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Answers nossy Send a noteboard - 18/04/2012 03:57:20 PM
Last one!

1. The 1977 film "Saturday Night Fever" popularized what kind of dancing?


2. Which dancer did the splashing solo for the title song in the 1952 film "Singin' in the Rain"?

Gene Kelly

3. What kind of dances were Johann Strauss's "Blue Danube" and "Tales from the Vienna Woods"?

Waltzes (Viennese waltzes)

4. In which country did the dance called the lambada originate?


5. Which dance was popularized by Chubby Checker with a million-selling record in 1960?

The Twist

6. In which form of dancing were Marius Petipa, Anna Pavlova and Rudolf Nureyev famous?


7. Which famous pair of dancers starred in the 1939 film "The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle"?

Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers

8. Which fast rhythmic dance of the 1920s, characterized by kicking and by twisting of the legs from the knee down, was named after a city in South Carolina?


9. Name the Latin American dance of three steps and a kick to each bar, usually performed by a number of people in single file.


10. Name the choreographer and film director (1895-1976) whose lavish spectacles used intricate camera moves and unusual angles to fill the screen with dancers arranged in geometric patterns.

Busby Berkeley
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Pick your fave quiz: Dance - 18/04/2012 03:55:24 PM 366 Views
Answers - 18/04/2012 03:57:20 PM 252 Views
9. Didn't know 10, and 4 was a good guess. *NM* - 18/04/2012 05:37:23 PM 101 Views
Considering I am no big fan, my 8 are a huge victory! - 18/04/2012 06:33:40 PM 310 Views
8/10. Missed 2 and 10. *NM* - 18/04/2012 07:22:32 PM 111 Views
No Macarena? - 18/04/2012 11:33:08 PM 294 Views
8. 4 & 10 were also my downfall. *NM* - 19/04/2012 01:28:21 PM 102 Views
Oops. "Lambada" and "La Bomba" are not the same thing. I got 7. *NM* - 19/04/2012 04:44:19 PM 152 Views
6 right ... ouch ... - 23/04/2012 06:22:12 AM 341 Views

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