Active Users:294 Time:06/05/2024 08:45:26 AM
Yup, and trying for coherence would only have frustrated you. Joel Send a noteboard - 25/10/2011 01:50:15 AM
again! and its my bday! expect another drunk post mlater thisd night because who doesnt love going tot heir b ar twice oin their 21st! Tahank god i got work off tomorrow. And thank whoever it was on my last drunk post who told me that proper spelling and grammar was for fools cause now i can type whatever yi want and forget about backspaceing. and i can work from home tomorrowl. yayyyy!

Apart from that, have fun, be safe, and remember to hydrate before you crash: If you wait till tomorrow it will already be too late. Though, if you can keep it down, banana milkshakes are a great way to replace lost Ca and K in addition to water. Congrats on the big 2 1, btw; may you enjoy it and many more that are even better.

I did hydrate a bit. but when i woke up this morning at 7 to turn on my work laptop, I drank like literally 5 cups of water and passed out again. First time I heard about banana milkshakes tho. That's a good idea.

Thanks, I am pretty sure I can claim credit for it (I know a lot of people swear by tomato juice, but it seems like something alkaline rather than acidic is better for a queasy stomach, and milk helps coat the stomach lining much like Pepto does.) Sounds like you did alright though; if you hydrated the night before, woke up, chugged half a gallon of water and then lost consciousness before you had to confront any further ill effects I expect you probably felt OK when you woke up for good. Glad you had fun and are none the worse for wear.
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
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I;m drunk! - 24/10/2011 07:06:05 AM 515 Views
Never backspace in drunken spam; it is just wrong. - 24/10/2011 08:52:34 AM 352 Views
I see that now. This was much more fun than a coherent post. - 24/10/2011 06:06:40 PM 347 Views
Yup, and trying for coherence would only have frustrated you. - 25/10/2011 01:50:15 AM 495 Views
Happy Birthday *NM* - 24/10/2011 09:22:15 AM 147 Views
Happy birthday, dude. *NM* - 24/10/2011 01:16:19 PM 149 Views
May all your future inebriations be as jolly. *NM* - 24/10/2011 01:40:54 PM 136 Views
Happy Birthday! *NM* - 24/10/2011 02:00:55 PM 215 Views
happy birthday *NM* - 24/10/2011 02:42:34 PM 135 Views
Happy Birthday! *NM* - 24/10/2011 03:22:02 PM 154 Views

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