Active Users:153 Time:02/06/2024 12:51:17 PM
Unreasonable doubt is impossible to eliminate. - Edit 1

Before modification by Joel at 22/09/2011 10:05:25 PM

.....but I would use the standard of "no doubt" instead of "beyond a reasonable doubt". This means.....DNA, physical evidence, getting caught in the act, video, multiple independent eye-witnesses, etc.

That is why we word the verdict that way. Maybe I am just a coma victim in a hospital some place imagining the whole trial and events leading up to it, in which case the imaginary defendant is not guilty of any crimes against an imaginary victim. Maybe I am a mentally challenged jelly fish creature on a distant planet mistaking an entertainment program for reality. Those are irrefutable doubts, but far from reasonable ones, and should therefore not prevent anyones conviction. David Icke thinks extradimensional lizard people run the world, but his doubt of world leaders very humanity is unreasonable, and so not generally taken seriously.

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