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He went on about that at some length in his little manifesto. Joel Send a noteboard - 29/11/2011 07:45:22 PM
But you might judo chop me.

I would never. My reaction was much the same.

I do sort of wonder how all the advance planning works with the insanity plea. Does one assume that strategic planning is possible outside the realm of reality? He had to understand and function within the typical rules of society until deciding to step outside them. To some degree, anyway. I don't know.

Basically, he went out of his way to be a total boy scout prior to his rampage specifically to avoid drawing any undesirable attention that would disrupt methodical planning and preparation that took place over years (which in some ways is the most disturbing thing about it: Despite years actively putting the pieces in place for his rampage there were no warning signs for friends and neighbors until he unleashed it.) That, and the fact he fully understood the difference between right and wrong well enough to apparently consider the massacre a literal "necessary evil" (he openly stated that he expected his acts would rightly be viewed as reprehensible but that he felt his holy war required he commit what he acknowledges was an atrocity) made me very curious about how his mental evaluation would go.

Realistically, Breivik was probably no more likely to ever again see the light of day than Manson is, for the same reasons. Had they determined him sane they would have put him in prison for twenty-one years and STILL put him in a psych ward for the rest of his life after that; now he will just go straight to the psych ward. Either way, he was virtually guaranteed to be locked up for the rest of his life, as he obviously should be. He may be better off; I do not know how it is here, but I have always heard that people who commit violent crimes against children are at least as much pariahs in US prisons as they are on the street (again I cite Jeffrey Dahmer, who only survived a year and a half in prison, making that far solely because the first attack failed to kill him.)
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
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Anders Behring Breivik is insane - 29/11/2011 01:18:27 PM 542 Views
I kinda feel like saying "duh." - 29/11/2011 01:29:06 PM 297 Views
Re: I kinda feel like saying "duh." - 29/11/2011 01:39:56 PM 280 Views
Re: I kinda feel like saying "duh." - 29/11/2011 01:47:36 PM 306 Views
Re: I kinda feel like saying "duh." - 29/11/2011 01:50:30 PM 269 Views
Well. - 29/11/2011 01:51:56 PM 275 Views
In the UK, being a psycho- or sociopath is specifically excluded from the insanity defence's remit. - 29/11/2011 02:06:40 PM 266 Views
Sure. - 29/11/2011 02:20:06 PM 310 Views
Re: Well. - 29/11/2011 02:41:32 PM 272 Views
so if he responds to meds will they let him go? *NM* - 29/11/2011 05:11:16 PM 94 Views
Unlikely. - 29/11/2011 05:12:54 PM 279 Views
He went on about that at some length in his little manifesto. - 29/11/2011 07:45:22 PM 314 Views
Well, that neatly gets round the problem of the 21-year sentencing limit for murderers. - 29/11/2011 02:08:13 PM 296 Views
Yes - 29/11/2011 02:40:19 PM 294 Views
Re: Well, that neatly gets round the problem of the 21-year sentencing limit for murderers. - 29/11/2011 05:10:50 PM 327 Views
Can you please explain? - 30/11/2011 08:31:47 AM 255 Views
Re: Can you please explain? - 30/11/2011 09:50:27 AM 450 Views
So have I understood this right? - 30/11/2011 05:03:00 PM 269 Views
Yes - 30/11/2011 05:06:59 PM 298 Views
Re: So have I understood this right? - 30/11/2011 07:33:13 PM 373 Views
One thing surprised me though - 30/11/2011 04:20:37 PM 259 Views
Re: One thing surprised me though - 30/11/2011 05:05:24 PM 278 Views
Re: One thing surprised me though - 30/11/2011 11:12:28 PM 274 Views

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