The Economist you buy. To actual elitists you are as much a peon as I; the only difference is that one of us knows that.
People in power on the right do not fight to try to help the rich get richer. They have a fundamental position that the world works best when the market decides who wins and who loses, because the alternative is having a government hack deciding it. They employ thousands upon thousands of people and help people who are less adept at things support families.

It doesn't always work ideally, but then again nothing does. Anything built by human hands is flawed.

As this applies to politics, anyone with a brain realizes that the only Republican candidate who can ever appeal to people outside the party, and thus stand even a nominal chance of winning, is Mitt Romney. Romney is moderate enough on social issues and fiscally conservative and will thus appeal to moderate and independent voters. Romney is no more or less "bought" than anyone else.

Generally true, but obviously I mean that less positively. I'm sure a few fringe Republican candidates aren't privy to the SOP, but no viable ones, by definition.

Perry is a pompous ass. Bachmann is an idiot and Palin is probably as retarded as her son. Obama is incompetent and inexperienced and never should have been President. Hillary is a ruthless politico who is sick of politics. Jeb Bush would probably make an outstanding President but his brother has made it nearly impossible for him to win. These are all simple truisms. There is nothing crazy about it. There is no impending socialist revolution because socialism has never worked, anywhere.

That may be the most dangerous belief on the right today, that the fall of the Soviets faux communism forever discredited Marxism and eliminated the need to accept creeping socialism as an alternative to bloody communist revolutions. That incentive long provided some restraint and perspective; wealthy power brokers would only go just so far before relenting, lest going too far provoke the masses. Unfortunately, just as the absence of Soviet competition allowed the State Dept. to embrace torture and domestic spying as legitimate, it's allowed the return of robber barons convinced no one will ever again take any alternative seriously. Maybe you're right the current status quo won't spawn some modern day Che Guevara but, unless the trend is reversed, sooner or later the growing number of unemployed, homeless and hungry Americans will storm the Bastille. Marx and Engels didn't invent that, they simply analyzed it through the lens of history; their economic models are weaker for that perspective, but their historical models are correspondingly stronger.

As for socialism not working, don't tell that to Western Europe, or Canada. It's not a piñata of government giveaways, and places like Greece have suffered for treating it that way, but just because giving dead peoples social security benefits to their family isn't economically viable doesn't mean socialism itself is a failure. It's working fine in Scandinavia, except when Iceland let itself get suckered into the subprime mortgage disaster laissez-faire capitalism produced, but it's not like non-socialist countries did any better out of that, not even the one responsible for it. According to the WHO, as of 2000 France had the best healthcare on the planet (America was 37th, though we were first in healthcare SPENDING). Western Europes strong economic performance is typically dismissed on the grounds that socialism only works for small populations, but that's a bit untenable given that its population exceeds Americas by about 100 million, and its most potent members economically and otherwise are Britain (pop. 62 million), Germany (pop. 81 million) and France (pop. 65 million). Glancing over the list of countries by nominal GDP, socialism seems to do pretty well; even if we define China, Japan and India as "non-socialist", a narrow majority of the top ten countries are still socialist, and the EU as a whole has a higher GDP than the US. America could do a lot worse, and the current system isn't just "flawed", it's failing; not only has it done incredible damage to our own economy (with no sign that's abating), the damage it's done to the rest of the world threatens the EU economy even more than overly ambitious entitlement programs do.

Capitalism is flawed and any economic system is materialistic (there is a reason Marxists studied "dialectical materialism" ). If you're looking for a moral compass look to Christ, or the Buddha or someone like that.

I do; that's why I find it so bizarre when people like Perry and Bush try to make laissez-faire capitalism and rabid (selective) Christianity reasons to elect them.

As for the reality of tacit or other conspiracies in the GOP nomination, it speaks volumes that Romney's been the frontrunner from the start even though most of the base can't stand him. The oft villified 2.5% of the country that controls 90% of the nations wealth also controls the GOP presidential nomination; that's not "the market" deciding anything, it's the marketers deciding everything. What worries me is that the same applies to the Democratic nomination, and what it portends for a country that won't forever accept the consequences of that.
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
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Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
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Is Rick Perry the GOPs Future--or Americas New Reality? - 22/08/2011 04:34:38 PM 659 Views
far left rags don't like Rick Perry, now that is a shocker *NM* - 22/08/2011 05:11:00 PM 117 Views
Big picture, man. - 22/08/2011 05:21:23 PM 256 Views
sorry I fell asleep somewhere in the middle of HPV vaccinations - 22/08/2011 05:46:55 PM 368 Views
When she starts talking about what supporters will do to opponents, that comparison will work. - 22/08/2011 06:13:24 PM 419 Views
no I just get tired of all the pissing and moaning about how mean republicans are - 22/08/2011 06:28:13 PM 310 Views
Not playing the D/R game. - 22/08/2011 06:32:15 PM 275 Views
Joel that is such BS - 22/08/2011 06:47:52 PM 245 Views
Excuse me, but you're the only one citing mean attacks by either side against the other. - 22/08/2011 06:59:37 PM 374 Views
did you hit your head Joel? - 22/08/2011 07:32:10 PM 222 Views
Separate issue, but talking about what your supporters will do to people isn't very complex code. - 22/08/2011 08:08:56 PM 284 Views
that argument only holds up if you ignore what he said and insert what you decided to hear *NM* - 22/08/2011 08:37:26 PM 136 Views
The quote's on record and speaks for itself. - 22/08/2011 08:41:19 PM 239 Views
I agree and it doesn't call on anyone to do anything to anyone - 22/08/2011 10:17:59 PM 249 Views
You guys remind me of those two on the old Star Trek episode "Let This Be Your Last Battlefield". *NM* - 23/08/2011 01:14:54 AM 144 Views
I remember that one. *NM* - 23/08/2011 04:54:04 AM 130 Views
Riddle me fake left, riddle me fake right.... - 23/08/2011 05:42:46 PM 251 Views
I work on Enterprise Zone audits - 22/08/2011 06:17:17 PM 266 Views
shhh this isn't about facts it is about emotions *NM* - 22/08/2011 06:29:17 PM 125 Views
We're still talking public funds though. - 22/08/2011 06:30:34 PM 377 Views
I don't understand the handing out part - 22/08/2011 06:39:15 PM 256 Views
It comes from the "grants" part. - 22/08/2011 06:45:33 PM 398 Views
Hmm this grant must be different - 22/08/2011 06:58:20 PM 230 Views
That's what it sounds like. - 22/08/2011 07:00:58 PM 260 Views
It looks like it - 22/08/2011 07:09:13 PM 287 Views
No and No, and I don't need to read the articles to answer that. *NM* - 23/08/2011 12:39:20 AM 150 Views
On a purely metaphorical level I think it works, at least the second part. - 23/08/2011 05:14:07 PM 264 Views
You seem to think there's a huge conspiracy, generally. There isn't. - 24/08/2011 06:33:27 AM 264 Views
Even if it's only a conspiracy of circumstance (increasingly hard to believe), it's real. - 25/08/2011 03:37:26 PM 360 Views

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