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did anyone read the article? random thoughts Send a noteboard - 21/09/2011 12:54:09 AM
The article was talking about a study where they looked at the results of kids from bad schools who applied to good schools and had to put their names in a lottery. The kids who won the lottery and went to the good schools significantly out performed the kids who lost the lottery and went to the bad schools. They did this even though the good school would be more crowded and the bad school less crowded. There is nothing hypothetical about the study.

For the lucky students who managed to get into the better schools it was a huge opportunity they would not have otherwise have had. I count that a win even though it is only a partial win since some kids were still forced to attend failing schools. Just because you can't save everyone doesn't mean you shouldn't save the ones you can. Now the hope would be that the loss of students would force the bad school to improve but at least the maximum number of students were helped even if it doesn't. If we could get the unions and the politics out of the way we could empower the administration at the bad school to either learn to do better or replace them with someone who can. There is no excuse for taxpayers to spend money on an education system that doesn't educate or to protect the jobs of educators who do not educate.
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School choice works - 20/09/2011 10:25:16 PM 495 Views
The word "duh" comes to mind. - 20/09/2011 11:01:26 PM 238 Views
Well first you helped as many kids as possible - 21/09/2011 12:14:28 AM 228 Views
Cool cool. I'm confused, though- won't pretty much everyone try to get into the "better" schools? - 20/09/2011 11:47:45 PM 212 Views
If you read the aritcle it tells you the good schools were full to capacity - 21/09/2011 12:17:15 AM 218 Views that's kind of unfair. - 21/09/2011 12:58:21 AM 225 Views
I read the article. I was wondering about other matters. - 21/09/2011 04:16:06 AM 222 Views
I looked but you have to pay $5 for a copy of the working paper - 21/09/2011 02:27:13 PM 218 Views
That doesn't seem to have much to do with choice... - 20/09/2011 11:59:06 PM 249 Views
did anyone read the article? - 21/09/2011 12:54:09 AM 250 Views

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